Saturday, March 24, 2012

New Pangaea Pg 317-320

Week 49
Day 1
‘Commander, you are needed in Command Unit.’
I see on the large screen a fleet of mother ships; I counted eight of them. The Ophionites ship are unique in design. They looked like two large saucer disk jointed at the middle by a tubular axle connection. But this one flies in a vertical mode with the both saucer disk placed vertically.
‘Yes, Commander. They are really large mothership and they are capable of moving across the space in light years speed. Those mother ships are all here because they need the liquid crystal to power their light speed core. Those Ophionites’ cities are dying for this power source or they cannot move between systems. They will be floating derelicts in open space soon if they do not recovered the liquid crystals. They used their last source to get here. That’s why they need to find these cities as the liquid crystal are here. Its the few places where we stored them and this is one is the least known and protected. They are prepared to fight or lose it all. I suggest you prepare for a deciding battle.’ I looked at Mon who just added to my fear.
‘ALPHA, tell me what we can do to fight them?’
‘We can hit them with the vortex, but it takes time to recharge the vortex once used like the pillars. According to my assumptions, we can probably take five of the mother ships but not more than that. Then its up to us to fight them with the other weapons.’ I looked back at the screen and seeing what may be specks of debris flying off but they turned out to be shuttles transporting the Ophionites to battle us on the surface.
‘Commander, I estimate about five thousand of Ophionites warrior on those shuttles. They will be armed with their tridents and energy scepter. Beware its power, Commander. Those scepter are powerful too. But we got more than them to contend with; the chimps are on the way too. They are pushing everyone of their allies for this final battle. However we are joined by our warriors apes.’
‘And so shall the people of the cities fight with them. Commander Feeley, organized the columns to defend the cities. Mon, our lightnings pilots are ready?’
‘They are ready for you, Senior Commander Bent. They will fly to hell for you.’
‘So be it.’

A total of ninety five Lightnings took to the skies, commandeered by myself and Sargeant Nixon. The extra eighty Lightnings came from the other two cities hidden in their own hangers flow by the New People. Each cities hold forty units except for Poseidon; we only have left fifteen of them in the air, as Major Feeley’s still sits waiting for her pilot. The extra pilots were all from the New People. Mosy of the New People are raw pilots. They are led by Mon as their leader. We split the wing to three with Mon taking thirty five and Nixon the other thirty five. For myself I assigned the balance to my squad. All the seniors of Poseidon are to be part of Nixon’s group of thirty five Lightnings.
 ‘Commander, I counted two hundred and fifty Ophion crafts only. They may have launched part of their fleet on us. Their land force are on the ground.’ Commander Feeley has arrange the ATV2 and Bubbles at the yard to protect the cities alongside with her new command of over five hundred troops. They also got the thousand odd apes on the front line. It will be close but I hoped they make it.
‘Commander, Advant is hailing us.’
‘Put him on my vid-screen, ALPHA.’ I see before me the same man with the Serpent Helmet.
‘Commander Bent. You are outnumbered and we will win if we fight. So I am suggesting that you surrender the cities and the New People. We will just take what is sufficient for our side and then we will leave you to the cities. There is no need to go into battle.’
‘Frag it, Advant. We will fight and we will win.’
‘So be it, Commander Bent. You leave me no choice. Send out the order to commence attack now. Goodbye, Commander Bent.’ The view of the man with the ego has been replaced with that a number of beeps on the viewer as the enemies crafts proceeded towards us.
This is it, for the better or for worse.
Then I saw behind the eight mother ships are another fleet of twelve much larger mother ships of near similar in design but these are triple saucer disks size. Its hovering behind the earlier fleet.
‘Commander, I think we are saved. Those are the Atlantean’s Inner Council Fleet. They are more powerful than the previous fleet.’ I can see the enemies fighter crafts are retreating back to their mother ships. More to it, the ground forces are also retreating back to their crafts to be bound for the mothership.
‘Lightning squads. All squads to recall to the cities now. All ground forces also to hold all attacks unless provoked.’ I comms to all commanders on my side.
‘Commander Bent, you are invited to board the Chronos Ship for an audience with the Council Elder Chronos. Do not touch your console, they will fly your vessel on automatic.’ That was ALPHA and I get to meet the Council now.

‘Commander Bent, welcome to the Chronos.’ I stepped off the Lightning, and is still in a daze. This place is monstrous in design. As I was flying, I was treated to a scene unbelievable to mankind. The mothership on near looked like a city by itself, with numerous ports and airlocks. There are no weapons of any kind seen on the ship but I am sure they are concealed in times like these. The outer edge of saucer is a moving components which spins on a fixed inner twelve spokes wheel designs connection to the central axle. But in this mothership the inner wheel does not rotate at all. Its inert and that was my destination. I was met by an elderly statesman dressed in toga, who called himself Chronos aide. His name is Jupiter.
‘Elder Council Chronos awaits us at the Main Chamber. Please follow me.’ I took  sneak view of the hanger which I just landed. There are about two hundred ‘Lightning’s on display here with more of other designs which I think are Drop ships or Shuttles.

