Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Lost Legion Part 3


"Tiber, you are assigned to the Second Centuria Fifth Cohort." I felt proud then I was to join the Fifth Cohort. I was with the rank of Signifier. Its what I was trained to be, I am a non-combatant. I met Centurion Marius that week I was assigned.

"Tiber, tell me the paymaster came with the pay casket. The men are getting impatient." But I had to re-assure him that the paymaster is coming but he is late. Its not like we are in Rome; we are in the middle of a foreign land with hill tribes all around us.

"We don't get paid, we are dead soon. Damn your rules and regulation." But the Centurion is out of my tent. I hate myself for lying as I am not sure the paymaster is coming or not.

That was not the first time I lied. I also lied at my exams in the academy to pass as Signifier. Part of it was by the pouch of gold I had on my belt. It helped in some areas.

Like I lied today on the 'spare Centurion". I do not want any more Centurion but myself as one. I want to be Centurion badly when I joined the Fifth Cohort before I am laid to the ground with a large wound in my chest. I know that would happen one day but let me Centurion first. Not any Centurion, but the Centurion of the Fifth Cohort. But now all I wanted was to go back to Rome alive.

I laughed at my own thoughts. Here I am with only ninety seven men of the original Legion and I want to be Centurion and still go back Rome. Both wishful dreams that will never happen.

What's more funny, I am bad with the pilum except at Pugio. I am good at that with my throwing skill. I can hit a target twenty paces on the exact spot I want to hit.


"Repeller equites ( Repel horsemen )" The command calls for it. We formed the testudo formation ( the turtle formation ). The Legionnaire assumed a square formation holding their pilum between their shields and stood shoulder to shoulder.

The Parthians keep on coming at us with their heavy calvary lancers called the 'Cataphracts". Every time they come closer, they released these arrows on us. The unlucky shots may come between the shields to hit some vulnerable body parts. Then they withdraw and come back in recurring waves. Its not only this they had to contend with; the scorched earth tactics they deployed hampered our progress, as the Legions carry little supplies and prefer to work on acquiring if off the land they invade. But we are beaten at that by the Parthians.

But in the fight, I did win. I picked up my Pugio and threw it well. The rider did not see it coming as he was busy notching arrow when mine hit him in the heart. That was my target and I got him dead center. His death caused his men to retreat and bought us time.

Damned this battle of Carrhae. Damn Crassus.

One dead officer and they retreat to mourn the dead.

We came in with forty five thousand strong and only fifteen thousand walked back that day with another ten thousand captured by the Parthians. Nearly half of our Legions lies dead on the battle field due to wrong tactics and bad judgment.

And none of us called for the retreat to mourn.

Damn Crassus does not care for us. He is only himself and himself.


"Optio, you got a moment for me?" I looked up to see Marco, one of our Decanus approaching me. He never wait for my invitation as he got into my tent and sat himself down on the available stool. I dislike this clough behaviour but he is already himself at home,

"I am here to tell you that I am not keen on joining this new war. Can I back out and leave them fighting to all of you? Its not like I am leaving the Legion. I just want to stay back for this war." This is the first time I having such a conversation with Marco.

"I thought you don't like me. So why asked me? The Centurion is in his tent. Asked him instead."I shooed him off the stool as that the only one I have. Instead he sat on my sleeping cot.

"Optio, you could tell me. Its Franco who does not like you. Not me, I am the good guy. So tell me Optio." He looked tired and nervous. So I turned my face to him and spell it to him in clear concise tone.

"A Legion marched when he is told. You are part of the Legion and you do as we tell you. Is that understood, Decanus Marco." Decanus Marco walked away without a word. So much for my discussion as second in command to my junior officer. I went back to my work and did noticed the next person to come in.

"Go away, Marco. You do what you want. I do not care." But the voice who spoke to me is not Marco. Its the Centurion himself.

"Marco came? He is lamenting on the war. I chased him out earlier. So you did the same. Good. That is good. I am here to tell you that tomorrow I am going to the village to asked more on this Zhizhi. I will go in with Franco. You stayed back with Marco." The Centurion left my tent.

So the men go to him and then only come to me. So I am not their first option but second like my rank. So I am fragging second to all of them. Well, in the next battle I would prove them wrong. Nobody make me number two. They will learn soon enough.


I saw the Centurion ride off with the Decanus. I see them ride off until past the hill when I see Decanus Franco walking in a hurry towards me. I waited for him to come and tell me what was wrong.

"We got some trouble back at the creek. Some local boys wants to play hero with the men and you are needed to stop them getting killed."

"Ours or theirs; the ones who might get killed?"

