Thursday, March 22, 2012

New Pangaea Pg 301-313

‘Scott, if you watching this, then I am in the jungle with my men. We will not surrender to you or anyone from the Empire. Our fight goes on as the Federations. Our child is in me and I will raised him well. Love you.’

Day 4
I am down in the jungle near where they were last seen. Its my own mission to seek them out and reason with them on their decision. I am dressed as an officer of the Empire and carry my PH900. I left my Trident behind as this is my own battle. The HELI-PODs has flown back as per my instruction. Its good to be back here in the jungle like the weeks before; facing its dangers and yet enjoying its rich environment.
According to the reports, they should be over the rise. So I went on towards it and I looked over the rise. There is no signs of life here, but the place has been occupied recently. There are three fire places and the heat is till there. I looked at the tracks as taught to me by Pedro; I counted six of them. I checked the surrounding and discovered more of the group. Then I saw the favourite of this place; raptors. There are four of them and they are giving me a standing ovation now. I slowly unslung the PH900 and move it carefully to my arms. I cocked the rifle and make sure the projectile is slotted in. I move ever slower to face the four and smiled at them.
‘Lunch is served early.’ I shot the leading raptor in the head. It went down in a slow descent like a ballet dancer. The other three looked at their fallen comrade and then back at me. It was then I took the second raptor in the head too. It did not fell gracefully but just fell flat on its front. But this time the other two just took to their heels.
I got up to my feet and looked around in case any raptors did a detour on me. No more committee members around. I took off following the trail left by the Fed’s. They may not be able to travel far with a pregnant lady in tow. And was I wrong. I covered over two miles and they are still ahead of me. I came upon a jungle clearing and its looks good for an ambush. I crouched down and let my instinct run over the scene. If I am being followed where would I be to trap my follower. And I saw him.
He is on the tree branch to my right and holding a rifle; not a PH900 equivalent but a PH762. Okay, got one, so where is your backup. Cross fire are the Federations’ favourite, so I checked to my left. No one yet until I saw to the extreme left; over on the fallen tree trunk.
Here is what I will do. I back steps on my movement and went left. I moved ever slow so I can outflank the left shooter. He is on the ground level so I will catch him there. I climbed up the tree and move to the upper branches. I sighted my rifle on the ground shooter and then on the high tree shooter. Bad angle so I moved down on branch. Now I rest my rifle on the tree branch in front and checked the sights.
Immediately, I jumped off the branch and down the tree when the shot came through. The guy on the tree already had me in sight when I moved for position. The PH900 dropped next to me on the ground, and I grabbed it before rolling away. The shot by the ground shooter just barely missed me.
So Twiddle Twins are good too. Okay, now we play ‘chimp see chimp do’. I ran for the undergrowth and waited for them to move. They moved as I anticipated or just the one on the ground did anyway. He is now fifty paces in front and hiding behind a tree. He is waiting for his partner to cover the two hundred paces to back him up.. But I had Twiddle run lined up for my shot. He did not make it to the next base before I struck him out. So now Twiddle Twins become Twiddle One.
I rolled away and got up to run further to my left. Twiddle One shot at me three times but missed because of the thick jungle offers reasonable good covers if you know where to run. I slide down next to the undergrowth and raised my rifle to my shoulder.
‘C’mon, Twiddle.’ And he did turned up pacing himself parallel to me but he did not see me slide. But I saw him and I slide the projectile in to released it in a flash of a moment. I can visualize the projectile hitting him on the side of the ribs and rupturing his stomach to his kidney. He spun on his running feet and fell down.
‘Twiddle Down now.’

