Friday, March 16, 2012

Odysseus Final Part

I have one thing to do before I can do my next trial; that is to seek my father Laertes for forgiveness. The next day, it was Hermes who came again to take the dead suitors’ soul to the King of the Dead. He told me he will take care of their passage to the other world for me. I am to complete my final journey. I left with my son and Eumaius.
We near the house of Laertes where he seeks his asylum. I asked my companions to go in the house while I wait outside. Instead I wen to the fields to see the growth of the crops. It has been years since I held the plough and dig the earth. I spied an old man in the field, so I walked up to him. The old man was staring at the fruit tree and I know its my father, but my mind tell me to test him out.
“Old man! You are no farmer. Yet you toil here and damaged the earth for the crops you grow.” I mocked at him to see his reaction. “Who is your master, so I may add my words to his ears for punishing you to a chore not of your tasks.”
The old man looked at me, and said nothing.
“I come from afar to see the master of this land. Pray tell me what has Odysseus done to have a farmer like you. I brought him gifts from my land.” I  see the old man who is my father now has tears on his cheeks as he remember me and the farm.
“Who are you who claims to know my son, Odysseus? And what brings you here thinking that my son will be here?” My father holds his body straight to see me. I can that his body has withered under the strain of losing his only son and also by the toil on this land which he is not familiar.
“I am Quarrelman, of Sikiania. My ship is moored at the cove and I met Odysseus not five years ago at sea.” But I did not  foresee the mention of my name will bring more woes to him and he broke down before me.
“My son, Odysseus. He has been gone for twenty years while others has returned, he does not. He is either dead or alive as a slave perhaps somewhere afar.” I could not take it more of this and I kneel before my father.
“Forgive me, my father. I am your son, Odysseus. I have come home and I am with Penelope. I have removed the swines who came to court her. Their bodies are heaped into the grave and their souls’ sent to the Kingdom of the Dead. They will not trouble you or Penelope no more.”
“All dead. Antinous, Melathonis and the others. Odysseus, you did not do it I hope. Now their friends and allies will hunt you. You done wrong on your return and you must leave again. But before that, how do I know who you are? You could be an impostor which I seen many.” But I assured you I am who I am. I showed him my wound from the boar hunt and that reassured him.
“But you must flee. They will come.” I told him to let me at least have a meal with him in the house where Telemachus and Eumaius awaits us. During our meal, Athena came and make my father well and strong again. The four of us vowed to fight the ones who will avenged the dead suitors. Little do we know they are near and ready for us.
“Men of Ithaca, come and be prepared for battle.” I walked out with father, son and friend. I see before us a group of angry men who are all armed with weapons. One of them walked out and announced his name.
“I am Antinous’s father. Just as you killed him, I would killed you in return.” But I threw my spear at him and killed him first.
“Who’s next?” but they held back their fight. It was then Athena appeared before all of us.
“Fight no more as I am Athena, the Goddess said so. I have consulted Zeus who is the almighty God and he has said that Odysseus will be King of Ithaca, and you will all bowed before him. None may challenged the words of Zeus.” The group of angry men would not dare to offend the Gods, so they agreed to a truce. They also agreed to served me as King.
I thanked Athena and she said this to me.
“You are now the King of Ithaca, but your last task is still open. Its said that your sacrifice to Poseidon was to go the ‘land of where the sea does not exist, and I need to sacrifice to Poseidon.’ And with your new position as King of Ithaca, you will continue your voyage in his name to those lands where they do not sailed. There you will teach them how to do so and they can worship Poseidon for his care and needs during their voyage. Your next task makes you an emissary of Poseidon. You are his guiding eye for the new mariners. Teach them well and teach them how to worship Poseidon.”
And so I did for the rest of my life. But my voyages are not without my son and at times my wife Penelope. For I am Odysseus, the one who sailed the great seas and foretell the mariners of the path they can and cannot take. None will equate my voyages which took a lifetime to complete.
The sea is vast yet they yield us much like the land, and we will respect it for the worth it provides us. Decry it and faced the wrath of Poseidon. Or mine, Odysseus. 

This tale is not a translation but an adaption of the tale.

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