Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Odysseus Part 13

Not all the Gods are kind and understanding as some still harbors hatred and anger for me. Every time, I near the seas, Poseidon sends his regards to me. Its more like regrets as his water tossed me up and down, and into all directions. I was hanging on for my life as the ship of mine gets moved by the waves until it was near to the island of Scherie. I know its inhabited by the Phaeancians. A water nymph named Ino appeared before me and asked to me abandon the ship, but put on the veil so that she can sailed me to shore. I did as I was told, and I find myself on the beach. I am shipwrecked again and its all Poseidon’s fault. I was too tired to move and I fell asleep among the thicket.
Unknown to me then, the Goddess Athena enters the palace to find the Princess Nausicaa. Athena was to disguised herself as one of the friend’s of the Princess. She mocks the Princess that if she wants to b married soon, she must go and do her laundry of clothes in the river. Athena soon departs and at dawn Nausicaa ever curious of what was said, she approached her father and asks for permission to do the laundry and to bring a cart with a mule. The King approves on her request, but she will be present with her maids to assist her. On completing their laundry, the ladies took to bathe themselves. While the clothes are left to dry, they lounged around and have a picnic. In the midst of the game they play, the ball falls into the thicket where I was laying. I was awaken by the ball and I stood out from the thicket. As I was naked, I covered myself with a olive branch found nearby. The maids ran away but not Nausicaa who stood her ground to confront me. She may have thought this could be the man she was to marry so she greeted me. I stands to face her and I decided to begged for her forgiveness. At that time, in my mind was another Goddess I may offended and I fear their wrath more. I ask of her whether she is a god or a mortal? As I lay my eyes on her, I can tell that she is very beautiful.
“Who are you? I see no evil in you. If been bad, Zeus would had punished you, and if there was;p its over. Here you are safe and we will give you the needs of life”. I praised her kindness and offered to return with her to the city. She bid her maids to come forth and offered him olive oil and clothes.
“Bathe and dressed well., Be noble and we will return to the city.” I did as I was told, and once again, I looked like the warrior I was. Nausicaa was pleased of my looks that she wished he was the man she would marry. I was offered food and drinks before we embark on our journey. During my meal, I had the desire for this lady and I prayed to the Gods to grant me love and mercy during my stay here.
I walked to the city while the Princess goes back first to her palace. I was not aware until later that Athena had me veiled in fog so that no one will questioned me as a stranger and Athena was walking next to me as the lady with the jug.
“Lady, could you show me the direction to the King’s palace? I am a stranger here and there is no one I know of.” I asked the lady with the jug for help.
“Hush! Your words may bring trouble as not all strangers are welcomed. Follow me and I will take you there.” She cautions me and I followed suit.
Soon we near the palace and she direct me to the side door. There I stepped in and sees a large hall with gold and silver, with fifty maids in waiting. There is an orchard next to it, with the splendor of flowers and trees. I was to be led later to another Hall where the royal family sits for a meal. Immediately, I fell to my knees before the Queen Arete for her forgiveness. The family as taken aback and if not for an old man, I may be thrown into the dungeons.
“My King, a man comes to our table seeking food and drinks. Its customary for us to serve and asked questions later.” Wise words that helped me that day.
“Rise, my son. Give the man your seat.” The eldest son of King Alcinous rose and offered me his chair. I took my offered seat and lavished myself on the food and drinks.
“Pardon my manners, Sire, but I have not eaten for days.” I looked at the King for compassion and he did with a gesture to continue. After I had taken a fair share, the Queen asked of my name and my origin. I told them of myself and how I left my last destination to be ship wrecked here. It was the kindness of the Princess who found me and offered me clothes and to seek my refuge here.
The King was overjoyed that his daughter showed care for a total stranger and yet he leaves her charge without completing the task. I offered to apologies for the ladies as its not appropriate for me to walked with them as I am not known here.
“If I had my choice, I would had married you to her. I know not much of you saved your name and none of your origin. But nevertheless seek me your wishes so I may grant them.” The King was most kind and I told I desire to go home to my own land and I need a boat. He adjourned the discussion until he speaks to the Adviser’s. I was offered a place to bed and my request will be discussed tomorrow.
It was a grand feast when the Advisers meet as there were food and drinks with the accompaniment of the singers who sings of the exploits of the King and Gods. The singer that day was to sing of the Trojan war and the heroes behind the war. He sang of Achilles, Agamemnon and also of myself. I could n’t help myself as the minstrel recounts the days which I was involved. I moved my fac down to avoid showing my tears and buried it in the food served that day.