"Theirs, Optio and then ours when the rest turned up later. The scoundrels are the local leaders men. We cannot wage a war here now. We are on their land." Why can't the Legion picked their enemies from the minions and not the royal ones." Chief Hanim was glad to see us as he is expecting that we pay for his trouble. After all he has four hundred warriors within the area to call on. He saw from his raised pallenquin and he motioned for me come nearer. I came with only twenty of the men but we are all armed. The Chief start on his demands for his son whose left leg my men broke. I let him talked before I speak. I told my translator to said the exact words I told him.

"Chief Hanim, your son deserved the pain he is having now. I am not going to pay for him but you can pay me for my men's injury. Its one case of gold equivalent to my weight. Give me your answer." I looked at the Chief who has stopped smiling. He signaled his men to surround us, while I gave the command.

"Form ranks. 'Testsuro' now." The twelve Legionaries all got into their formation and used their shields to protect themselves. Its the way we being trained and that's how we will fight. I am in the center and holding my gladius. I can feel my hands tremble as we see about a hundred warriors of the Chief faced us off.

"Hold your ranks. If we break we are all dead." That was not me talking but the Decanus. He is assuring the men. I was to call the command to retreat when the Decanus Franco held my shoulder. He whispered to me to hold my position. I took his advice. When I thought all was hopeless, the Legion came marching in with their coordinated steps and full armor. All nearly hundred of them walking in and reformed to a series tetsuro. The Chief clapped and he signaled his men to withdraw. There goes our loot of gold. I turned to the Decanus.

"Make those who are responsible has their rations cut by half for one week and two hours of extra marching." That is the part of the role as Optio that I liked; calling out orders. We all marched back to our camp and then they dis-assembled to their tents. I entered mine and hastily close the flaps so I can be alone. I need to be alone by myself. I looked at my hands. It has stopped trembling but my heart is still fluttering with raced beats.

Did I get to be Optio because I was brave like in situation today. Or stupidity to march into the place with only twelve men. It was not my doing the rest came marching in. It was Decanus Franco's arrangement. He is the real leader here. He and his compatriot Marco has the respect of the men. They respect the Centurion and that is how he controlled the men. But none of them respect me. They only considered as an officer by rank but not as their'. This is my problem and only I can solve it. And it involves the coming war . I need to show them how much a leader I really am.

I draw my gladius and held it up.

"For Rome and its people. Show me your courage that I can do with. Please."

Friday, March 30, 2012

Bullet 4 Part 4


We took sheltered in the hut at the slum area near to the airport. The hut was empty so we just parked the Rover in the rear and covered it with some planks and crates. We went into the hut and took our rest. Its a small wooden place with a cooking area designated at the rear which also has a doorway to the rear where we parked the rover. The front entrance comes with a door and a side window on the left. Whoever was staying here did not partition any rooms as it only a large hall here. We can see the strewn personal remains of what may had served as bedding and some cutleries scattered around. But its a covered shelter and we can hear the flying noise over our heads as air crafts are taking off for the skies.

Henry and other guy were taking the watch while we all rested, but we were soon awaken by the sounds of some gun fire. I sat up and looked around to see if anyone was hurt. Then I walked towards Henry who crouched at the window looking out. I joined him there as he brief me what happened.

"Two of them ran into that hut chased by some armed men. They are held in a siege there by five men. But they are not military. Possible rebels or just thugs with guns. But they are not moving towards us. I think the attackers are planning to something as I seen them running around." The hut is about two hundred yards away.

"Any idea who those two are?" But Henry shook his head.

"But one of them seemed to be wearing a priest robe."

"Cover me." I sneaked off out of the hut and ran towards the shooting. I am armed with my hand guns and I am just curious to get into action. I came around the corner and walked straight into one of the attacker. The guy is dressed like any ordinary guy on the street with a red scaff on his neck but he is armed with a automatic in his waist and holding a small bore rifle probably a .22 rifle. He was alarmed on bumping into me, but I was more used to such situation. I grabbed his scaff and pulled him down towards me while I punched my left fist into the front of his neck. The blow took his voice and broke his windpipe. As he was grasping for breath, I pulled him down with a right knee into his midriff, followed by a back neck chop. He was dead by the time he hit the ground. I looked past the corner and saw no one. I picked up the .22 rifle and moved along the side of the hut towards the center scene. I saw another man standing at the far end looking at the hut which the two men are holding up. I sneaked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Pedro, I told you....uh, who are you?" He turned to face me. The man is dressed quite similar to the dead man and he has a red scaff too. I jabbed the rifle into the bottom of his chin and asked him to call the rest here. The man took up his hand and whistled to them. Soon I find myself facing two man with handgun's in their hands.

"I want all of you to cleared off here. You can forget about Pedro as he is dead. Or you will all end up like him." They don't seemed to understand me or don;t want to. So dropped the handguns and showed them my empty hands. 