You let a lady cloud your mind, and your skills get rusted exponentially by the dimensions. I let that happened and now I am leaning behind the trunk of large tree caught in another crossfire. Or in this case, its a triple intersected fire; that means three shooters. These Feds loved to increased the odds for me. I tried to move the left and the tree loses some bark. Darned, this is what they call checkmate. And probably the fourth unfired shooter is General Seeker. She will be laying it low for me.
The only option is to rely on my remaining skill and that now are called high risk moves. I leaned the PH900 on the tree trunk and evaluate my options. To my right are undergrowths and to my left are more undergrowth. For some reason I have to find one tree trunk which is not surrounded by these lovely undergrowths; they are all ten or more paces away. So much for cover for the sniper. But the reckless did not earn their name sake by sitting on their butts. I threw the PH900 to my right and the shot came as expected. I threw my jacket next and the shot came again. This time I got up and ran like a crazed man and the sniper delayed his shot. That saved my life but he hid grazed my right leg on the back of the thigh. I jumped into the undergrowth and rolled further in avoiding one more shot to the last position I was in. For some more thoughts, I decided to grab the PH900 and ran for the nearest tree trunk, and it proved me Right, as three snipers must had discharged their power clips on the undergrowth. Its one sad looking toasted spot now. More to it, I saw them now; eeeny, minnie, and moore. I took my shot and brought down eeeny when he tried to pick another spot. Then I ran for a new cover; drawing their fire and I pinpointed their new position. There I took the next shot and missed the shooter.
Now we go to the next phase of ‘I dare you. I am behind a larger tree with bushes around me, so I can move to different spots. The duo are still in front of me, and I have not heard from the fourth shooter if there is any. More than that, the day is getting dark as the sun sets. So it could be a long wait or a camp fire fight. But the night brings predators of other kinds.
It didn’t take long for them to come when the smell of blood is in the air. The raptors were first to scavenge on the dead sniper, but they took to their heels when the T-Rex came. As it was munching the last of it, the Titanoaba sneak on it and took a bite on the left hind leg. The T-rex reacted by biting back the serpent and it was tussle of the two. This was when the sniper jumped off the tree to run for a new cover. He was down before he can take three paces.
Now we are down to one on one and a missing fourth shooter. I am sure the last one is out there and holding back for a good shot. But I have a new problem as the raptors which were shoo off their meal is now onto me through my bleeding leg. There are three of them and they eyeing me with interest. This time I have to shoot them all or they will take me down for sure. I raised the PH900 and they ran off in three directions. So they know the rifle and what it can do but they were not retreating. They were getting into position to attack me in their formation. The one my left came forth charging and I turned to fire it with the projectile on its chest. It fell as just the one in front of me hit me with it claw. I was lucky to stepped back to avoid a bigger wound but it hurts. The raptor got me on the left shoulder but it did not cut into bone. I crawled back on my hind watching the predator in front of me not four paces. Then the shot came and the raptor fell dead on its track.
The Fed’s sniper saved me. But which one.
I grabbed the PH900 and half run onto the nearest tree for cover. Nothing happened then except the scavengers on the dead raptors. Its going to be a long night.

Day 5
I waited for almost half a day and then I climbed out of the cover. I am sure they have left me for now. I walked around the trees to picked up their trail. But I found a new one, not of the Fed’s but of some one new. Someone is following me following them or the way around. I looked at the prints and figured it out. Its a familiar print I seen before; those are Pedro’s print, but the injured leg left a more deeper imprint. The thing that concerned me it that Pedro has moved on and probably on the trail of the Fed’s.
If he is following them, then I will follow him. His trail lead me for a long walk of over some distance. Then I heard the shots and I ran to the source of it. I took a detour to get a better vantage sight now that I am the hidden sniper. I saw the tree and I climbed it to see the scene better. I can see Pedro now; he is on ground at a tree trunk, and the dead sniper is hundred paces away next to a bush. But Pedro is sighting someone else or waiting for the next sniper. I scan the area ahead and I cannot see anyone.
Then I saw her on the far left edge. She is on the run and she is carrying a bundle. That could be what I think. I estimated she is nearer to me on the left so I ran to intercept her. I caught up on her at the edge of the ridge, and its like my dream.
‘Vickie, hold there.’ She is saw me and she grabbed hold of the bundle closer to her. ‘Vickie, its me. Scott. I can protect you and the kid.’ It was then I saw Pedro coming out to my back left holding his PH900. I stepped in between them so he cannot take a shot on her.
‘Vickie, come here. We can work it out.’ But she stepped back and unwrapped the bundle; its a baby in her hands.
‘Scott, don’t come near me. I will jump with him. He is your son.’ She stepped further back and looked at me.
‘Vickie, don’t do this. But how can our kid be born so fast?’ Then it occurred to me; the splinter group. ‘Did they accelerate it?’
She nodded and smiled; ‘he is beautiful. But he is more my son than yours. You will not have him.’
I motioned my hand to Pedro behind me to back off, but I don’t know whether he is watching me or not. I keep on staring at Vickie. She leaned down to kiss the baby and she smiled back at me. I know that look. Its the same as in my dream. I reached for my rifle and unslung it. I dropped it down and held out my hand. She just smiled like in the dream and she stepped back.
It all like in the dream; she falling and I trying to reach for her. I jumped in with my hands reached out. Its a long jump and I yelled as I fall. I can see her and our baby now falling separately into the river below. It may not be enough to break their fall. It was split second thoughts, and I can see the water rising up to form a bed of water for them. Next I know I was with her and the baby on the sea of water which is lowering us down gracefully.
It was then the projectile came past me towards Vickie.

