Thursday, March 8, 2012

New Pangaea Pg 245-253

Week 39
Day 1
The awaited report from Doctor Tanaki was on my table at 0700hr.

Special Report from Doctor Tanaki.
Day 7 Week 38
Operation ‘Core’ started at 1100hr Day 5. Team members are as follows:
1. Doctor Tanaki, Team Leader 1
2. Doctor Bell Frost, Team Leader 2
3. Doctor Ziva Moshe, Team 1
4. Doctor Schimdt Bormann, Team 1
5. Doctor Liam Lumley, Team 2
6. Doctor Sze Thing, Team 2
7. Sargeant McKay Team 1
8. Sargeant Kabe, Team 1
9. Speciliast Ian, Team 2
10. Specialist Decan, Team 2
We will split into two team on descent. We are equipped for a week’s stay if need be. As we discovered anything electrical does not work here, we are using all items and equipments which does not used it, and this report is written on writing pads and pencil.
We would winched down by a manual operated winch harness, and it will take two hours to go down. For those of us who are not familiar or worried about heights or have phobia on dark places, they will be sedated before going down. Doctor Bashir to assist here.
Team I was first to rappel down in this order; Sargeant Kabe, Sargeant McKay, myself, Frost, Ziva and Bormann. This is the Sargeant's’ reports.
Appendix 1,01
Special Report from Sargeant Kabe.
I was the first to go down; the initial fifty feet was usual, as I did caving before, but when I hit the empty darkness, it was frightening. I cannot see anything and even my thermal googles will not work. I lit up the lamps on my body ( we were equipped with head lamps, one on the shoulder and two at the waist; but they won’t work ) and I lit up the flares I had on me. I could not see dark shadows everywhere. I dropped more of the flares as instructed by Doctor Tanaki in stages to know where I am landing.
It was a grueling and scary two hours, and I am all alone. There is no communication to the top. As I neared the surface, I threw in more flares to lit up the surrounding areas. Thankfully, there was no reptiles except empty clearing. And its flat and damp with a musky smell to the air but its looks secured before I removed the harness. I signaled for the rest to descent. I proceeded to light up a fire place with my pack of woods. I lit up four more fire places and sat back for McKay. By then, they had dropped me loads of wood and supplies in those special bags. I tried the lamps and it worked here.
I also took out the five mini probes given to me by Doctor Tanaki. I laid them on the ground and activated them. They start to hum and then came alive. While I was there alone, I hear no sounds or feel any winds. It eerie and disturbing to me. I sat down and do my prayers while waiting for McKay. I also keep on feeding the fires with wood.

Appendix 1,01
Special Report from Sargeant McKay
I soon arrived down there and I was ever glad that I am still alive. If this is a version of Hell, I am joining the Parish tomorrow. I joined Kabe in setting up the perimeter and that was when we discovered what may be a wall. As the lamps worked here, I send the harness up with the note for more lamps. I also came down with a two bags of items which we can used; food and drinks. Aye, Kabe and myself help ourselves to a good drink.
We saw what appeared to be a scorpion, but this one is about the size of my boots and its translucent. I wanted to step on it lest it comes into my ten while I am asleep, but Kabe said no. We must respect the inhabitants here. It could be a soul which has not left here yet. Fragging believers he was of those pagans.
We expand the perimeter to twenty feet radius and ends at the wall. Its high as fall as my lamp can shone. But its a good place to leaned on.

Back to my update on the report..
I was down there later and its almost 1700hr up there on the outside. We will continue to descent until all is down here. I brought on the big lamps as per request, but someone left out the batteries, so we are stuck in the dark. Nevertheless I wanted to explore, despite my promise to Frost. This is a gem in the raw here. I went to the wall and feel it with my hand. There are some moisture on it but only a thin film. I took samples and I followed the wall. Its not flat but circular in circumferences. I must had walked fifty feet and I am still within sight of the fire place. Based on my initial assessment, its probably two hundred feet across  but I am not sure. I walked back as Sargeant Kabe was calling for me. That night, all we did was wait for the team members to come down, and also for the equipments which we needed. The last to arrive was my thermal sleeping bag, no thanks to Frost who knew I would renegade on the promise.
The ladies are the most excited not on the place but on the descent experience.