"Good choice. Shooting creates sound and that bring in more soldiers. So we do it the quiet way, huh?" I find myself soon encircle by the three men, of which one is armed with a dagger. "Three to one; that's a unfair but who is counting." The none with the dagger came swinging his hand at me from he left and to the right. I watched his movements and at the correct timing, I reached and grab the hand holding the dagger, I twisted wrist and assailant dropped his dagger. I took hold of the wrist and swung the man towards his friend on the left. At that moment when I released the man I held on by the wrist, I swung out with my right foot on a side swing onto the man on the right. My kick got him on the chest and he fell back. I had then regain my stance and ran towards the two men who had crashed into each other. I did a flying kick on the back of the man who was crashing into his partner and send both of them hurling to the back. I followed on with two well placed neck chop on the two fallen men. I got up from the unconscious duo to see the earlier man I kicked now standing there holding a handgun.

"Don't do it." But he never got the chance. The shot came from behind me. It hit the man in the chest and he fell down dead.

The duo came out and one of them is a priest. A man of the flock and he carries a gun pointing at me which he just shot at the dead man. His companion is a younger female teen dressed in the man's clothing.

"Thank you, sir. My name is Father Seab, and this is my care, Nicole. We are glad for your help but are you also to harm us like them. I could use this gun if I need to. We lived in thriving times and some exceptions must be made." Father Seab is an elderly man who wears the parish cloak but he carries a weapon of pain. He is semi bald and frail looking but he his grip on the handgun is firm.

"I meant you no harm, Father. I was in the nearby hut when I saw your predicament. Truly we live in thriving times to see one of your faith holding a gun. Where is your parish, Father and I may bring you there in safety."

"Our place was burned by them but our brothers..." Nicole was stopped from speaking by the priest for he trusts not me to reveal his other care.

"Stranger, we can be on our way now. I thank you and please allowed us to move in our own path."

I gave him passage and I walked back to the hut which we were hiding. I met Henry half way as he came running with the FN.

"So you found the priest as I can see from here. I seen the man before. He is Father Seab and runs the old church nearby here. I came by here a few times as there is a pilot who used to stay near his place. But the pilot is dead; went down with the shipment and the plane. My ex-friend used to give some of his proceeds to the Father. I think he told me once Father Seab was once a mercenary now turned to be a man of God.'

"Well, he is on his own now, and we got a plane to catch."

But our surveillance of the airport tells us its quite impossible to get in there unobserved, unless something major happened.

It did at 1700hr.