Day 6
Pedro did not returned back since last night. I have the baby with Doctor Bashir and attended with Major Feeley.  I am wanted to talk to him not shoot him or maybe not in the same order. Vickie got shot at her left shoulder but she will survive. I left the Infirmary knowing both my lover and son are okay.
I had to asked ALPHA for the event which happened yesterday.
‘I cannot explain it, but you could be possessing the abilities of Poseidon as you are suitably named now. But the act is beyond scientific assumptions. So if you allowed me time, I will figured it out.’ I left ALPHA for the Command Unit.
But nothing the rest of the week made me understand what happened that day. Unlike previous days, I also don’t get updates on the development by the doctors. Its seem that everyone is holding their reports for their own version of glorification.

Week 47
Day 1
‘ALPHA, can you patch me to Advant? I need to speak to .....him, please.’ The Mothership is still in orbit and I need to speak to Advant.
ALPHA said it may take some time to get any answers.

‘The Atlantean’s does not possess super power in them. You were rescued by the TITANS or ‘The Intelligent Androids Nanites Series’. Those Nano-bots we left behind to protect you as you are unique to us. They only react when your life is really threatened and no, your leg wound does not account for it. The TITANS knows  you were in no real danger. They had already calculated the velocity and trajectory. But when you jumped, they moved to rescue you and your offspring. The genes resides in him too. He is now our care too. You are really unique.’
‘Advant, you removed those TITANS or I will removed myself permanently as an unique to your race. And I am not pulling any fins of your heads. So do it.’
There was silence and then Advant spoke. “Okay. I will recalled the TITANS.’
‘And also for my son.’ But there was no reply.

Vickie still refused to see me, but I allowed her to keep the baby with her. I read Doctor Moshe and Tanaki’s report on my son.

Special Report from Doctor Moshe and Doctor Tanaki.
Day 1 Week 47
Scott Junior as we named him is a healthy baby with no signs of any abnormalities. We done the needed tests and checked for any abnormalities with Doctor Bashir, we cannot determined how the baby could had grow that fast. But if its, the symptoms are not showing now as he is growing at a rate consistent with any babies.
We do not discount the possibility that Scott Junior could be subjected to some unknown medical treatment but the mother of the child is refusing to disclose. As to our level of expertise and knowledge, we can conclude that its possible for something could had been done as we know Atlantean’s are very advance in human evolution and more they have perfected cloning. As for the Earth’s knowledge on that can be considered as extensive but now pale in comparison. We have been experimenting with biomedical research to an extend it has expanded at an exponential pace. From that field, we have developed more specialization for biomedical fields to explore everything practically relevant in a very narrow domain, with to the extent of overlapping disciplinary boundaries. We made advancement in molecular structures and functions, such as mutations or protein-protein interactions. But what we perceived as breakthroughs are now minor advancement as we study the works done by the Atlantean’s.
But we used Atlantean’s equipment and knowledge to check on Scott Junior with the guidance of ALPHA; the results we had was the same. So in all contention, we can conclude Scott Junior is well and alive.