Day 6 Week 38
We were ready to explore today at 0630hr. Team 1 was to take the left and Team 2 the right.

This is Team 1 report.
Doctor Tanaki reporting.
We followed the wall and then at about two hundred feet, Doctor Moshe exclaimed on seeing something ahead. We all shone our lights at the direction she pointed. Its some paved path and its leading into the darkness. We left a luminous marker at the wall; it will light for forty eight hours and we moved along the paved path. As we walked we can feel sections of wall between us not wide but about twenty feet and then spaced out for twenty feet. We placed these markers on every alternative section, and after a while we looked back its like a dim cavern path behind us. Then we came to what appeared to be an arch; a large and high one of about a hundred over feet high. Beyond the arch at about two hundred feet is another wall, but this one has a doorway. Its a metallic door of about a height of thirty feet and wide at fifteen feet.
‘Could it be a Giant’s dwell here?’ Doctor Bormann was awed by the size of the doorway.
‘Frost, did you see Olga around here?’ But Frost shook his head. ‘Nay, Doctor Bormann, there is no Olga here. If there were Olga would the one you will see first. She was Frost’s mother in law. She makes the T-Rex small in bite size.’ That took the tension off everyone including myself. It always worked in the trade. Frost knows it well.
All of us felt and pushed at the metallic gate but it will not budged and there was no knobs or latch to bang on. Or so we thought, until Doctor Bormann managed to activate a hidden panel. It lit up and a shape of a hand was displayed. It was the size of a normal man’s hand, and Doctor Bormann placed his hand on it.
It was either very stupid or very brave. Or very impulsive moves. But the metallic gate opened. Well, its opened slightly as Doctor Bormann’s hand was off the panel.
‘Put your hand back, Schmidt.’ He did and the door closed back. He removed his hand and then placed it back but this holding it there. The metallic creaked opened ever slowly but it did opened wide. The two Sargeant went in first and we waited for twenty seconds before they said, ‘all clear’. Then we all rushed in. Its a long narrow hallway and we took it ever carefully, but this time it light up as we move ahead. It was about a hundred feet or so the walk, and we came into a big dome structure which is now totally lighted up. We don’t not know the size of the Dome. But the inside that dome is another dome and its is about ten five times the size of BASE or more. All around on the bigger dome are multiple row levels  with what may be termed as a pathway on each level. I counted twelve levels on the side of the dome. And there is inner sub level on top of the twelve. There were eight of these levels and then its stop and the wall of the dome extends from it.
I looked back to the smaller dome and its as high as the fourth level of the sublevel rows, and its without any pathway but viewers structures can be seen on the side. I counted forty eight row levels, again in the division of twelve. It was then we met Team 2 coming to us from the right of us.
This is their report.

This is Team 2 report.
Doctor Sze Thing reporting.
We went right as agreed with Team 1. We saw what appeared to be a wall and we proceeded towards it. But it was not; it was actually a slab fo stone in the middle of now where Its rectangle and is upright to the height of twenty feet and width of five and across in six feet. Kinda remind me of Stonehenge. It was then we found out that Doctor Frost is not with us. Decan told us he followed Team 1.
But from the slab of stone, we saw the paved path going to the right, and we followed it. We were not worried of being lost as Doctor Liam was leaving the bread crumbs trail with his share of luminous markers. We must had walked for sometime when Decan tapped my shoulder. He said to look at my left and I did. There was long streaks of light in front of us, so we proceeded along that direction. We came to a high wall and we followed it back to the left. Not long later we came the open doorway and we went in. That was when we discovered Team 1. And an embarrassed Doctor Frost.

Back to my update on the report..
There is so much to report, but we found one major find; there are ancient Greeks writing on the walls and panels. And there are the symbol of the Greeks Gods. We could had walked into Olympia.
More to report later.
Since the report was made available to the scientists, they all volunteered to go there, with or without phobia. I told them to take break and give me time to decide.