The true value of wealth

"William of Baskervilles, thank the Lord you are safe. Come in , my dear friend from the damn cold. My fireplace awaits your return for many nights." The man who offered me sanctuary in his humble home is the Abbot of Turns and a very old friend. We studied together in the great Library of Canterbury before we part for our humble postings to different parts of the island. I stepped in to the home of his alongside with my assistance; the novice Adso of Melk who was unloading our mounts of their weight of burden.
"My apologies as this is my good man, Adso of Melk who tags with me to learned more of the Franciscan works." I introduce my young novice as he brought in the bundles to the house. The abbot in turns pulled the heavy loads into his living area where the fire was stoked to give out its warmth to two weary travelers. Suddenly Adso lunged forth to pulled the bundles from being too near the fire. He grabbed them by the lashings which they were tied by and carried them to the far colder corner.
"I am so sorry, but this items are not be too near the fire." The novice bows his head and proceeded to unload the remaining bundles. He placed each one of them ever carefully to the flooring and stacked them by their size and weight.
"Are those the scrolls and books you saved from the fire?" The abbot turned to look at the visiting friends of his. William nodded his head and the abbot made a holy sign on his body. He mumbled a prayer not for the dead but the thanks of God for this recovery. Just as Adso had relief the mounts of these weights, the yard to the abbot's home was soon sounded by the arrival of a drawn carriage. As the carriage pulled to stop by the entrance of the abbot's home, a figure of a man was soon to seen to dismount from the carriage and he comes into the abbot's home without any greetings.
"Father Timothy, is this the man whom we spoke of earlier?" The newly arrived man was dressed in fine clothing and dashing headgear that befits a rich manor or maybe a squire from the countryside. He also carries a large bag with him which he deposited next to him as he removed his gloves. "Be haste, Father. I am a busy man and time is of precious to me as its means more gold would be deposited into my vault as I speak. Tell me, William of .... Baskervilles, how much for your books?"
"Pardon me, sire. We were not introduced nor am I privileged to hear of your name before." I was clearly taken aback by this man who came in barging in to seek his purchase of my carrying. Adso who was at the door to take the mounts to the stable now have returned with his chore undone. He choose to stand beside me and looked at the care of his since we left the Benedictine Monastery some weeks back.
"Waste not my time. Herewith is a thousand guineas for the restoration for the restoration of the Monastery in exchange for the books." The rich man took up his bag and dropped it in front of us to reveal the rich content. "If its not sufficient then I can give you double of that for the books. But you would need to take a promissory note of mine for tonight."
"I am afraid, my dear sir; the bundles are not for sale. I am taking them back to the Church to be presented as a gift by the Monastery. I cannot betray that trust bestow on me. Please do keep back your money as its not a bargaining tool here." I turned my back to the man and speak to Adso in whispers; "attend to the poor mounts as I would handle the situation here." Adso on my insistence made his way to complete his unfinished task.
"Your unworthy novice is not here now. Name me your price and I would consider." This man thinks I am called away my novice to cover for my dealings on the matter.
"I apologies, sire. The bundles are not sale. Please do not flaunt your wealth of money on this evening, as we seek not your exchange but only the warmth of this fire." I turned to the fire place and reached for a small log to keep it burning warm.
"William of Baskervilles, you stand before my fire and the log you burned comes from my forest. I am the rightful owner of this land, and the abbot lived here on my permission. Why do you shun my offer when all I am giving is money to do good for your monastery? Those are hard earned money of mine which I toil with my sweat and blood. All I asked for is the exchange of it for the bundle of old books. Is that too much of what I asked?" The squire has now looked enraged and tries to exert his influence of material wealth on my humble self.
"I begged your pardon, sire. No exchange of anything would be entertained. But before I am to explained; tell me why you need the books when you have the means to acquire more of others in similar contents from the willing trading parties?" I moved to stand between my bundles and the squire for I feared he would do hasty things in the emotions of his.
"Books I have aplenty, as much as the wealth of money. But I desire those you hold dears as they are not any books but coveted treasures of the Church. I want them to buy favors with the clergy perhaps but actaully to be seen to closer to the faith by having them in my possession. I meant no harm to them, but to enhance myself with it. As I am not privileged to the findings of such treasures, I am now offering to acquired them by the means of my other wealth. Forgive me, William of Baskervilles. These treasures has troubled my mind since the reports of your findings. I seek them so I can appease myself of that troubling thoughts. Please spare me your mercy to grant them to me." The squire was now openly declaring his wanton to me but I am annoyed.
"Sire, you are obviously a man of wealth which I salute you as you acquired them by hard work and pain, but you have fallen into its trap as it now uses you to drive your other desires. 1 Timothy 6.9 People who want to get rich fall into temptations and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction." I quoted form the Bible of this man use of the wealth of material. "Remember this,sire; we come with nothing and we would return with nothing."
"Tell me then of what can I do with the wealth of materials which I hold now?" The man challenged me to his means to the end.
"Do as your heart and mind tells you but on noble causes. Look to your man sitting out there in the cold night; invite him in and sit down by this fire. He is a human like you and me, but your blindness to the riches of wealth has make him a servant in your eyes. There are no servants among all of us in the blood and flesh. We are only servant to HIM whom we have placed our faith. He gave us the freedom of choice to work on our journey here, and how we do it determined our understanding of this ongoing journey. If we are ahead in some ways, remember the ones before us who may need a hand in catching up. Offer it to them and let them come up with you. In life's journey, there is no winner but participants to complete it as altogether. You may have more of one of the wealth's of life, but he who is besides you holds the other parts of wealth. Share and both of you would be stepped into the end of the journey together."
Soon I find myself sitting with a company of five people in front of a fire place perusing some good books of old. The writers of these books left behind a wealth which money cannot buy but a love for it would open it pages to all. I am just sharing my wealth of knowledge to explain these words to the new readers.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Gift for Man

Age of Man his father told him
Would be the greatest as Man is free
To think and to speak, and to dream
But when His Son comes down to see himself
He finds the gift of Man may also be their downfall
As they used it not for the God rightful ways
But the ways the fallen angels would do.
By preventing the abyss to be widen,
His Son choose to speak for his father
Many come, some heard, few understood
But all it takes was one to revolt 
And he was to be staked on the wooden cross.
Man did as what their gifts taught them
They think and spoke of what they dream
But they did not heed one more of God's gift;
To hold the above three, you must understand its meaning.
What His Son did was he understood what Man has not done
So upon his death, he still pleas for their redemption
Forgive the Man as he had misunderstood the use of your gift
In this Age of Man. 

The Lost Legion Part 2


Centurion Marius Decan lay his right hand on the dagger he wears at his waist belt. He calls it his 'pugio'. Its a handy piece in a close combat when you are disarmed by the heavier sword or better known as the 'gladius'. His left armpit itched but he does cannot reached it with the torso armor he had on. He lay his shield on the ground and moved on his bent knees to the ledge. Once he reached there he looked over to see the road below.

The caravan is on it as per the reports of his spies. That is good as they would be gifts to be shared tonight. He counted like twelve wagons with their riders. He also counted ten armed riders and another twenty armed guards walking beside the wagons. He then looked to the one wagon that interest him most. Its there the main wagon of the trader Matteo who refused to pay his safe passage through my land.