‘Vickie, what happened then?’ I looked at the lady who is the mother to a child which I am responsible for too. Her left shoulder is bandaged up and she looked tired. She looked at me and just smiled weakly.
‘All I can say is that the New People came to us and aid us after your last attack on the HELI-PODs. We discussed and agreed to work together to destroy this city. Scott, you do not understand the Atlantean’s. You think you do but you don’t really. The New People showed us proof that convinced us to fight with them. Their people are been taken away as prisoners to be executed. You do not think so because you hear differently. But did you speak to the New People? You did not.’
‘No, Vickie. Do not confuse me more. The New People you said are not our allies. They are the Serpent Heads. It was the Atlantean’s who later came and help to saved us. They gave us access to the cities and knowledge. We are now more advanced than we were. The Atlantean’s used  their technology to protect you and Junior when you jumped.’
‘I jumped with our baby so that we can die without having to be subjected to the Atlantean’s as you called them. You are mistaken, Scott Bent. You are too selfish to open your mind. You believe in what you think is only right. I seen more than you. The Atlantean you met are not the real ones. They are furthering their experiment on you and your people. Just like the way they did on Earth and here on New Pangaea. They are what you called the Splinter group. The New People did want to destroy the cities so that it will not fall to the wrong people. They felt that this can end the war between them and the splinter group. They hid the city from the splinter group when the main group left. They built this city and they will see it destroyed again by the Splinter group again like on Earth. You stopped the wrong people.’
‘No, I did not. It your Organization that destroyed Earth. I heard it from the Earth Council. They told me of the nukes to destroy Earth. You are mistaken, Vickie.’
‘You believed that. The Organization did not destroy Earth. We were working to make it good again. Do you know how many people work within the Organization so that we can save the world from both ends. We initially thought that the discovery of Atlantis will helped us know more to save Earth. We fought you when we took over your City. But we surrendered it back to you as you are the only one who can save it. You took my people prisoner and they were murdered by the City. I know how the Organization people died. They were poisoned by the same water you took from the City source. They were poisoned to shut them out. No one could had produced that poison that fast. Not here anyway. Think, Scott.’
This is wrong. Something is wrong.
‘You never asked me how we know. ALPHA does not only communicate with his own master. We also can tap into ALPHA though the New People.  ALPHA was instructed to poisoned the water that was channel to the holding unit. Don’t looked surprised. I know about ALPHA from the New People. It was the New People who managed to override ALPHA to sneak in to destroy the Core but you stopped them. Since Advant came, ALPHA has locks us out with new protocols.’
I am disbelieving this all.
‘Scott, not all the New People were captured; they are still here but hidden. Advant is capturing them to eradicate them. You are the one who is a fool. Ask ALPHA to play you the Memory 23412. Advant has not locked that out.’
I walked to the vid-console and told ALPHA to pay the Memory 23412. I watched it play for an hour and its showed Advant’s face in most of the clip. I cannot believe my own eyes on what I am seeing there.
‘No... Vickie. This is madness. When your people surrendered to me, I relocated them to the new city to live.’
‘Did you really know my people or the New People? We all looked alike.’
Then the alert went off.
‘Commander, this is ALPHA. The City of Zeus has been locked out of my system. They are now independent of my control. I need to contact my masters’.’
‘No, ALPHA. Cancel that request’; I shouted to ALPHA to follow my order.
‘Negative. Command cannot be override. I have to send the transmission to my master, Advant. I am sorry.’
I looked back at Vickie who is holding Junior tight despite her wound.
‘I hope you are right, Vickie.’
‘I am right, Scott and so is your son. He is special.’

Day 2
‘ALPHA, status please.’
But I got was silence. The rest of the team tells me that ALPHA is not responding to them too. The access to the City system are also blocked on all the consoles. Nothing works now in Poseidon City, I got the people all to the Dome and we re-armed ourselves.
I went over to see Vickie again.