The report was on my table. My hands trembled when I read it.

Special Report from Corporal Pedro
Day 6 Week 39
Nixon and myself found the Fed’s Force at 1300hr Day 6. We did a count as below;
1. A dozen HELI-PODs M12 also known as Giant Gnat, with their transporter.
2. Three Heavy Ground Dozer
3. A dozen AFT2 Heavy Tanks
4. Half a dozen Multi Missiles Launchers MM12.
5. A dozen amour Personnels Vehicles or APV12
6. A dozen amour Transport Vehicles
They made their own roads by crushing through the jungle using the Heavy Ground Dozer. When we found them they had reached the chimps coming to intercept them at the halfway point.
I counted about five hundred of them lined up in the jungle edge. The battle was short as the chimps were no matched for them. The tanks just decimate the column with ease by dropping incendiaries shells. They were aided by the HELI-PODs. It was over in minutes. They moved on the moment the battle was over. They did not aid or looked at the wounded chimps.
We followed suit and they camped at a open clearing excavated by the Dozer. We took our position on the hill, and we saw them shoot a Brontosaurus who was nearby. They cut up the  meat and had their meals.
By morning, they left for the journey onto the camp. The HELI was flying recon in turns, while the path they cleared, even the T-Rex was running for safety. We saw one of the HELO shot at a Spinosaurus and left it dying. Its like a hunting game to them.
We came to a wide river and the the HELI took turns to winch the vehicles across as seen on Earth before. For the tanks, they used three HELI to do the crossing as its heavy.

No news on Vickie and that what scare me. Its unlike her, but now I really don’t know her at all.

Day 3
The awaited report from Doctor Tanaki was on my table at 0700hr.

Special Report from Doctor Tanaki.
Day 2 Week 39
We have been in the structure for over twenty four hours and still no signs of any lifeforms. Sargeant Kabe and McKay has done a perimeter checks and found no hostile. They have however discovered a large room for us to work in. Doctor Sze Thing is doing acoustic sounds checks for signs of other lifeforms ( the lady scares me truly ) and she is walking around the place with this gadget of hers. Doctor Bormann is busy swiping samples with Doctor Indira. Doctor Moshe is checking for signs of any small inhabitants.
The room we are in is about twenty feet by forty feet in length, and its filled with some cases but we cannot moved or opened it. There is some wide panels in the room but we can’t seem to operate it.
The place looks like rows of housing units in a circular layout but each room we go to are the same; cases and panels. We have covered like half a mile and its all the same. But there are no doorways to the next levels but we did find another hallway like the one we took, and the door does opened on handprint contact to the outside darkness. Sargeant McKay offered to detour back to our original doorway and he did it in two hours by keeping to the wall.
I am arranging to bring in Doctor Boris to read the symbols or writing.

I asked Major Shaw to halt all works on Monolith immediately. Something tells me we need to evacuate the Monolith. I then called Major Shaw to move the heavy machinery to a distance from the designated outer limits of the hidden structure inside. I am worried about the ground collapsing down or blowing up.
‘Commander, there is a comm from the Fed’s.’

‘Commander Bent. This is General Davos of the Federations’. I am in command of the Forces here in New Earth and has replaced General Seeker. She has requested for me to call you. She would like seek political asylum with your side. Its unorthodox but we are in a new world. She is my colleague and I am offering her that chance. I will have her flown to your BASE on the HELI-POD as we speak. Good day, Commander.’
I then got the message that a HELI-PODs is seen approaching BASE from the west.
General Victoria Seeker stepped out of the HELI-PODs wearing her uniform but minus the stars. She is unharmed and looks okay. I had Doctor Bashir attend to her immediately. All other matters are secondary now.