The centurion slowly moved back to the folds of the bushes and he was met by his officers. There is the Optio Tiber; a young man when he joined the campaign but now aged with gray beard; the two indispensable Decanus, they survived to date with bravery and intelligence. Their name is Franco and Mario; from the same land of the bullfighters. I called them together and told them my plan. Its not the Legion way to rush into battles like the Goths and Celts.

Unlike the old Legion, we have improvised after our escape from the Parthian's camp. We still carried on our old tradition but the Centuria had changed from an infantry unit to one of some mixed skills now. Among my ninety seven men including myself, I have sixteen archers and ten slingers while the rest are still the ever faithful pilum fighters. So I used their skills to do my battles. Twenty years ago when we did the mass escape, we were almost a Cohort of four hundred men with three Centurion including myself. But that last twenty years as we fought and lived off this land, we been reduced to our current strength. We kept to our tradition as Legionaries; refusing to add in new blood which we felt were not of the quality we want but the last mercenary campaign taught us a lesson. We lost fifty five men including Centurion Taurus to a force larger than ourselves many times. We fought and we withdraw as our training called for. I find myself with only eighty men of the original four hundred and on advice, Optio and myself we recruited in the locals but on stringent checks. We got seventeen of them and they now partake as Legionnaire.

I shake off my thoughts of the past and focus on the task at hand.

My plan is to set into motion. Fifteen archers with their short bow made short works of the riders. Then the slingers take the wagon drivers. The twenty armed on foot soon some to face the thirty Legionnaire with their shields and pilum. Its a formidable sight if you heard of the rumors of us in battles. The twenty paid guards threw their arms and ran for safety. I step out and walked towards the wagon which carries the trader.

"Matteo, I told you so. But you still waste your gold on these cowards. Now the price is double and half your load."

I was not prepared for the trader's response.

Two daggers flew at me but I managed to raise my shield in time. They walked from the wagon; a pair of Pathan's paid assassins. They are clad in their garb of black tunic and pants but they wield the double scimitars like its part of their arms.

"Decanus! To the fore." My two trusted Spaniards came with their drawn swords and shields. They stood in front to protect me from the two assassins.

"Marco, our type of fight. I love it. Worthy foes for the day. Shall we used the dagger like the old days?" They both discard their shields and gladius. They took off their mail armor and heavy skirt. They are only clad in their tunic and holding now a dagger in each hand. "Marco, the ugly one is yours. He is as bad as your toes."

Franco went forth to take on his selected foe with a dagger in each hand, he reminds me of the robbers I met in the seaport some time back. They are nasty fighters and they never fight fair. Franco's foe came forth swinging the scimitars with both hands in cris crossed movements. Franco stepped back and then leap up with a somersault to land his legs on the assassin's face causing the assassin to staggered backwards. He falls on his feet at the rear and he turned with his body to plunge both daggers' into the assassin's left ribs. The foe of his is dead with the dagger piercing the  heart.

Its over.

Marco laughed as he faced his assassin. He is still wearing his armor and holding his Roman's weapon. He did not let the assassin come for him as he charged to the man. He went in with his shield in front and his gladius as per his training. His charged took the assassin by surprise as the scimitars hit the shield. From the side of the shield, the gladius went for the lower chest and it went up to his heart.

"I like the direct approach." Marco laughed again and walked back to the woods.

It was then Matteo appeared. He handed out his case of gold to me and smiled. I signaled the rest to drive the wagons as we planned. But Matteo call for me again.

"Roman, there is work for your kind. The Chieftain Zhizhi of Xiongnu calls for mercenaries. He pays well, not like the Han. I think you can do well there. As bodyguard and doing patrol. No assassins."

"Trader, the chinese do not pay well. Not even the ones who stay in the desert. I prefer my lifestyle; I get paid in full on completion of my task." I walked away laughing.

"I saw your kind there. Not many but few. They are your men. One has a head like yours."

Another Centurion here.


"Centurion, you get in line. The Legates Legionis is coming to inspect the Cohort." That was the command of the Prefect sent out to organize us into Centuria by the Tribune. I know Tribune Paris well; promoted to the position by the influence of his father, the Senator Peritus. He felt his son will be worthy of the family name if he were to served well under the great Crassus; conqueror of the slave rebellion and killer of Spartacus. But his son was sent to the Fifth Cohort of the twenty under Crassus. Tribune Paris never get to see his idol up close as his father would like him to be. But he tell him not as he feared his father would influence him to another idol.

The four hundred and eighty Legionnaire formed the six Centuria to be presented to the Legates Legionis. Each Centuria consists of the eighty Legionnaire took their places as I stand in the front. I looked in front of me at the Legionnaire who holds the standard bearer; the esteemed Aquilifer. He is an experienced Legionnaire who fought many campaigns under Crassus and now he is given the post of prestige. 

