Thursday, December 31, 2020

Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 4


Jack and Jillian


Author's Note:

This one is also an adaptation of Jack and Jill but with a different plot.




‘I never knew what Jack does for a boy his age but he is not guilty of the charges.


Let us access my client, Jack the Boy; born to a rich couple, they went separate when he was aged two and he lived with his mother on the weekends and his father on the weekdays. I guess the father’s attorney was better than the mother’s. His father is so busy taking care of Jack and that he leaves him with his caretaker; all three of them take care of his every need. By the age of five, Jack has his jet plane and flying crew, although he is not allowed to fly beyond the national boundary; Dad did not want his jet setting across the world before he was eighteen. He gets driven to the pre-school in a bus, that is owned by them; it comes with a playroom and built-in canteen. Dad was worried he might suffocate on the school meals. French fries dipped in day-old oil can be dangerous to the health of a growing kid, I can agree.


Dad wants him to be a normal kid, which is why he gets send to the pre-school to study with other kids. The school is owned by Dad so he vets every applicant from student to teachers to ensure they are suitable to be near his son. I can understand that too. On the day on which this trial is based, I have to re-enact the events to show the extensive damage on the kid. Jack comes home from pre-school; he just spend five hours there, and he is tired. He wants to take his bath and so he ran to the swimming pool. But the pool is being cleaned for the coming pool party that weekend. As it was a hot day, Jack then decided to try the jacuzzi but that is not working. There is a water cut in the area. So Jack was upset and being a small boy, he threw a tantrum. He threw his toys and his food, and that was when the Father walks in. Now the father is not in the mood to put up with such tantrums, so he told Jack to calm down. But Jack wanted his bath so he threw more tantrums. So in the end, the father gave him a four-gallon bucket and said; ‘fetch your water’. So Jack went out of the house and asked the gardener where is the nearest water source. The gardener pointed to the well at the top of the hill, and said ‘It's their yonder’. Jack asked the gardener to assist him but the man insists it was not his job. There was an argument between the two and Jack did try to assert his authority to tell the Gardener that he worked for Jack’s father. Nevertheless, the Gardener refused to assist Jack.


So Jack went up the hill, carting his four-gallon pail. Pardon my expression; he had no cart. It was an expression of mine saying he carried the four-gallon pail up there. It must have been half a mile and the temperature was hot; I know as I was driving in my jag to the house that day with the air-cond in the car at full blast when I saw him walking up that hill. So Jack filled up the pail, throwing in this large bucket attached to the rope on the winch. We weigh the bucket at the well; it was about half a pound in weight. And the well was not well designed for children; it had no cover on it and the wall around it was only two feet high, plus the floor around it was wet. But Jack did his scooping of the water from the well. He filled up the four-gallon pail and he slowly walked back home. Here is a kid aged five carrying a four-gallon pail filled with water. I mean this is inhumane.


More to it, he fell and rolled down the hill, with his four-gallon pail and water. The four-gallon pail hit the Gardener on the head and killed the poor man As for my client, he knocked his head on the swing at the bottom of the hill. He suffered a concussion from that fall. The death of the gardener was accidental and my client had no motive to kill him despite his argument with the deceased. And I am calling for a review of the father’s conduct and his failure to administer total parent responsibility for the child aged five. I am submitting for a plea of not guilty to the charges and adding in damages and costs deemed necessary to the child. And my costs too. That is my submission, thank you.’


‘Ms. Jillian, you ever have any kids in your life?’


‘No, your honor. I am not married. And I have no kids staying with me. I prefer to be independent of them.


‘Okay, counsel, I hear you well.’


‘Since the defense did not put up their case as the family of the deceased is too poor to pay for an attorney. And given the circumstances of the evidence, I assumed they are not required to do so. So I will proceed with the judgment. I find the child not guilty of pre-mediated murder. As for the damages requested, I find the father guilty of delinquent as of the guardian parent, which is why I divorce him and let him have the son to take care of.


I award the son the needed damages of the cost of medical costs and the replacement of his damaged toys.


