Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Lost Legion Part 3


"Tiber, you are assigned to the Second Centuria Fifth Cohort." I felt proud then I was to join the Fifth Cohort. I was with the rank of Signifier. Its what I was trained to be, I am a non-combatant. I met Centurion Marius that week I was assigned.

"Tiber, tell me the paymaster came with the pay casket. The men are getting impatient." But I had to re-assure him that the paymaster is coming but he is late. Its not like we are in Rome; we are in the middle of a foreign land with hill tribes all around us.

"We don't get paid, we are dead soon. Damn your rules and regulation." But the Centurion is out of my tent. I hate myself for lying as I am not sure the paymaster is coming or not.

That was not the first time I lied. I also lied at my exams in the academy to pass as Signifier. Part of it was by the pouch of gold I had on my belt. It helped in some areas.

Like I lied today on the 'spare Centurion". I do not want any more Centurion but myself as one. I want to be Centurion badly when I joined the Fifth Cohort before I am laid to the ground with a large wound in my chest. I know that would happen one day but let me Centurion first. Not any Centurion, but the Centurion of the Fifth Cohort. But now all I wanted was to go back to Rome alive.

I laughed at my own thoughts. Here I am with only ninety seven men of the original Legion and I want to be Centurion and still go back Rome. Both wishful dreams that will never happen.

What's more funny, I am bad with the pilum except at Pugio. I am good at that with my throwing skill. I can hit a target twenty paces on the exact spot I want to hit.


"Repeller equites ( Repel horsemen )" The command calls for it. We formed the testudo formation ( the turtle formation ). The Legionnaire assumed a square formation holding their pilum between their shields and stood shoulder to shoulder.

The Parthians keep on coming at us with their heavy calvary lancers called the 'Cataphracts". Every time they come closer, they released these arrows on us. The unlucky shots may come between the shields to hit some vulnerable body parts. Then they withdraw and come back in recurring waves. Its not only this they had to contend with; the scorched earth tactics they deployed hampered our progress, as the Legions carry little supplies and prefer to work on acquiring if off the land they invade. But we are beaten at that by the Parthians.

But in the fight, I did win. I picked up my Pugio and threw it well. The rider did not see it coming as he was busy notching arrow when mine hit him in the heart. That was my target and I got him dead center. His death caused his men to retreat and bought us time.

Damned this battle of Carrhae. Damn Crassus.

One dead officer and they retreat to mourn the dead.

We came in with forty five thousand strong and only fifteen thousand walked back that day with another ten thousand captured by the Parthians. Nearly half of our Legions lies dead on the battle field due to wrong tactics and bad judgment.

And none of us called for the retreat to mourn.

Damn Crassus does not care for us. He is only himself and himself.


"Optio, you got a moment for me?" I looked up to see Marco, one of our Decanus approaching me. He never wait for my invitation as he got into my tent and sat himself down on the available stool. I dislike this clough behaviour but he is already himself at home,

"I am here to tell you that I am not keen on joining this new war. Can I back out and leave them fighting to all of you? Its not like I am leaving the Legion. I just want to stay back for this war." This is the first time I having such a conversation with Marco.

"I thought you don't like me. So why asked me? The Centurion is in his tent. Asked him instead."I shooed him off the stool as that the only one I have. Instead he sat on my sleeping cot.

"Optio, you could tell me. Its Franco who does not like you. Not me, I am the good guy. So tell me Optio." He looked tired and nervous. So I turned my face to him and spell it to him in clear concise tone.

"A Legion marched when he is told. You are part of the Legion and you do as we tell you. Is that understood, Decanus Marco." Decanus Marco walked away without a word. So much for my discussion as second in command to my junior officer. I went back to my work and did noticed the next person to come in.

"Go away, Marco. You do what you want. I do not care." But the voice who spoke to me is not Marco. Its the Centurion himself.

"Marco came? He is lamenting on the war. I chased him out earlier. So you did the same. Good. That is good. I am here to tell you that tomorrow I am going to the village to asked more on this Zhizhi. I will go in with Franco. You stayed back with Marco." The Centurion left my tent.

So the men go to him and then only come to me. So I am not their first option but second like my rank. So I am fragging second to all of them. Well, in the next battle I would prove them wrong. Nobody make me number two. They will learn soon enough.


I saw the Centurion ride off with the Decanus. I see them ride off until past the hill when I see Decanus Franco walking in a hurry towards me. I waited for him to come and tell me what was wrong.

"We got some trouble back at the creek. Some local boys wants to play hero with the men and you are needed to stop them getting killed."

"Ours or theirs; the ones who might get killed?"

"Theirs, Optio and then ours when the rest turned up later. The scoundrels are the local leaders men. We cannot wage a war here now. We are on their land." Why can't the Legion picked their enemies from the minions and not the royal ones." Chief Hanim was glad to see us as he is expecting that we pay for his trouble. After all he has four hundred warriors within the area to call on. He saw from his raised pallenquin and he motioned for me come nearer. I came with only twenty of the men but we are all armed. The Chief start on his demands for his son whose left leg my men broke. I let him talked before I speak. I told my translator to said the exact words I told him.

"Chief Hanim, your son deserved the pain he is having now. I am not going to pay for him but you can pay me for my men's injury. Its one case of gold equivalent to my weight. Give me your answer." I looked at the Chief who has stopped smiling. He signaled his men to surround us, while I gave the command.

"Form ranks. 'Testsuro' now." The twelve Legionaries all got into their formation and used their shields to protect themselves. Its the way we being trained and that's how we will fight. I am in the center and holding my gladius. I can feel my hands tremble as we see about a hundred warriors of the Chief faced us off.

"Hold your ranks. If we break we are all dead." That was not me talking but the Decanus. He is assuring the men. I was to call the command to retreat when the Decanus Franco held my shoulder. He whispered to me to hold my position. I took his advice. When I thought all was hopeless, the Legion came marching in with their coordinated steps and full armor. All nearly hundred of them walking in and reformed to a series tetsuro. The Chief clapped and he signaled his men to withdraw. There goes our loot of gold. I turned to the Decanus.

"Make those who are responsible has their rations cut by half for one week and two hours of extra marching." That is the part of the role as Optio that I liked; calling out orders. We all marched back to our camp and then they dis-assembled to their tents. I entered mine and hastily close the flaps so I can be alone. I need to be alone by myself. I looked at my hands. It has stopped trembling but my heart is still fluttering with raced beats.

Did I get to be Optio because I was brave like in situation today. Or stupidity to march into the place with only twelve men. It was not my doing the rest came marching in. It was Decanus Franco's arrangement. He is the real leader here. He and his compatriot Marco has the respect of the men. They respect the Centurion and that is how he controlled the men. But none of them respect me. They only considered as an officer by rank but not as their'. This is my problem and only I can solve it. And it involves the coming war . I need to show them how much a leader I really am.

I draw my gladius and held it up.

"For Rome and its people. Show me your courage that I can do with. Please."

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