Legates Calio came out of the pallenquin that bears him here. Unlike most officers, this one is short but square shoulder. His head gear showed his rank and he wears it well. He walked up to us and stood there. He rest his hands on his belt and he exhaled before he speaks.

"Fifth Cohort. I bring news for you. Your Praetor Crassus march for the Parthians. We fight the battle we been waiting for. We will show them how the Legions fight. We will overcome these barbarians like the Goths and Celts. None can stop us when we marched. Who are we?"

The whole six Centuria roared to life; "The Fifth Cohort! We are the best."

I find myself shouting with them. It sound like the thing to do. But little I was to know it was the only thing that saved us most times in battle; "The Fifth Cohort! We are the best."

And Legions do not leave their mates behind.


I am in conference with my officers.

"Another Centurion? Its possible. There are four hundred of us who escaped but there were others before or even after we left." That our Optio Tiber who alway speaks his mind. He never liked me as his officer, and he showed his displeasure at times like now is one. "That will give us more than you to look to as leader. No offense to you but if something happens to you, we have another officer to spare."

I did not bother to add in anymore comment. 

"Legions do not leave their men behind but this one is different. That Centurion joined a war we did not signed up for. I said we leave him there. I am happy here." Marco was always the practical one but he is right in his statement.

"May I remind you that we have a oath when we become Legionnaire; The Senate and the Roman People. That Centurion and the other men are Roman's. We do desert our people in foreign land." Optio Tiber is right. We took the oath and we live for it. If its us there, we would expect others to come and rescue if they knew we are alive. Or fight with us.

So the decision is made. Just like then when Praetor Crassus said march we marched to the battle. But did we know our enemy? No, we did not. We just walked in and do our thing as asked. We are the Legions.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Bullet 4 Part 3

I did as he asked and I went onto the side kerb and I hit the pedal down. Henry took his aim and tossed off some rounds into the approaching pickup trucks. The Rovers behind us just joined in and the three of us are speeding down the road. Its a wide road and clear of vehicles now. Neither of saw the missile coming from behind and it took the rear Rover and its occupants.

"Henry! Car Three down. They got stingers." But by then I have swerved the Rover around on the road. I motioned to the Sarge who was in the second Rover to drive on. Henry took the opportunity to aimed and shot the gunner, rendering him dead before the guy could fire any more shots. Then Henry moved his aim to the front of the pickup and ripped off the front cover of the vehicle. The engine block on being ruptured by the bullets caused the driver to lose control. The first pickup truck hit the side kerb and slammed into the huts but I was already coming towards the second the second pickup truck. Henry took my hint and started straffing the truck causing the driver to crash. I braked and I turned the car around and were racing passed the scene of the first Land Rover which crashed into the side. Its burning from the missile attack and there was no survivor.

I would had thanked Henry but the next pickup truck came into the scene. It seems that we had hit on more than one simple road block. The pickup truck coming at our rear has also alongside it a sedan; plus some nasty passengers. I stepped down on the pedal and pushed the rover to build up the distance.The Defender 110 is good for off -terrain driving but not on speed race. I got another problem soon as the pursuers are also armed with missile and they just missed us on the right side.

"Darned, they got some more launcher." I heard Henry cursing and he reached for the knapsack he was carrying. He grabbed out some grenades and passed it to Dion. "Pull the pin and drop them off. I think they are three seconds behind us in speed."

Dion nodded and pulled the pins on the three grenades. She tossed them out of the side onto the road.

I heard the explosions but I was focused on my driving.

"Did it work?" But no one is answering me. But the shots that came gave me the answers.

"We got one but the sedan is still on us. Can you turn this around.?"

I did as Henry requested and I made a spin on the left again at some open ground. Henry's FN spilled out their loads on the broadside of the sedan as it came to our front view. The sedan driver on being hit rammed into the left hand kerb side rested the car on the lamp post base. I drove up past it and moved on towards the highway interchange at a comfortable speed.

"That was solid driving, mate. I did not know you still had it in you."

I would had thanked Henry but right now my main concern is what would be on the highway.

I got my answer soon.

The whole place was stacked with cars and masses of people trying to get out of the city. But they are not be able to move. We were still at the interchange trying to get onto it but we are stuck there. I reversed out of the interchange and decided to take back the earlier trunk road. The Sarge followed suit with his vehicle.

"We could take the route 145 and jumped onto the highway at some later interchanges. But to get there, we need to go though this part of the city. Its near to the airport and I believed it would be heavily guarded."

We pondered on the decision but soon we heard some loud explosions. I looked out of the window to see a pair of helicopters is flying over the highway. They are Kiowa Helicopters armed with 7-shot 2.75 in Hydra-70 rocket pods. These helo are firing their missiles at the large vehicles and straffing the smaller one with its mounted Browning. People are running in panic to avoid being shot at but there are many who were caught by the blasts. I saw the massacre as the road we are on parallel to the highway on my left with a gap of about 100 meter of open ground.