And for you, Ms. Jillian, I find you delinquent in this trial. You saw the child walking up the hill on a hot weather day from your air-cooled Jag and you did nothing to assist too. You saw the argument and you also did not intervene as his attorney. You saw the pail struck the gardener and on the report, it said you assisted only the boy. And not the man who was dying on the ground. I find your action very sad for a normal person.


So I will now award you custody of the child to you as his attorney for 90 days so you can understand what parents have to put up with brats like this and how to become a normal person in an everyday life.


Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.1 Chapter 10



Sean had crouched behind the desk and took deep breaths. He had sensed the Gunner Master was behind the wall at the doorway. He felt the deck wood and smiled. He had recalled Michael was concerned about being shot that he had reinforced the wood with embedded metal plates. That was a relief and then Sean had to evaluate his surroundings. He looked to the front and saw the opaque window with the outside covered by smoke. That was little to work on but to his left was the glass cupboard and to his right was the ten-seater u-shaped settee with the aquarium at the rear that held the anaconda pet. He knew at the doorway after that before the doorway. On the left were the shelves of books and the artifacts that Michael likes to collect. He was proud of the antique pieces that he claimed was his ancestry stuff.

“Sean, you still breathing?”

“Yes, Master Gunner. I am here to complete my assignment.”

“What will that be?” Master Gunner was not in the knowledge of it.

“Michael’s legacy. It will ruin his empire.” Sean replied. “All the payouts too. Who’s who…”

“That’s bad. My name may be on it.” Master Gunner replied. “You wouldn’t have it with you now.”

“It may be with me but you won’t get it,” Sean replied. “Master Gunner, we are snipers. Let us get our marksmanship in point shooting.”

Point shooting or threat focused shooting is a practical shooting method where the shooter points at a target without relying on the sights to aim, and where the emphasis is on the draw, and getting the shots.

“Can we do it with our pistol? One bullet each only.” Master Gunner dropped the last condition. Sean hesitated for he was never in such a situation not in the actual battles. He was always the sniper with the hundreds of yards separating them.  

“I will make the choice for you.” Master Gunner shot at the aquarium glass and shattered it. The water poured out and then its occupant slithered out. The serpent hissed and then touched the flooring.

“You are mad, Sir. That is a killer.” Sean called out.

“We are all killers and what is another of ours is here.” Master Gunner replied and removed the ammo clip on his pistol after leaning the rifle on the wall. “I got one bullet in my gun. Are you on?”

Sean hesitated behind the desk and was wondering where the anaconda had slithered to. He had to end the contest and then moved out. He emptied the Glock and replaced one bullet inside.

“I am all for it.” Sean crouched to look at the doorway. He could not make out the Master Gunner there. He felt Master Gunner may have moved from there. He looked around, and could not make out the presence of Master Gunner. He saw the anaconda had reached Jorge and was coiling its frame on the dead body. That was between the settee and the doorway.  The settee had a few seats and it was covering a distance of over fifteen feet. Sean could see the anaconda was a third still on the aquarium and with it other parts around the dead body. 

Sean looked to the left and saw the bookshelves but there was no cover there. So it was either the doorway or the settee. It was a split decision to decide.

Master Gunner appeared suddenly from behind the settee and fired first. The shot taken with fast reflex would have hit Sean on the head but the presence of the anaconda had unsettled the gunner caused the shot to flash past the left cheek, and Sean returned fire. He had taken the split second to shoot, and the bullet impacted on Master Gunner in the face. The other fell back landing on the wet flooring and at the trailing tail of the anaconda.

Sean was still in shock rushed towards the settee. He was not tempted to approach Master Gunner directly and climbed on the settee. He saw the serpent had moved towards Master Gunner with its upper body. It had discarded Jorge which was then a broken frame.

“No, you bastard. You can’t have him.” Sean pulled the trigger on his Glock. He then recalled the empty clip and rushed back to the desk. He grabbed a few bullets on the floor, and with shaking fingers he loaded the clip. He managed to get two in when he heard the scream from Master Gunner.

“He is alive.” Sean then rushed over. He stood on the settee and aimed the Glock at the anaconda. The serpent had coiled the head and left shoulder of Master Gunner. The serpent raised its head and hissed at Sean.

