Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New Pangaea Pg 297 - 301

Week 46
Day 1
The delegates of the Atlantean’s later came in that morning in their mother ship. It also stayed in orbit while their equivalent to our Shuttle brought them down. They introduced themselves as the Twelve Council Members of the Expeditionary Ships. They are twelve of them, all dressed in the long toga and carrying no weapons or tridents. But they are accompanied by a platoon of guards who are armed with Tridents. The leading Council is also named Advant but this one is older and looked wiser. Each Council member has its role in the delegation as they showed us their knowledge and skills in the different section.
We spend some days with us and brief us on their system and city.
I was left with Advant to accompany me on the tour. I was surprised that they actually valued us as the people to stay here and take care of the city. They showed us new sections of the city and how it may work for us. Like the sections where the farms can be nurtured and harvested. And how the core works. But surprising, they never taught us how to build it or replaced it; only operate and basic repairs. I guess the technology transfer is limited.
But the most important discussion I had with Advant was the migration of the Atlantean s from the previous world and this one.
Atlantis did sink as speculated by many, but the cause of it was not a volcano eruption or tsunami. It was the Core which overheat and they had to contained the heat and blast by sinking it. When they flooded the city, the sea took on as a coolant on the Core but it was too late. The city did exploded beneath the sea causing the massive waves. It was not as bad if the Core had fully melted but it was enough to bring in massive destruction. But by then, the Atlantean s has evacuated by their ships which was on the city; camouflaged as part of the city. That was why the city was deemed to had disappear overnight as what really sank was mostly the cover structures and roads. When I press on, they told me the Core overheated because of the splinter group had caused it to by damaging the cooling mechanism.
On the Atlantean’s moving on, it was their tradition to lived on a world for a period of time like in a thousand years, monitored and study it, and then moved from there. But on Earth, it was an exception. There was a group that decided to stay on to continue the study, and the council approved it. They made themselves to look like the locals and lived within them There was a sub-group who when unattended and poorly controlled ended up by populating with the locals, thus carrying on living like the locals in traditions. That brought on the unknown factors into their genealogy and thus made them different from the original race. These troubled the others who retain their ancestry; thus the pure bred and the mixed began to squabble over the set traditions and rules. Once the these rifts became more intense the splinter group began to grow with local supporters and new entrants among the locals. They declared war on others as seen in your history.
But the oath they took on as Atlantean’s was they will never used their weapon on the world we inhabit. So it was then they resorted to the weapons of that time. But we improvised with some. Soon the war was lost as some of the pure Atlantean’s joined the other locals to battle the splinter group. The splinter soon lost and retreated back to Atlantis City for punishment. That trigger the sinking of the city; a work of some fanatics who viewed the punishment as retribution to their kind..
When Atlantis as we know sank, the group from Earth carried their own to this new world here. As their genealogy could had been tainted, the council direct them to move here on this new world to lived here with the same environment as their previous home and to evolved back to the original Atlantean’s in the period of time. They were given the choice to start from the Jurassic period with the creatures and terrain terraform from the old surface. The group was to move the new evolution from there. What may have taken million of years on Earth took a faster pace here on this world.
But among them were members of the splinter grouping who still chose to keep to their old ways and infiltrated new ones with their ideas. The rift of the previous world was carried on to here. The splinter group moved on their trail of parallel evolution to speed up the development of homo sapien, but they were discovered and made to stop their experiments. The splinter group move out of the city and began a new city outside of this land. They began to renew the war with the purebreds. Eventually the splinter were defeated again and ostracized to their new city on the continent while leaving the true Atlantean s to evolved back to their own race again.