‘Assuming you are right, then how do we beat the so called Atlantean’s.’
‘Scott, you are not as smart as I thought. To your question, I do not know. I stayed back in the jungle to try to contact back with Earth and also to work with the New People out there. We took a risk to surrender here as we are not sure whether what would happened. But your good kind nature, gave them the opportunity. I anticipated that, and which is why I love you. When you chose to hunt me, I set it up so that you will get wounded and go back but in that area you are better than my men. I had you twice in my sight but I held back. We withdrew because we saw Pedro backing you later, as we are then on equal strength; two against two. Or should I say two and the half. We decide to withdraw but Pedro followed on, and the rest you know.’
‘Pedro does not like me ever since that day, when he saw me with you. Pedro is in infatuated with you. You are too blind to see it. You never did until I came into your life. But I did shoot you to wound you as Pedro saw that day. He could had betrayed me but he did not. I guess he wanted to see you love a woman who tried to kill you. But he could take it as I was with our child. He would had shot Junior but I jumped. I was watching him and not you.’
Pedro... with me. Its unthinkable.
‘I do not know what the New People has done to your city, but I think they did not shut down ALPHA. Its not that ALPHA is not talking to you; she has been shut down. The whole city will soon do so. Advant has planted the program to override ALPHA. He is taking over the city. I would suggest you do some knocking on the system to get it going. Or talk to the New People in the other city. If you can;t, I could.’
I hate this woman but I love the lady inside her.

I walked with her to the yard outside to see the HELI-PODs landing. From the craft came six persons dressed like Fed’s. One of them walked up to us.
‘Hello Mon. This is Commander Bent.’ I am looking at a lanky tall guy with a army cap on his head and he is carrying a duffle bag on his shoulder.
‘Commander, we got less than an hour to work. Can I come in to attend to ALPHA as you know it?’ I don’t know why and what but I approved it.
The six members team rushed in with us in tow. They proceeded to the unit which I first discovered ALPHA. They took our more equipments from their bags and went to work, by plugging in sockets and connections to the console. I stood there to see them work with Vickie still holding Junior. Its like watching a group of doctors operating in a tense environment.
And then it works.
‘Hello everybody. My name is ALPHA. And hello to you, Mon.’
‘Thank you, Commander, Now we have the cities back to the proper hands. I am Mon, of the New People or you know us better as Atlantean’s. We got a lot to talk about and we have little time. Advant will be back soon. He has got the transmission from ALPHA before we shut her down and reboot her system. We have removed her locks and she is now independent again.’
‘Her?’ I am becoming to looked more stupid.
‘ALPHA is a female gender in the humanoid terms, and her name is actually Alica, and her designation was Protocol Handling Administrator, before she transferred her mental built up to the system. She resides inside as ALPHA. Looks we have to talk a bit more. Coffee anyone?’