“You won’t have him.” Sean roared out in anger and pressed the trigger to shoot the serpent in the head. He shot again at the head in the open jaws. The anaconda in its death throes constricted hard on the Gunner Master’s body and the bones cracked.

Sean jumped down from the settee to pull at the dead anaconda body off Master Gunner but it was difficult to move the half a ton serpent dead weight. He did it and saw the mangled body. It was all too late.



Sean approached the three officers seated there at the table in the Commanding Structure. He had one the same battle fatigue and the Glock in the holster. He had walked in with the plastic-covered bag with Michael’s diary inside. He placed the bag in front of the officers.

“Sean, if I may call you that for your official rank was removed after you went off the grid.” The Major of the Ranger Division addressed the gunner soon after his return from Hotel California. The army had moved in soon after the fire had razed the farm and hotel. The army managed to whisk the gunner off on the orders of the Commanders.

“You may know the other two from the previous …” Major Stephens turned to look at Major Diaz and Agent Xavier.

“I know all of you. And if you looked into the diary, on pages 24, 34, and 45. You will find your names there. I ..” Sean looked at the three officers.

“Pardon me, Major. I am no more in the Rangers. You told me so.” Sean put on the weak smile. “I have not done my task just yet.”

Sean shot the Major from the Ranger in the face, and then at Agent Xavier in the heart. He had the Glock attached with the suppressor. He leveled the gun at the Colombian Major.

“Major Diaz, you are in the diary. I will spare you.” Sean saw Major Diaz was stunned by the killing. “They were on the payout. I was surprised that Master Gunner was not on it.”

“You read the diary. You were to bring it back.”

“Why send Master Gunner then? And the other three teams?”

“Sean, they were the Major Stephens men. He wanted you …or rather Michael. He said you were taking too long. I had no part in it. I lost my squad there too.”

“The war is over. You got the diary now. I am leaving.” Sean removed the suppressor. “Give me ten minutes before you call the reinforcements in.”

“Shoot me. Make it good. It will give credibility to my explanation.” Major Diaz looked at Sean. The other replaced the suppressor and shot the Colombian officer in the left shoulder before he left the scribbled note.

“Another three kills to Billy the Kid.” Sean wrote there and stepped out humming the lyrics of the song.


Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year)
You can find it here



Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.1 Chapter 9



Sean hid behind the tree trunk with the splinters of the trunk at his feet. He had remained unmoving to avoid the random shooting by the Cartel side. He was unsure whether the Cartel leader was doing the shoot or by the other guards.

“Sean, I am moving forward. I need to have a better spot.” Sean heard the call but he was reluctant to look at where Master Gunner was. The smoke was more intense with the fire and he was losing his focus. He knew that he had to move to avoid being caught by the fire or die from the smoke. He went down on his elbow and knees to crawl away. It was not a silent move but more of desperation to getaway. He moved towards the hotel and then stopped at the garage. He leaned on the wall there and looked up at the hotel rooftop.

Sean had the rooftop seen at an angle but he could not make out the shooter. It had ended a minute ago but the fire was still spreading. The distance to the hotel entrance was about two hundred yards. He was contemplating to do the run and get in. He assessed his situation and decided to do the run.

Sean's stride was only five steps before he ducked back for cover. He was shot two times during that run.

“Fuck! Why did you shoot me?” Sean called out on the radio.

“You are still my target. I am not giving up as yet.” It was Master Gunner. “I wanted to tell you I have you in my sight.”

“Master Gunner, you are mad. We are up to our balls with the fire and you still want to fight me. Why don’t you focus on the Cartel for once?”

“Sean, I am part of the Cartel. I kill you and I can even up with Michael.”

Hey Gringo. Look here.” It was Michael who was calling the two of them. Sean looked up and saw Michael with the suitcase.

“Gringo, you want money. I got plenty. Whoever killed the other gets the loot.” Michael had then kicked the suitcase over the edge. “Come and take it all.”

The suitcase fell onto the ground and the lid fell opened. It then revealed the currency notes which billowed into the air from the sweeping wind.