Then I saw The Kiowa's again flying parallel to our direction.


But he is already cradling the machine gun in his arms aimed at the helicopters. He let off the blast when I stopped the vehicle. The bullets hit the low flying Kiowa at the rate of 800 rounds per minute. Henry was aiming at the rotor tails to bring it down. He did on the first one but the second Kiowa pulled away in time.

The remaining Kiowa soon turned back and headed towards us. The Sarge on seeing the incoming helicopter sped off down the trunk road without waiting for me. They got off as the Kiowa was homing on my vehicle. Its fired a missile but I swerved in time to avoid the blast. It flew over our heads and is looking to turn back to take us out.

"Give me the call, Henry." I shouted at him and he did.

"Straight and then left. And then back. Now!"

I stepped on the pedal and drove straight moving away from the oncoming copter which was firing its Browning now. It missed us by a few feet but soon I was swerving on my wheel to turned left towards it. Henry took his gun and lashed out. The helicopter is just to our left and still on parallel path to us but its exposed broadside was all we need to target on. This time Henry went for the cockpit and made his way down the frame to the rotor blades. Henry must had hit the fuselage as it starts to spurts black smokes.

By then, I was turning around the Rover back to the road that will take us into the city. The other vehicle with the Sarge was soon to be at our rear and holding that position. We did not turned back to see the crash as we were now on the road towards the airport.

It was another hour of drive passing more of the same scene on this flat land stretch as we approached the airport. We can see the sections of the highway as it veered off to its own direction on our left, but the route is laid with abandoned cars and people. Looks like our option on the highway is not in our favor. I stopped the rover and got out of to review my current options. Henry and the Sarge were to joined me to discuss the options.

Its not much to contemplate as there two other routes which we can take besides the highway. If we hit either way, we would add another five hours to the trip making our trek all the more of a rush. Just then Henry gave the most stupid idea to hijack an air flown option considering the place will be filled with soldiers. And more to it, both of us do not know how to fly a plane, let alone a helicopter.

"I could fly a small plane. I am trained in the Special Forces."

We all looked at Dion who is standing there cradling her AK47. Then we all looked at our options again. But nothing is as planned.

Claus Kitchen Part 1

Its the time of the year and the weather is getting cold and heavy with the moisture in the air. I got up at my usual hour and adjusted my curlers so that they would ruffle my hair do into a haystack look when I uncurl them at mirror. I turned to see my better half sleeping on his back and huffing his breaths through the twinkle split parted mustache to the chords of the fifth symphony. He is tired too as I know he crawls in just before dawn as the request comes in for new toys are checked and marked for delivery this coming festive. His Elves should all be retiring too by now as they also have a need for the rest like himself.
I tip toe to the washroom but I tell you at my age and body dimensions, tip toes are not without difficulty but I made it without waking him up and also the cheesy cat who sleeps by the end of the bed. My toiletries done and I don my golden brown dress and perk up my Red Hair Band. I opened my bedroom door and leave it shut ever softly on my exit. I go down the stairs and into the domain of mine; the kitchen.
I can hear the singing as my Pixies are hard at work in there as I opened the door.
Patty Cake, Patty Cake,
Baker's Man;
That I will Master,
As fast as I can;
Prick it and prick it,
And mark it with a T,
And there will be enough for Jacky and me.
                ( Old English Rhyme from Mother Goose 1785 )

I joined in with my Pixies with my own tenor voice sounding the walls.

Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, baker's man.
Bake me a cake as fast as you can;
Pat it and prick it and mark it with B,
Put it in the oven for baby and me.
                ( Modern version )

But the all the Pixies stopped their work and put their index finger to their lips; "Shhh..... Or you will wake the old man". They all whisper back in unison.

Well, I did they asked and took down my apron from the rack and slipped it on over my head. On it, the words tells my name and role' MAMA CLAUS; BAKER AT LARGE. It was my first Christmas gift from Santa who is snoring in bed as he worked all night since last July to get the toys order ready for Christmas. Just as he worked hard at it, I work at mine to feed the hungry needs of the our home.

"Young Pixie, have you ever bake a cake?" I asked of one who is kneading the flour on the table.

"Of course I do. What do you think I am doing now? Toning my muscles for the Beauty Pageant?" They all laughed at her reply.

"Oh! You young one too. Are those icings you are putting on the cake? Or you are a painter in disguise as a baker in my kitchen?" The room was hushed to an eerie silence as the young Pixie put down the icing cone and raised her hand to wipe her brow.

"Alas, the works of a master is never satisfied but the line is to continue, so be it I will past this masterpiece on as them Elves appreciate not an art from artist lest alone the cake from the baker."

