Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sneak view of Summer 2012

Sneak view or is it read..... or whatever....

1st Guards German Empire

"Gefreiter, watch those houses across the river.. There could be snipers." I nodded to the Sergeant upon his advice. He has move on ahead probably to warn the others. I looked at the open windows and building walls to see if there is anything unusual. I saw one window which a lady is standing there looking at us. She is a young lady and she is probably curious at how we looked like. I waved to her but she did not waved back. Its looked like she is talking to someone in the room behind her.

"She is pretty, huh?" Its Benny again and this time he walked beside me before speaking. I nodded at his statement. "Pity she is on the other side." We both laughed.

It was not long when we got our first taste of battle. The shots came in front of us and hit one of the men from the other platoon.

"Sniper. Take cover." I shouted down the line as the second shot came. I crouched behind the canal river edge low walls, and tried to backed my whole body behind it. Some of us are shooting at across the river on possible areas which they think the sniper could be hiding. The third shot came and the second man went down with a chest wound. I saw the bridge in front and I shouted out.

The Lost Legion
"Marco, our type of fight. I love it. Worthy foes for the day. Shall we used the dagger like the old days?" They both discard their shields and gladius. They took off their mail armor and heavy skirt. They are only clad in their tunic and holding now a dagger in each hand. "Marco, the ugly one is yours. He is as bad as your toes."

Franco went forth to take on his selected foe with a dagger in each hand, he reminds me of the robbers I met in the seaport some time back. They are nasty fighters and they never fight fair. Franco's foe came forth swinging the scimitars with both hands in cris crossed movements. Franco stepped back and then leap up with a somersault to land his legs on the assassin's face causing the assassin to staggered backwards. He falls on his feet at the rear and he turned with his body to plunge both daggers' into the assassin's left ribs. The foe of his is dead with the dagger piercing the  heart.


Images of people with different identifications and personality. Images of me being a police officer, and then a baker and once a hit man. Its all so confusing as I am supposed to be a middle aged Professor of a University and here I am driving at a high speed car chase like a professional. I saw the truck coming out of the alley and I calculated the distance and speed like a pro. I pushed the car to the maximum and cleared the truck just as its coming out. The police car on my tail did not clear it as it crashed into the side of the truck.

The Crusaders

"I trust all of you gentlemen are comfortable in our hospitality. Now I shall call upon the payment for my lodging and food." I turned to see before me the transformed Friar now is a Ogre that stand tall over me. He carries with him a large sword that can cleave a man in half with one swing. Just as he has completed his transformation, the library was soon filled with more of his kind that came in from the different entrances.

The trio of us stood up and drew our arms to defend ourselves.


Sure reads like the Summer Blockbuster

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