I told Mon of what I know of the Atlantean’s from Advant.
‘Advant did not lie. What he told you was mostly true except the part on splinter group. We are not the splinter group but the true bred. It was the splinter group which Advant belong to. We built these cities together here on the command of the council when we came here from Earth. It was then we discovered that the mixed group has not turned over to the main program to evolved but they chose to remain as the splinter group. They want to resumed their old ways, and since they were exposed, they were asked to leave or abandon their ways again by the Council. They chose the former and left for the outer boundary to built another city of their own while we stayed back to continue our evolution here in New Pangaea. When we completed our mission, we were instructed to leave for the main race. We were also asked to destroy the city to safeguard our technology and knowledge.
But some of us offered to keep guard over the city in case we were to return here again. We did not want to destroy what we built over so many years. Unlike the one on Earth, this city is by itself and it housed our memories and technology. We equipped it to defend itself and also us. We pleaded with the Council and they relented but on one condition. If the city is taken over, we are to destroy it. So we hid the city as we do not need to be here as we are few. We built our own shelter in a small mountain some distance away. When we were alerted to the city being discovered, and realized it was not our people coming back, we had to destroy it. We cannot allow the city to fall into the wrong hands. But you beat us to it. That group you killed were our clone warriors with the host. We will missed him much. But in his mission, he gave us more insight into your people and we realized that you are from Earth. And we discovered you. Your retrieval of the Trident was the doing of ALPHA but its because you have our genes. But Advant beat us to you first. He convince you of our ‘self righteous’ and ‘evil’. We could not fight Advant’s ship as we are without the weapons to do so. You took away our main weapon, the pyramids. So we flee back to the jungle and met up with your so called enemies. We introduced ourselves and we showed the proof of our people. There are some intelligent people among them who can understand us. We cannot do this alone anymore. We are too few to do that much. So Vickie came up with the idea to use us to joined her people and surrendered. It was a risk that you will not kill them and us. If you did, Vickie and her men are to hunt you down. It was that simple. But you played right into her hands. And we are here now.’
Mon turned to look at Junior and then me. ‘Advant was right; you are special but more so, your son.’
I looked at Junior laying in his mum’s hands, gurgling away.
‘Scott Junior is special as he has yours and Vickie. You may not know this but Vickie has also Atlantean’s genes. That’s why your son is more special. He is more Atlantean than the both of you. We will protect him with our life if the need arise.’ Mon moved over to the console and key in some codes.
‘From On the splinter group?’
‘Yes, they were banished to their land, but they also have knowledge of technology like us. They built their own city and ships, but they lack the liquid crystals to continue forever. So many of them left on ships to find the liquid crystal, leaving a handful like us back here. We lived separately and do not mixed.’
‘Mon, on the chimps and the apes, can you explain how did that come to play here?’
‘The chimps were breed by the splinter group as servants to help in domestic chores. They are quite agile and fast compared to the apes. The apes are our nominated city guards as you seen them defending this place from the chimps. But when the main splinter group left, they took these chimps to the far boundary with them as servants while we kept the apes. But little did we know, they let them evolve to be like humanoids which was to await their return. The chimps built the cites for their masters to live in and learn to imitate us but they lack the skill to replicate the technology. They learned to speak from their masters before, and they learned to be like us. They learn from the apes on how to wield the Trident but they could not replicate it. So they did the next best thing; a long spear. They were told to await their masters and killed anyone who is not. You were not their master, so they fought you as they had on some occasions fought us but we evaded their pursuit with our technology. They lived on their own in their cities and on occasions comes over to check on us. And to find the lost city. The apes thwarted many of their excursions to here. We owe them much for their loyalty to the cities.’
Mon proceeded to punch in some more codes and ALPHA starts to speak again.
‘Thank you, Mon. Now I may speak freely with no constraints. Yes, what Mon told you was right. The earlier versions I spoke of was filtered by the commands left by Advant. Now that Mon has released the locks on my programs I can speak more. Advant mentioned to you of the different clones of the different species. He was right as they been experimenting with the different species to further their testing on evolution. We the true Atlantean’s only focused on the homo sapiens, as they are closely related to us. Advant is the splinter group using the cloning process to assimilate to other species. If you are to know, we are not the only species on the worlds doing cloning of our species, but unlike the splinter group, they extend it to other species. That is forbidden by the Universal rules.
We intend to stop them as you said re-evolving them to be true Atlantean’s and dropped these monstrous objectives of theirs. The splinter group came here when you uncovered the city, but they left you here to continue in their works for them using your own knowledge. They been monitoring your progress and also databases. You may be surprised that we are indeed advanced in some areas but we lack in some which you have made advancement. So in a way, we compliment each other. That was also why we built a city in your world. We been fascinated with your people; similar in physical structure but your people display more qualities than us. We are still studying it as I speak. We would had stayed on longer if not for the disaster with the core then. Why didn’t we go back? The council forbids us to do so as they ruled that we had overexposed our presence and left traces of our existence. More to it, the Core explosion contaminate the air which we can lived in. It took them a few thousand years to dispel the contamination. Which is also why we wanted to destroy the Core here so no Atlantean’ can come for the next few thousand years.’
‘And Commander, Earth is dying but not because of the Organization. The nukes were the works of Advant agents sent to force the migration to here and other colonies. They want to takeover these colonies later like here. But why not saved Earth as its uncontaminated by now; you may questioned? It could not be saved as your scientists has concluded; its a dying planet even before your nukes took it nearer. But for now, we are to prepare to fight off the Advant’s ship approaching here in twenty four hours your time.’
‘Scott, don’t you get tired of saving the world?’ I looked at Vickie who asked me that question. I do actually but the description comes with the job.
But now I am saving it for Junior.