‘Commander Bent has arrived.’ Jupiter has announced my presence as we step into the Main Chamber. The Main Chamber is a large dome like unit with a raised platform where I can see the Council of Twelve sits on, including the elderly Chronos. I was led to to be seated onto my right and there I saw Mon sitting not five paces away. When I came to the spot of where I was to sit, a square box raised itself to a sitting height. I take I was to sit on it like Mon was doing.
I see across the unit was my ego friend, Advant still weaning his helmet and the other Advante which I met also earlier. They don’t look too pleased to be here.
‘Welcome, Commander Bent. I believed you know everyone here. Including my council members.’ Chronos was being polite and courteous. ‘This is not a trail nor a discussion. Advant and Advante has been judged to by us on many charges and we find that just punishment will be given. We,the Atlantean’s as you named us, has been around for centuries and we advocate studies and knowledge on all the worlds we have landed. The group we sent to Earth was also give the same task, but for some reason, there was a break of oath, and the group became our first mistake in the mission objectives. It was a mistake which we took too late to correct. But nevertheless, we gave them a second chance, but they rebel on with what they can grabbed on. Instead of moving on with the study, they decided to introduce the works on themselves, further deviating from the study. Therefore the Council of Twelve has decided to take on their role as guardians. All our people on New Pangaea and on the rebel’s fleet will be subjected to the confinement chamber until they are ready to be released. Their clones are to be destroyed as its the way of ours upon full transfer of the knowledge.’
‘I protest, Elder Council Chronos.’ I shouted my protest and the twelve councils looked to me as if I have disrupted their thinking.
‘Commander Bent, you have no grounds to protest as they have all agreed. You are brought here as we have another matter to discuss with you.....’ Chronos looked very agitated and was raising his voice,
‘Mass termination of clones is the same as murder. You cannot shut down a living creature even though its a clone. I do not agreed.’ I wanted to walk out but I can’t move from the seat.
‘Commander. Please do not fight the decision made. Its for all our good and we approved the method.’ I looked at Mon who just addressed me. I looked at Advant and he also nodded his head. This is absolutely madness in the making.
‘Chronos, I am also part of your genetic failure, as I have your people’s genes from the group that came to Earth. So do that make me also a subject to your confinement?
You have failed in the research of what your forefathers did carry out to do, to learn on other species and worlds. But in the last thousand of centuries or so, you learned more than the qualities; you got involved in it. Earth was one example, and it failed. So you cover it up with the destruction of the city called Atlantis. You moved the group out to avoid any conflicts with the others in the Universe. You placed natural disaster as the reason for leaving,. You’re no more the Atlantean’s of the origin. You been corrupted by the need for knowledge and you have diverted from it. You not only became selfish race in fulfilling your ambitions, you sacrificed clones to see those achievements.
The splinter group did the same but they went further by trying to infiltrate other species by cloning into them as sub-species. Like you, they are not only seeking knowledge but stealing them as well by disguise of species. You want to stopped them as its not allowed in the rules, but you are the creator of the need in the first place. You actually created the need when you crave the knowledge of Earthlings.; the missing qualities you did not have. ALPHA told me that. Some of those qualities are not learned but inside our genes. Your desire for knowledge perverted you to co-habit with the Earthlings to learn more. More to it we are the same physical structure but we did not have some of your ‘longevities’.
From knowledge seekers, you become the ‘desired master of life’ by lengthening yours in the expanse of others for more qualities learned and assimilation fro your race survival. Like what you are trying to do here on New Pangaea. It was no ‘cleansing’ of the genes, it was furthering your creation of another Earth. You created the creature species from their original cells and you want to subdue or evolved them to your desire. You almost succeeded if not for the splinter group who rebel for their own desire of knowledge. The conflict caused the same rift in the group here. The rift became a war similar to that on Earth, but this time the splinter group left before they can be stopped. Both of you left your experiments here. You could had eradicated the chimps but you let them evolved to study them. For once, you reverted to what your forefathers went out to do. But when we came, you thought we were the splinter group, and attacked us. Then you realized your mistake but the splinter group did come. Your people allied with the next available group to win us over. It was my mistake to let you in. But I had to considering I am also like you; wanting to learn from others. And also to ensure my own survival.
Both of you did the same; opened your world to mine when you realized I am more than an Earthling. I am part Atlantean too. When Mon opened up ALPHA locks he forgot something; to lock out an Atlantean’s code. Mine. I was accessing ALPHA and she gave me what I needed to know. But as I said, I have to survive, and to do that, I will even allied with the devil to win. I was desperate and I did what I had to do. Like you, your race has become desperate to the point of assimilating yourselves to other species in the pursuit of knowledge. You do not acquire but you also chose to steal. So tell me, Chronos; do you dispute my words as a fellow Atlantean.’
Chronos and his eleven elders kept their stare at me.
‘I do not want to be a part of this race. I asked to be removed from your confinement and be eradicated with the clones.’
Then I saw nothing and hear nothing, or even feel nothing. Its all emptiness. I am in a void.

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