Soon the call for the festive games was on. The King decided some games of physical prowess be challenged. It was then during the call for the wrestling match, that my name was heard.
“Odysseus, show us your ability and strength.” I looked at the man who challenged me. He is young and he thinks I am too old to do this. But he is the King’s son and I cannot refuse. But before I accept, another youth mocks me with his words.
“Odysseus could be of a lowly rank, and his participation may tarnished the games.” I looked at the arrogant youth who made that remark.
“Aye, old man. My name is Seareach. Do not come in unless you have stronger bones.”
“My bones are sturdy like my name. But I fear you lack of the brain makes you see things differently. I will take anyone’s challenges but not of the King’s direct family as I respect my host.” I grabbed a discuss on the ground and tossed it further than anyone. Alcinous tells him that he shouldn't fear offending Laodamas because he was offended first and then calls for another feast to appease the mood that is turning hostile. The Minstrel on seeing that too changed his tune to that of the Ares’ affair with Aphrodite. It tells of a tale of an illicit affair which was discovered by the estranged husband. I had listened to it before but I still enjoys the re-telling of the tale. It reminded me of Agamemnon and Achilles stupidity over a woman.
When it was finished the tale, King Alcinous asked his Minstrel to play some songs that calls his sons can dance. The dance was made interesting with the balancing of a bouncing ball as they dance. I enjoyed that too and I had to compliments the king. It pleased the King Alcinous and he calls the Adviser’s together and announces that each should present Odysseus with a gift of cloak and a bar of gold. Even the arrogant youth, Seareach gives a broad sword of his to me as well as an apology. I took everything that was offered and Queen Arete was kind enough to offered me a chest to store it.
“Store it and bound it, Odysseus.” I laughed at Queen Arete advise but I did as she told me.
I was soon to retire with the King to his private Hall with the minstrel. There the King asked the Minstrel to play the songs of the wooden horse. So he did and went on with the destruction of Troy. It brought back to me memories of the war, of the heroes like Big Ajax, Aeanas, and even Hector. I could not hold back my emotions and the King stopped the entertainment.
“Odysseus, did you feel pain? Or was there your kins who died at Troy?”
“Aye, I am. I am who I said I was. But I am also Odysseus of Ithaca, who was one of the sworn by the Oath to the lady Helen’s marriage to Menelaus. I fought alongside with Achilles and Agamemnon. I was there to climb down from the Trojan horse as I was its originator. I begged your forgiveness for not telling you earlier more of myself.” I was on my knees in front of the King.
“Rise, Odysseus of Ithaca. None may you bow to for your deeds are heard by many. Sit by me. Tell me what did happened after Troy as all had returned as I was told.”
I began to recount my adventures from the day I left Troy, with no lesser details left out. . I told him of Cyclops, the giants, the Sirens and Also of Circe. I finally of Calypso. A ship with fifty two crews were prepared for me, and my treasures loaded onto the ship.
“Surely you will not reconsider your mind to stay. I asked not you to marry my daughter but you can sit by by my table for eternity.” I thank the King for his generosity but my mind is made. I asked him for permissions to speak to his daughter who showed me the passage to this day.
“Nausicaa, my dear. I am pleased that you shown me kindness, but I am sad I cannot do the same for you. I am an old man who is beyond your age, and I cannot offered you the quality of life a younger man can. But mark my words, that among them standing before you are many good ones. They will come soon enough on seeing my departure.” She smiled at me and she blushed at my thoughts. I kissed her on her cheek and told my leave of her.
I also thank Queen Arete of her kindness and how she takes care of the family. I wished her all the best in her coming years, and if need be, I am ever her servant to call upon.
I left that day and it was a smooth journey to my surprise. For days we sailed with no troubled winds or waves, but it was a smooth one.
“We near Ithaca, Odysseus. A drink to our journey before we leave you there.” I drank with the crew and rejoiced with them, but little I was to know, my drink was laced with poison that made me sleep fast. I slept the night and they sailed close to Ithaca. The bundled me up with my treasure and unloaded me on the cove on the island of Ithaca. They buried my treasures under the olive tree. There I slept.
It was many years later that I got to know of their fate. Poseidon on realizing I was home without any sacrifice done for him, turned the ship and its crew to stone as they near their home port. It was King Alcinous who told the tale of the wrath of Poseidon.
“There was a prophecy that a ship of ours will incurred the wrath of Poseidon when we aid a stranger off this island. That prophecy has come true and this ship is the testimony of it.” The King in order to appease the Gods, sacrificed twelve bulls to Poseidon for the wrath.

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