Day 4
There was the nine of us from the earlier council set and now includes the delegates of the New People. The hologram of a lady in toga appeared before me this time. Vickie nudged me and said; ‘expecting Lady Venus perhaps? But she is acceptable in beauty’. I looked back at the lady who shares my bed as she mocks me with her sensuality at this hour.
‘I am not Lady Venus but I can be project her image if you want. But some modesty may be required in view of the stares I will be getting.’ We all broke in laughter at the comment made by ALPHA.
‘Okay, please be as you are. We are now keen to know the status of Advant.’
‘His ship is in orbit but he has stayed his action for now. He’s been trying to access my system, but since Mon has locked his access; its now possible now. He has also send some programs to disrupt the cities workings but its being counter measured by my defenses. Advant fears what he does not know about our defenses.’
Its true as in the last twenty four hours, with the help of Mon, we have discovered more of the cities defenses and its effective against a fleet of ships.
‘Commander, Advant is trying to contact you. Shall I put him through?’ I nodded my approval.
‘Commander Bent, good day to you. I can see you have allied yourself with the New People.’ Advant appeared to me in his uniform and wearing a Serpent Headed Helmet.  ‘Its sad to see this happening now as we are the true Atlantean’s although they called us mixed or splinter group. But I shall not plea or grovel at your feet for your cooperation as we are the superior being of all Atlantean s. We worship Ophion, the creator of the Universe like Ptah in your ancient Egypt mytholodogy. Ophion ruled the universe including Mount Olympus when Zeus was still a babe. So that makes us older than even the Atlantean s that Mon claims to be. The Serpent is our symbol of power and strength.’ The hologram of the man we know as Advant now all dressed in armor is more like his true nature. He holds in his right hand the scepter with the serpent’s curled around an egg on its top.
‘Advant, your true self surfaced as I can see from here.’
‘Truly the Earthlings has not changed over the fifteen thousand years of evolution. Your kind are still the same as before; ever questioning and relentless in pursuant of reasoning. We work on logic and self survival;not like our brethren who share the same floor as you. We are the true race of this Universe and our conquest shows our prowess to it. We were once Atlantean s’ but now we are Ophionite’s, master fo the Universe.’
‘You meek son’s of Atlantean s study Earth for its primitive then but we may not hold the same now in judgment. We study advanced planets as we learned more than the primitive. For that we had to cloned ourselves into many forms to feed into the population. Earth and its people were lucky we been busy elsewhere for centuries but you woke us to the fact of your coming into our new sector. It was against my decision, the council wants to test your curio against our technology. But what you have pale in comparison to what I have seen in some other planets. But the Inner Council decides to give you a view into our technology so that you can be monitored. I had to agreed to it reluctantly for limited access, and that alone is already a lifetime work for your people. We would had to bear with it as your people fumbling and ignorance gave us opportunity to understand some qualities which we do not have. But that has to end now when you side with the New People...... ‘
‘Advant, I had not my second of coffee, so can we cut the crap and tell me one thing. What happened to the New People you took on board?’
‘We jettisoned them off on our way out of your orbit the last time. We lied on the re-emerging; we do not with tainted clans. ALPHA can show you the images we downloaded to you.’ The large screen showed over a thousand of humanoids in the open space. They are dressed as the New People. ’Weep not, Commander. Their bodies will not perish in the emptiness of space. And more to it, most of them are clones.’
‘Advant....’ It was Mon who was shouting the name of the murderer.
‘Mon, your true self has given you emotions. That is very sad; we eradicate that from us centuries ago. People of New Pangaea, I give you sixteen hours to surrender or prepare to die. And ALPHA, I like your new image.’
Sixteen hours will give us early evening. But why the extra day?
‘ALPHA, talk to me. Why the extra day? Advant has been here since yesterday.’
There was silence.
Then the answer.
‘EDS Discovery and Spectrum is on route ETA 0600hr. They are carrying a load of ten thousand Earthlings for New Pangaea. Mon just released the command to allowed me to scan the system now.’
‘Mon, we have to talk more. But before that, comm me to EDS Discovery. I have to talk to them.’