Once that was done, the calling of the new Atlantean’s to rejoin the main people was made. They left on their ships but this time on advise among themselves, they left the city here intact but hidden from the others. The reason for the rift was never disclosed to the council and they did not know about the rift had been carried here. And when it was known; the council ordered a expeditionary force to find the splinter grouping. But they cannot be found at the new city and has assumed to have left this world.
The Atlantean’s monitored the place on a routine basis for the return of the splinter group. When we arrived to reopened the city, it was the Splinter group trying to capture the city back. With our doing, we alerted the remnants of the splinter group to the city location. The group who was on New Pangaea used the Pyramid to attack the city. They used the pyramids as it was left over by the other members for such use. But we destroyed it before any damage can be done. Now the Advant are pursuing their own kinds so that they can be brought back to be true Atlantean’s.
I am brazen to said that by ‘cleansing’ the purity of the race; isn’t that a form of discrimination by race. Advant agreed to my claim, but he adds to say that was the earlier tradition, but recent changes in the mind of the Council is to embraced it back as evolution does not mean keeping it on a linear path but also constantly improving on its path or paths. With that, the splinter group can be engaged in talks or discussions on their new status in the Atlantean’s race.
Advant made another stand on the evolution concept which does fringe on the issue of being ‘pure bred’ as said by me. To his people, its a scientific direction to find the ideal species. He went further to explain to me the how a true bred Atlantean really are. The Atlantean can lived for over five hundred earth years although they do grow as normal like the humanoids, and then their aging slowed down to stretched over four hundred years before they aged again. As this was the case, the physical body takes a lot of punishment hence the process of cloning the needed parts to replaced them in case of damage. They called it the Elixir of Longevity and not the crave Elixir of Immortality. Cloning was one of their studies to supplement their needs for body parts or replacement if need be. Its also used to understand evolution and its not banned like on Earth but they do monitored it closely. They been doing the evolution or cloning process for centuries. Sometimes for the purpose of meeting like the one they sent down, I am actually talking to the clone. The actual host is on some home planet. They create clones also to work for them on such works and they are more than humanoids.
According to Advant, Council members we are meeting now are cloned of their true self in the form which we are comfortable to looked at. Their true self is different in all aspects. There are other Advants which are in other forms but linked by psychic thoughts to the host. Humanoids are not the only species in the Universe; we are only one of the many kinds. It took me a while to comprehend it, but soon I understand.
The true traditions of the Atlantean s has been observers in other worlds hence their need to protect their identity and integrity calls for non-interaction between them and of the world. But Earth was an exception made and regretfully it created issues which the previous answer was to re-integrate back to the main stream. But the continuous study of that effect has resulted in more broader views and the newly accepted decision to assimilate than to decimate the interaction. So the newly joined splinter group Atlantean’s will share their thoughts with the main race and we will assimilate the finer points to enhance our race.
I raised the question of myself to Advant like being able to operate the chair and hold the Trident. His answer is more unbelievable. According to Advant, one of my forefathers could had been an Atlantean, who populate with the locals. But due to my genetics buildup, the Atlantean’s traits are still very strong in me. That is why ALPHA could give me limited access to the memories or databases. My forefather may be a clone but the linked is stronger with the host, hence the passing on of its dormin at traits into me despite the generations. My genes despite the many mixture of traits has still retained much of the original one from my Atlantean’s forefather intrigue them. The Atlantean’s has found me to be an unique person in their words, but I would prefer to use the term ‘specimen’. But they agreed that I will be monitored and not dissected for now as its part of their new ‘broader view’ now.
I wanted to know more about the evolution and cloning but Advant moved me to the new topic.
He wanted to show me the real Atlantis. He showed me that what I am seeing is only part of Atlantis. The city I am dwelling in is actually one fifth of Atlantis. Its called the Poseidon City. There are two more cities; Zeus and Hera. The three are the greatest God in the Greeks Myth. Advant walked up to APLHA and said; ‘Uncover the rest of the cities.’
I can feel the flooring rumble and everything was shaking. And then it stopped.
‘Shall we view the cities together?’ Advant was out of the door towards the Flight Deck.