‘Davos was my junior and I trained him well. He is now the new Commander, and would lead the attack on the chimps. He came with the new fleet and took command from the day we moved out. I was under custody since then. He listen to my pleas and let me go  despite orders to execute me. We parted as friends, but if we meet again, it may not be on the same terms.’ She was laying on the bed and I held her hand to comfort her. The doctor has given her a clean bill of health for both mother and child.
‘Davos know about the child, Scott. That was why he let me go.’ She broke out into tears and I reached out to hold her. I owe Davos one good turn, and one day I may returned it.
‘Commander, Corin is back.’

‘You killed my people...’Corin went in anger, speaks more in screeches than words, but I can make out her words. She is upset at the Federations’ who is slaughtering her people. I tried to explain to her that I am not involved but she does not understand me. And Doctor Boris is at the Monolith. My mistake was to conduct it in the Infirmary; Corin saw Vickie and it was she needed to prove her point. Corin stomped out of the Infirmary.
I was told later she left with her troops for the jungle.

Day 5
The long awaited report from Doctor Tanaki was on my table at 0700hr.

Special Report from Doctor Tanaki.
Day 4 Week 39
We have been here for over three days now, and we have about three teams now. Doctor Boris brought in more company; Doctor Irina and Doctor Silvie. Plus a load of equipment, and bless we are, the electronics components worked but we have no external power source. So we had to rely on power backups.
But we found something new; Boris reads Greeks. This was written on the arch which we first passed on coming here. Its says ‘Ελπίδα σε όλους όσους βήματα στη Νέα Πανγαία’ or literally translated into English as ‘Hope to all who steps to New Pangaea’. As I am doing this report, Boris is reading his head off the writings around us.
We had a minor accident today; Sargeant McKay fell on his knees while trying to scale the walls. He will be sitting for a day or two but nothing serious.
I had a chat with Vickie on what did happened on her side when she went back after talking to me. She told me this.

‘Upon my return to the other side, they had already assembled the task force. All the vehicles was ready to move and I was in the Command Unit in the APV12 with General Davos. Our orders was simple; drive the chimps out and established a no-man’s zone so that the new colonists can stay and work in peace. I was reluctant to proceed but the orders was from High Command of Federations’.  We used the dozer to moved the jungle and create a path for us to move on.’

‘We came across some of the predators and the men were trigger happy or just curious; they opened fire without my command. I ceased all firing and told them buckle in unless attacked. We came upon the column of chimps at the clearing. They were sneering and screaming at us but they did not come forth to attack. I asked the tash force to stand down and observe but Davos stepped in with his gun drawn on me. He told me he had his order and it involves him taking command if I failed to do so.’

‘He ordered the tanks to lined up in firing formation; six in a row and the other six in the rear with each tank in between another for clear firing view. The opened up on orders at nearly five hundred yards onto the chimps at the jungle edge. The main cannon Taser is a 10 inches barrel and its shell spew wide and instant death. They followed on with their mini cannons and then the HELI came to mop it up. Five hundred chimps never made it more than ten yards towards us. Its senseless.’

‘Davos later told me he got the orders from High Command to execute me for treason. I pleaded with him to let me go both as a colleague and as an unborn child’s mother. The later was the one he sway to, and he agreed to ‘;banished’ me if Empire takes me into their custody. That was when he send me off on the HELI. I am ever thankful to him.’

But my discussion was interrupted.

‘Commander, we think we found something new. We think we found ‘Delphi’.’ Whatever Delphi means, its meaningless to me. But Boris later report tells me more. And it frightens me more.
Are we in the backyard of the God’s home?