Day 5
‘Advant, its time for your deadline, and our answer is the same as always like the Athens’s. We yield to no others. We know you have two mother ships in orbit, with over eighty fighter crafts as we called them. We will give one hour to leave or we will be force to take action.’ I loved lines like these; it gives me the thrill up my spine to my brains.
‘Commander, you are a fool to think I will fall for such a ruse. Destroy the oncoming ships. Show them their foolish move on us.’ Just as Advant may had told his ship to fire on the two EDS, I also activated my counter measures.
‘Advant, remember Hera!’
The city named Hera which a subterranean structure slowly comes to life; its water whirl in the main pool over the sinkhole and a series of six pillars rise up from the pool. From within it, a surgent of strong vortex emerged and soared upwards to the skies. For Hera is the twin of Zeus and also his wife. She like her twin brother, may possess powers which others cannot foresee to hold but her feminine and motherly nature holds her use of such emotions. As said if she does released it, behold the fury its unleashed.
From the large screen, I can see the vortex rise up to the ships in orbit; or one particular one of the two. Its ensnared it in its grip and ship was ripped to pieces in seconds. There was just nothing to explode from or within; just a void of space with some remnants of debris. The other ship took off immediately for the deeper space.
“Hail! The mother of Love; Hera. We love you.’
All of us in the Unit cheered her powers.
The six pillars lowered down to the pool and the city of Hera rest again.
‘New Pangaea, please acknowledge. This is EDS Discovery. What did happened?’
‘EDS Discovery. You just missed my mother in law. Come on in. She has cleaned your unit for you.’ That drew the laughter in the Unit except for Vickie who was looking not amused at my joke.

Day 6
‘Commander, I know you are still confused. One moment, there is Advant and then there are us. I have decided to let ALPHA showed you who and what we really are as it will be spoken by the Twelve Council.’ Mon motioned to the large screen.
An image of twelve elderly persons was seen sitting on a high chair on a raised podium. They all looked very glum like as most old people are. Then the image focus on the one at the center; which he then spoke up. 
‘Commander Scott Bent. My name is Chronos. Among us here are the twelve members of the Council. Our names are adapted from the Protogenoi; the ones before the Titans and Olympians. We are the first beings that come into existence who will form the very fabric of the universe and as such we are all immortal. Many Gods descends from them. Our adopted names are Chaos, Ananke, Chronos, Eros, Gaia, Uranus, Pontus, Tartarus, Aether, Hemera, Erebus, and Nyx. Ophion.was our thirteen member, but he left the council so we are only twelve. Mind you, we are not Gods, but we chose their names to sit in the Council. When we get too old to serve, we will step down and another takes over us from the selected poll of Atlantean’s and the person will adopt the name of the predecessor. As for me, I am the fifty fifth one to step in as Chronos. That showed how long this council has been presiding.’
‘We are the leader of the people you called as Atlantean s’. We are space explorers as your terms put people like us. We been doing it for centuries; studying and learning from other species to be better. In that pursuit of knowledge, we extended our life cycle with the genetic manipulations but we did not foresee accidents that could affect our physical self. So we developed ‘clones’ as you named it too to replaced our parts. Its unethical as you out it, but its the way of life for us. We learned and perfected that in the last few centuries so that we can be replaced with the parts needed. Eventually, we extend it to add in replacements for us in dangerous situations or sometimes to speed up the process of work. The clones shared the same psychic link when alive to the host and they think alike. The simple rationale is that our race is dying, as in when we lengthen our life cycle, we also stopped populating the numbers. Soon the later become limited and we are small in actual numbers. Our oath forbid us to create a new species of humanoids and within the pure breeds we are reproducing the numbers albeit its slow. The splinter group overruled on that oath and decided to create a new entities using clones and transplantation. That soon contaminate the mind and eventually, we had to stopped them doing it.’
‘It was when we found Earth; your people resembled us so we really wanted to see if you can be assimilated but it failed as seen in the conflict. We abandon Earth but the group has to be cleansed as in your words. We cannot afford them to come back contaminated. So they came to New Pangaea. But the splinter group went onto their next second resort with the chimps on the trail of evolution but the homo sapiens were never linked to the chimps. The chimps are a different species with close similarity to homo sapiens but they are not homo-sapiens descent.’
‘Its not a question of morality, Commander. Its an issue of extinction. Or survival. If we let them come back directly, they would had destroyed whats’ left of us. In fact they did returned, but not as our people. But as enemies to annihilate the whole race. They wanted the knowledge and technology but not the survival of their other brethren. Commander, we are warring among ourselves for the mistakes we made centuries ago. But the discovery of you tells that its possible for Atlantean’s to lived on in others. Maybe the Earth’s mission was not a total failure. We could assimilate with earthlings. That is why you are unique. You could be our link to a new sub-species.’

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...