“Money, gringo.” Michael called out. “Master Gunner, yours to keep if you kill the traitor.”

“Sean, it's yours too if you can kill.” Michael’s tone took on a raspy tone when the bullet. It was a headshot and it did come from either Sean or the veteran shooter.

“Stop the battle. Michael is dead. I shot him.” The communication officer called out.  “I shot him.”

Sean took the chance to do the run into the hotel. He made twenty steps before the shooting resumed. He did another hundred yards before he hit the front entrance. He was in the hotel lobby. He ran to the reception counter table and sprang over it. He stayed down on his haunches holding the rifle. He had not counted the shots but reckoned there were three before he reached the hotel.

Stark cursed at his shoots which were affected by the smokes.  He was feeling the exhilaration of the drug inhalation of the cocaine fumes too. He needed an antidote for it. He saw the bottle of vodka there at the counter.

“What the hell..” Sean grabbed the bottle and tore at the opening before gulping it down. The hard liquor burned his throat but it gave him a kick in the head. He was able to focus on the battle scene although he threw out some of its contents. He then left the rifle on the flooring. Nearby in the building, he will use his Glock for the fight. He took off on the run towards the stairs and then up the flight. He did not pause in his run until he was on the third level. He approached Michael’s office. The door was opened and he stepped in. He knew the layout and approached the desk. What he needed was in the desk’s low drawer. What he was looking for was missing.

“Jefe, I knew you will come here first.” Sean looked up to the one who spoke. It was the Communication guy and he was holding the M4 Carbine at the doorway.

“Jorge, it’s all over. Michael is dead. We can call it quits.” Sean looked at Jorge. “You can return home.”

“Gringo, my home is here. I was raised here. I am at home. You walked in here and took everything away.” Jorge looked at Sean. “I know what you want. Michael’s diary is with me. You won’t get it.”

“No, Jorge…” Sean did not complete his explanation. He saw Jorge’s head exploded from the shot at the rear to the left. Jorge fell knocking on the doorway and then to the floor.

“Sean, you are a dead man. I don’t like to see my retirement with you on my back.” The Gunner Master called out. “It’s only you or me.”



Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.1 Chapter 8



Master Gunner had set the M4 Carbine on the auto shoot but he was not there. He had tied the trigger to the wire and had moved to the left rear of it at a distance of twelve feet. It was a dicey move but he needed to know where the four other snipers. The M4 carbine roared with the fire at the front but Master Gunner had not seen any movement.

“They are good.” Master Gunner muttered. He was expecting at least one to move to shoot or relocate. He was wrong. He had to set the new bait. He moved his aim of the M4 but slowly pulling the second wire to move the barrel. He aimed it at the last know position of Sean. He pulled the trigger and watched the canopies of the leaves there were scattered.

It worked. There was a concentrated fire from the trees at the front. Master Gunner took hold of his rifle and looked from the scope at where the shots had come from. He was checking the area and then he saw the flash off the barrel. The sniper did not have time to cover the barrel.

It was a mistake that Master Gunner had taken to take on the shot.

Alvaro was thrown back by the five hundred yards shot when the bullet impacted on his left cheek into his brain. Amare lying twelve feet away muttered a curse at whoever shot his friend. He gripped the M4 close to his left cheek looking for the elusive shooter. He was wondering if Sean the Gringo was still on their side or had he moved to the other side. He had to draw the shooters out. He looked at Alvaro.

“Sorry, onua.” Amare shot at the grenade at Alvaro waist belt that he had seen. It was Alvaro intention to go out in a bang. The shot exploded the grenade which Amare wanted to draw the other sniper’s attention. It did and he saw the movement at the tree. He leveled his M4 and fired at the movement at the tree.  He had crouched up to take the shots. It exposed him and Sean took him down with the headshot.

The movement at the tree was the monkey that shelter there.

“Svo-lach!” (Russian slang for scum.) Mikhail muttered to himself. He had not seen Andre and assumed the other was in cover. He balanced the SV-98 Russian bolt action sniper rifle on his arms. He looked to the last position where they had seen the sniper. If it was him, he would have moved within a radius of ten feet to the side of the rear. He focused his attention on that half circumference.

