We took sheltered in the hut at the slum area near to the airport. The hut was empty so we just parked the Rover in the rear and covered it with some planks and crates. We went into the hut and took our rest. Its a small wooden place with a cooking area designated at the rear which also has a doorway to the rear where we parked the rover. The front entrance comes with a door and a side window on the left. Whoever was staying here did not partition any rooms as it only a large hall here. We can see the strewn personal remains of what may had served as bedding and some cutleries scattered around. But its a covered shelter and we can hear the flying noise over our heads as air crafts are taking off for the skies.
Henry and other guy were taking the watch while we all rested, but we were soon awaken by the sounds of some gun fire. I sat up and looked around to see if anyone was hurt. Then I walked towards Henry who crouched at the window looking out. I joined him there as he brief me what happened.
"Two of them ran into that hut chased by some armed men. They are held in a siege there by five men. But they are not military. Possible rebels or just thugs with guns. But they are not moving towards us. I think the attackers are planning to something as I seen them running around." The hut is about two hundred yards away.
"Any idea who those two are?" But Henry shook his head.
"But one of them seemed to be wearing a priest robe."
"Cover me." I sneaked off out of the hut and ran towards the shooting. I am armed with my hand guns and I am just curious to get into action. I came around the corner and walked straight into one of the attacker. The guy is dressed like any ordinary guy on the street with a red scaff on his neck but he is armed with a automatic in his waist and holding a small bore rifle probably a .22 rifle. He was alarmed on bumping into me, but I was more used to such situation. I grabbed his scaff and pulled him down towards me while I punched my left fist into the front of his neck. The blow took his voice and broke his windpipe. As he was grasping for breath, I pulled him down with a right knee into his midriff, followed by a back neck chop. He was dead by the time he hit the ground. I looked past the corner and saw no one. I picked up the .22 rifle and moved along the side of the hut towards the center scene. I saw another man standing at the far end looking at the hut which the two men are holding up. I sneaked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Pedro, I told you....uh, who are you?" He turned to face me. The man is dressed quite similar to the dead man and he has a red scaff too. I jabbed the rifle into the bottom of his chin and asked him to call the rest here. The man took up his hand and whistled to them. Soon I find myself facing two man with handgun's in their hands.
"I want all of you to cleared off here. You can forget about Pedro as he is dead. Or you will all end up like him." They don't seemed to understand me or don;t want to. So dropped the handguns and showed them my empty hands.
"Good choice. Shooting creates sound and that bring in more soldiers. So we do it the quiet way, huh?" I find myself soon encircle by the three men, of which one is armed with a dagger. "Three to one; that's a unfair but who is counting." The none with the dagger came swinging his hand at me from he left and to the right. I watched his movements and at the correct timing, I reached and grab the hand holding the dagger, I twisted wrist and assailant dropped his dagger. I took hold of the wrist and swung the man towards his friend on the left. At that moment when I released the man I held on by the wrist, I swung out with my right foot on a side swing onto the man on the right. My kick got him on the chest and he fell back. I had then regain my stance and ran towards the two men who had crashed into each other. I did a flying kick on the back of the man who was crashing into his partner and send both of them hurling to the back. I followed on with two well placed neck chop on the two fallen men. I got up from the unconscious duo to see the earlier man I kicked now standing there holding a handgun.
"Don't do it." But he never got the chance. The shot came from behind me. It hit the man in the chest and he fell down dead.
The duo came out and one of them is a priest. A man of the flock and he carries a gun pointing at me which he just shot at the dead man. His companion is a younger female teen dressed in the man's clothing.
"Thank you, sir. My name is Father Seab, and this is my care, Nicole. We are glad for your help but are you also to harm us like them. I could use this gun if I need to. We lived in thriving times and some exceptions must be made." Father Seab is an elderly man who wears the parish cloak but he carries a weapon of pain. He is semi bald and frail looking but he his grip on the handgun is firm.
"I meant you no harm, Father. I was in the nearby hut when I saw your predicament. Truly we live in thriving times to see one of your faith holding a gun. Where is your parish, Father and I may bring you there in safety."
"Our place was burned by them but our brothers..." Nicole was stopped from speaking by the priest for he trusts not me to reveal his other care.
"Stranger, we can be on our way now. I thank you and please allowed us to move in our own path."
I gave him passage and I walked back to the hut which we were hiding. I met Henry half way as he came running with the FN.
"So you found the priest as I can see from here. I seen the man before. He is Father Seab and runs the old church nearby here. I came by here a few times as there is a pilot who used to stay near his place. But the pilot is dead; went down with the shipment and the plane. My ex-friend used to give some of his proceeds to the Father. I think he told me once Father Seab was once a mercenary now turned to be a man of God.'
"Well, he is on his own now, and we got a plane to catch."
But our surveillance of the airport tells us its quite impossible to get in there unobserved, unless something major happened.
It did at 1700hr.
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