Its majestic. Its more than a wonder. Its huge.
‘That’s Zeus.’ I am looking at a replica of the original city but this one is larger and it has five rings. But instead of a central Dome, there is a large pillar structure coming out of the earth and on top is a rounded tabletop structure laying on top of it like a cluster of cloud.
‘That’ Hera’ Its a major sinkhole where the structures are build into the hole and sinks within it. ‘The city of Hera is an underwater city that links to the two other cities beneath it.’
‘Each city has a a series of water moat to it except Hera, as on Hera; its considered as one major moat around and over it. Poseidon has three to show its prowess over then three elements; earth, water and wind. Whereas Zeus is the greatest with the those elements and extra; fire and metal. As Zeus is the greatest; its lightning bolts protects the cities. The two cities has the same pillars on its three inner most rings except for Hera. Hera is a lady and she is protected by her fury from within the force of the sinkhole. No one has seen its power as yet. I am not sure you wanted to for hell halt none for a woman scorned. Just borrowing your expressions, Commander Bent.’
‘Aye, Advant. I believed ye.’

Day 3
They did leave us soon enough; but with a load of knowledge for us to play for a lifetime, and more questions yet to be answered. But I think they did good by leaving the major parts out so we do not explode the city again in the process. They found the splinter group and left with them. So did the apes and chimps left for the jungle. We are now the only earthling here albeit two warring sides. And I got a city that is triple its size to cover.
My desk was flooded with reports of new findings but none on how I can managed the city form invaders.The doctors are running wild with their boundaries and line demarcation on the areas in the cities. For once, we have supplies to go around, and even my military officers are becoming uncivilized; no one salutes me.
‘ALPHA, tell me what I would like to know.’
‘Advant has given me access to a number of databases and I am still assimilating them into my mine. I think I found the Organization here on New Pangaea.’

I was packing for my flight when the Code One came in. It was Earth Council and it looks bad. The planet we called Earth is going to die sooner than we know. The Organization on being discovered and cracked at, has gone to the extreme. Nukes both from us and the Fed’s has been exploded on the surface and beneath, accelerating the demise of Earth. All EDS has been recalled to evacuate as many as they can in the coming days. We are to be prepared for new colonists cum refugees both from the Federations and Empire. 
Its called ‘Operation Migration’ now.
This is unacceptable by anyone, but they done the unforgiven act. For once, I really felt drained of any motivation or energy to proceed. All my friends and people I may know are either dead or going to die. I been risking my life for the last few years doing what I can to save them before the Earth call its day and now someone pushed the button to pull the timeline forward.
Darned it. This is the final straw.

‘Major, you take Jessie, while McKay covers the rear. I will take Nix. On my command we break formation and blast them all.’ I am in a foul mood and I intend to carved some of it on these geeks. We flew in to the coordinates given by ALPHA. There they are all roosting on the ground level.
‘Commander, I am getting a hailer from them. They want to surrender without any terms. I think they given up on the war.’ I slammed my fist on the flight panel. They are surrounding even before I could bore their bones out of the body.
‘Commander.’ That was Major Feeley asking me for confirmation.
‘Recall on mission. Hail them to fly all their people to the city yard now. We will escort them in.’ I also comm Pedro to arrange a security detail for the incoming Fed’s.

Four hundred and thirty three of them stand before; men and women of all ranks and age. Some of them did not surrender and have left for the jungle. Of those standing before me, they are both military and non-military aka civilians. They are all unarmed now; flew in by the twenty nine HELI-PODs.
They are Earthlings and they are here.
Its a tough decision.
‘My name is Commander Bent. And for those of you who are not aware of the latest, Earth is dying at a faster rate due to your organization reckless released of nukes on the planet. We are doing a major evacuation now for these planets. There is no more war between the Federations and Empire; only peace for now and forever. You are the lucky ones; you are already here. But you came here to takeover and not share this place. So now you have failed, and we are having to decide for you.’
I paused to looked at the faces looking at me. Some are in grief , but some are in pain of losing, while there are a few who are still defiant on my speech. To these last few, they did not lose but they surrendered. And they will fight again if given the opportunity.
‘Some of you don’t believe me. You still want to fight for your organization when the time is ripe. I would too. But I would also consider if its foolish for me to do so when the cause is over. Your cause is over. Your new cause is here. To develop and protect this land from becoming another Earth. I am offering you a choice. Be the new people of New Pangaea or walked back to the jungle. Your vehicles are still there. Your guns are still there. Your life to continue is still there. I won’t hunt you if you don’t hurt the the people here. You call.’
I was right; the defiant walked towards the HELI-PODs but only a handful. They took off in the single HELI-PODs back to where they came from. I moved the remaining ones to Zeus, and let them stay there as colonists. Of all the faces I seek, Victoria Seeker is not there. A kid walked up to me and gave me a chip.
‘General Seeker asked me to give you this.; Its a memory chip.

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