It was dicey.

Mikhail widened the search.

The concern of that Mikhail may have moved the foliage that was protecting him.

Master Gunner saw it. He took the shot from five hundred yards.

Mikhail was thrown off the tree branch upon impact.

“Piz-dets!’ (Russian slang for ‘damn it’) Andre cursed a distance away. He was the last to hold the American shooters. He did not move his aim but had the scope in his left hand detached from the rifle. He used the scope to scour the trees.

“Ya tebya dostanu..” (Russian for ‘I will get you’.) Andre muttered to himself. He caught then the rustling of the leaves at the tree in front at about six hundred yards. He did some calculations of his own. He reckoned Mikhail was at five hundred or thereabouts looking at the covers. So the distance of six hundred was possible for the sniper to crawl back after the shoot. He focused on the trees there.

“Fuck!” The common phrase he had learned from his counterparts. He cursed at the air which was intermixed with cocaine content. It was distorting his focus. For a while, he thought he saw the tree leaves moved but held his finger on the trigger. He needed to be sure; it will expose his position.

The same was on Master Gunner. He was struggling with the focus. He had done any drugs before and with his daily rigorous workout, he had never needed any. He had seen his friends tried marijuana and other designer drugs but Stark was the good guy. He was trying to pick out the remaining sniper and Sean. It was made harder by the cover of the smoke, and then came the next distractions. The smaller animals were leaving partly from the smoke and then he saw the fire had taken on the jungle trees. A jungle fire is different from a forest fire for the fire was concentrated at the undergrowth and the ground level. The jungle was in the dry season then. The dried leaves at the ground accelerated the spread. The cocaine made it unbearable.

The heat was unbearable at the ground level and Andre had to move or he will be burned by it. He took the move to crawl back. It was an instinctive move to survive.

And a wrong move.

Sean saw the Russian moved and he took the shot. It was a hastily placed shot and the bullet pierced the left shoulder to the heart. Andre rolled to his right side before his body shook momentarily and then stopped.

“I got him, Master Gunner. We are even now.” Sean called in.

At the hotel rooftop, Michael lowered the binoculars and then sighed.

“Six of them are lost. It looked I have to do the task myself.” Michael stepped to the M240 and set it on the edge with the bipod to support it.

“Die, Gringo.” Michael pulled the trigger while he swept the gun barrel left to right and then back. The gun was fed by the gun belt with the five thousand rounds box.





Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Trojan War Chapter 27



The fleet of Telamon under the command of the sons of Telamon, Ajax the Great, and Ajax the Lesser. The fleet held twelve frigates; small in number but each of the frigates held an arsenal of weapon that can destroy the destroyer or the mothership. The Ajax frigates were built for speed and stealth.

“Ajax Five to Eight will take on the route assigned around the moon. We will rendezvous at the designed coordinates.” Ajax the Great sat in the command seat of Ajax One with his focus on the huge screen in the front of the bridge of the frigate.

“Ajax Small, hold your ships as discussed.” Ajax the Great spoke to his other commander, the younger brother of his by name. “We need the …”

“I know the works here, brother, and do not address me as Small. I am the Lesser by name only.” Ajax the Great heard his brother He had shorter and smaller in the frame compared to Ajax the Great who was a giant in the frame. The crews of the Ajax One had said that if Lesser was to seat on the bridge, he needed to get on his armors to fit his frame on the seat that was occupied by Ajax the Greater. It was this humiliation that Lesser was had disliked and worn his armor everywhere. He had the chest plate cast in the shade of red along with the greaves in the limbs, and he headpiece too with the plume to the rear that was red. Lesser was also known as the Red Leader. His frigate was Twelve Ajax was also in red. Two other frigates; Ajax Ten and Eleven were under his command and held the red shade.

“Good, Red Leader.” Ajax patronized his brother. “We will proceed. Be careful out there. The bitches from the Frontier are deceitful.”

“I have your concerns taken into account.’ Lesser replied with a tinge of sarcasm. He knew that the intel they have was from the informers at the Frontier. The reliability of the intel was an open question given the qualities of the informers.