"But we do....." A sound that echo from the upper levels where the Elves are taking their sleep.

"So they said every time and yet they gobble to the crumbs before I can even finished explaining my design...." sigh the dejected Pixie. I picked her up and tossed her to the air and she lands on the arms of her ladies bakers.

"But we we love you all the same." They all sang to her which made her smile. She leap off their arms and went back to her post to do the next icing.

I like my kitchen here as we are part of the Santa' workshop where he does the toys while we feed their hungry needs. As Santa calls his workshop; Toyland, I called mine Claus Kitchen.

"Okay, girls. Tell me the order for today."

"Two hundred muffins; of which one hundred to be blueberries and the rest are with strawberries. One hundred chicken pie with a shovel less on the salt as the doctor changed the recipe this morning. He said its bad for the heart but we ache when he changed our recipe." They all sighed in chorus. "But we have also one more small order to do on a tiny cake with a coat of white icing with fresh strawberry on top."

"My LORD, WHO is it for that can TELL my kitchen to do one TINY order?" I roared as the Pixies ran to hide under the tables and behind the cupboards.

"Its for me, Mama. I am hungry too." I looked down at my little darling crawling on his hands and knees with his milk bottle trailing behind.

"Yes, Baby. You shall have it as per request."I carried him up and peck him on his cheeks.

"There she goes again. She ROARED and then she whimper when she hears it for her little RORY....... A PIXIE'S WORK IS NEVER DONE!" All the Pixes sang out in chorus to my surrender to my son in my arms.

"Nevermind them, Rory, Mama got will help in and we can eat in together in a short while when your daddy wakes." I carried him to the table and sat him there as he watched me do my work as MISTRESS BAKER in CLAUS KITCHEN.

Now that is a typical day in the life of Mrs Claus in her bakery role.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Lost Legion Part 1



The Battle of Zhizhi between the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu chieftain Zhizhi Chanyu in 36BC in which in the end, Zhizhi was defeated then killed. The battle was probably fought near Taraz which makes it one of the westernmost points reached by a Chinese army. In 56 BC Zhizhi revolted against his brother and retreated westward. About 44 BC he made a close alliance with Kangjubut later he quarreled with the Kangju, killed several hundred of them and forced them to build him a fortress. The fort required 500 men and two years to build.

Twenty years later at about 36 BC Chen Tang, then the deputy commander with Gan Yanshou the Governor of the Western Regions claimed that Zhizhi was planning to build up a great empire and proposed a preemptive attack. Gan Yanshou objected to it but Chen Tang forged an edict and mobilized the army. An army of 40,000 marched across Kangju territory. The Chinese encamped about 30 Li from Zhizhi's fortress and the two sides exchanged negotiations. They then moved to within 3 Li of Zhizhi and fortified themselves. The Chinese piled on attacks and Zhizhi was mortally wounded. There were sources mentioned of a small 100 man "fish scale" formation as part of Zhizhi's forces. They may have been Romans captured by Parthians during the Battle of Carrhae and used as mercenaries by Zhizhi.

This is their tale; the Lost Roman Legionnaires.

A Centuria is about 80-100 men commanded by a Centurion who may be assisted by a Optio, who is his deputy. In a Centuria, there could be seven Decanus to manage a 8-12 man tent party. There is also the Signifier who handles the financial matter for the men. In the centurial there would be the Cornicen who is the signaler or horn blower. He is crucial in any battle and must be protected at all times. Then there is the men who are known as Munifex or Tirones if newly recruited.

A fully equipped Roman legionary was armed with a shield (scutum), several javelins (pilum), a sword (gladius), often a dagger (pugio), and perhaps darts (plumbatae). Conventionally, the javelins would be thrown to disable shields of enemies before engaging the enemy, at which point the gladius would be drawn. The soldier generally led with his shield and thrust with his sword. All types of gladius appear to have also been suitable for cutting and chopping motions as well as for thrusting.

All the Legionnaire wears mail armor over their tunic as it protects them arrows and sometimes the dagger. They also wore the scarf on their neck under the mail. Their mail armor is held in place by the belt they wear around their waist. All of them are issued with woolen pants that protects their legs. To ensure their lower torso are in protection, they would have the leather skirt on with additional metal pieces to give it extra protection. Their leggings are covered by the leather boots with the leather throng to hold it tight. Metal studs are placed under the boots to strengthen it for the long marching. The head gear of theirs is the half conical shape with a overlapping plates to cover the neck and cheeks.

As for the officers like the Centurion, he may have on is his torso armor and metal plates of arm bands with metal plates on his shin on top of his wooden sandals. The head gear of the officer has a brush of hard bristles on the top.

Every legionnaire is given a water bag and camping sack with a small shovel to be used in their camps. It also comes with a metal cup and plate.

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...