Special Report from Doctor Boris Ivanov.
Day 5 Week 39
In the writing of the Greek myth, Zeus sent two eagles to find the center of the earth. They flew on to the east and the other to the west. But the eagles took their flight and met back at one point, which was named by Zeus as Delphi; the center of the earth. Zeus placed a  cone-shaped, decorated stone, ‘the omphalos’, once stood in front of the Temple dedicated to Mother Gaia as a marker for the "navel" of the earth. Legends said that at the temple, an Oracle lived there and was so tightly intertwined with prophecies and predictions. She was consulted by many and she served that on many. Including even the ancient empires rulers or conquerors. It was fabled that the Croesus, king of Lydia in 550 BCE seek the Oracle advise on the war with Persia. He was give the statement that an empire will collapsed. He took it to mean the Persians’ but it was his. The ancient Roman last King; King Tarquin, the seventh King after Romulus was approached by the Oracle disguised as a simple woman who offered the King nine books which can foretell the destiny of the world. He refused her asking price of three hundred golds and she went away. Later she counter offer again with only three books left for the same price. The King bought them but asked for the remainder six books. She claimed that she burnt them and will not re-write them. Thus, great Rome rose to be a kingdom and subsequently flourished as a republic after the death of King Tarquin at Lucius Brutus’ hand. The new Rome was later to conquered Gaul under Julius Caesar. Then Rome inaugurated its worldwide empire. That Caesar was stabbed to death in the Roman Forum. And all these centuries, Rome expanded but never knew its destiny, until it finally collapsed. What wisdom might have been learned if King Tarquin had acquired the full set of nine books.
In which we come to my report. I found the words ‘Delphi’ or ‘Δελφοί’ written here on the walls, This could be the new Delphi on this planet. As the original Delphi was ‘cone shaped, decorated stone’ it could mean a city with a with dome. There is a dome here and we are in it. I am beginning to understand the writings now and the crates or cases which we thought of may not be cases after all. They are part of the structure.
We could be discovering New Delphi. Or even Atlantis.
‘Major Shaw, I want a total evacuation of the personnels and colonist to the far side of the Monolith. Just take what you can and do it now.’ I prayed I am not too late to do so.
And it did happened as I visions of it in my dream. ‘The dream of the good will flow through the hole and the bad will dispersed at the side.’ That was my grandmother told me as she weave the dream catcher for me. It still hangs over my bunk.
Just it had protect me, it would also protects Vickie and our unborn child.

Day 6
It was noon when I got the report from Corporal Pedro.

Special Report from Corporal Pedro
Day 6 Week 39
Nixon and myself found the Fed’s Force at 1300hr Day 6. We did a count as below;
1. A dozen HELI-PODs M12 also known as Giant Gnat, with their transporter.
2. Three Heavy Ground Dozer
3. A dozen AFT2 Heavy Tanks
4. Half a dozen Multi Missiles Launchers MM12.
5. A dozen amour Personnels Vehicles or APV12
6. A dozen amour Transport Vehicles

Day 7
The ground shook as the tremors started and it must be a big one as I could not even walked properly. I told Vickie to stay in the bunk and not move. I held onto the shaking furniture and dragged myself into my uniform. I have to look decent out there despite the  calamities happenings here.

‘Commander, we got a vibrations of over 7, but its not an earth quake as we predicted. Its a ground collapse or ground upheaval; we are not sure.’ I ran to the comms and raised up Major Shaw. But there is no answer. I comms to the Cavern and checked with the officer on duty.

‘Monolith...... its still there, but an section has come down. It has collapsed, Commander. ‘ I can sensed the emotion the officer must had; friends lost or dead, or maybe a loved one was there.

‘Hold yourself, soldier. I will check it myself.’

I ran out of BASE and took the bike to the eastern ridges. I can see the dust overlapping the Monolith west side and it looks bad. I wished I had a Bubble and I can be there in an hour or so. But now I am stuck here and the only flying Bubble is on Monolith. And so is the Shuttle.

‘Commander........ its Major...Shaw. Please come in.’ I picked up the comms and held my emotions back.
‘Amanda, what is your situation?’ I can hear static and then her voice; ‘Scott, we are okay. We have some casualties but I think majority are fine. But we need medical assistance and rescue here. The ground under us gave way but we are way behind. I am sending the Shuttle and she will fly ASAP.’

Last count was sixty five injured and twelve deaths; two missing; Ishido Matsu and Micheal Bent. One Heavy Metal gone and half my W-Bots as we could not cleared them in time. But we got a new city in sight.

Its massive in size and tall.

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