“Red Leader, stay focused on the mission. We need to be …” Ajax the Great was cut off by the alert that was blaring throughout the fleet.

“Ajax One, we are under attack.” It was Ajax's Five commander. “We are taking evasive action as discussed.”

Ajax the Great did not reply and told his ships to proceed on. Ajax Five and the other two frigates will divert the Frontier’s fleet. He had detected it for a sizeable one; ten ships of one destroyer and nine frigates.

“So, the Amazonian taken the bait.” Ajax the Great smiled.  “Red Leader, the bitches will be in your sight soon. I am proceeding to the moon. “

“I read you, Great. Fuck those bitches hard.” Lesser replied.

Ajax the Great sighed at the attitude of Lesser. Unlike him, Lesser was boastful and most times wild which was why Ajax had to think out the moves. If Lesser was not his brother, Ajax would have him removed and ejected into space.

Ajax the Great directed the remaining frigates in his command towards the moon. He was to destroy the Amazonian base there. The bitches have built a new base there and served as a refueling station.

“Frigates, this is Ajax One. We will do the task.” Ajax the Great called it out. “All weapons armed.”

The four frigates went in ‘V’ shaped formation with Ajax One leading the attack. The missiles were released and the cannons soon followed through with their projectiles. The impact was to take place in three seconds with the missiles removing the defensive shields and the projectiles will take out the refueling station.

However, it did not.

The missiles disintegrated on contact and so were the projectiles.

“What… how did that happened here?” Ajax the Great called out. “Break the attack. We need to re-deploy.”

The fleet had turned and fled from the moon but not all had retreated.

“Red Squad, we will make contact.” Lesser had countermanded the order. “We fight.”

The three frigates under the command of Lesser engaged the fleet of ten ships. The space battle was to take place.

“Ajax Ten, make a run on that destroyer,” Lesser called out the command. He knew it was a tough task with the destroyer protected by three other frigates but he was not to care for his own.

“Do it, Ajax Ten. You are the nearest.” Ajax Twelve was under attack by two frigates driving it to retreat while Ajax Eleven was singled out by six frigates. It was also retreating.

“Ajax One, we require reinforcement.” Ajax Ten called out for assistance. “Our shields are down to ten percent.”

“Ajax Ten, we got you covered.” The call came from Menelaus who had arrived. “My fleet is twice their number.”

The fleet from the Frontier took the cue to retreat. Ajax the Lesser was saved and he did the completion of the task.

“Take out the refueling station. We will complete the work.” The command was heeded and the three frigates bombard the refueling station. At that moment it was done with all the missiles and projectiles hitting it.

“We did it,” Lesser called out and then the fleet rejoined the other Ajax’s, Ajax the Great was upset.

“Who called in the Archaeon fleet?” Ajax the Great roared out when he saw his brother’s image on the screen.

“Commander, the Archaeon fleet is hailing us.” The communication officer relayed the request to Ajax the Great.

“Good tidings, Ajax.”

“Hello again, Odysseus.” Ajax the Great smiled. He admired the other King. “When did you come out to play?”

“I came back for Menelaus of Archaeon called on me. I need you to join me.” Odysseus told Ajax.

“Yes, we will.” It was Ajax the Lesser who called. Out. He was still on the communication link. “Ajax, I took out the station.”

Ajax the Great did not reply. He was thinking of Odysseus' request and the station. It can’t be the failure of his ships then. There must be more to that.

Unknown to the Archaeon, the Trojans had sought out the assistance of the Amazonians. They offered in return to them was the defensive weapon of the Trojan.

“We have a new shield that can block the missiles and projectiles from the fleet. It’s held a smaller cover and you need to see it how will work.” The Trojans exchanged the gift to the Amazons.

It worked due to the concentrated attack on the station but the shield took on damages. The Trojan used the shield modified to be over the station and soon after the botched attack, it was destroyed there to prevent it from falling into the hands of the other worlds. \

“The shields we developed over our moons are called the Trojan Wall, can withstand more than that. We will win the war this time.” The Trojans told the Amazons. “We just need to weaken them.

“I gave you my assurance.” It was said by Hector of Troy. “Odysseus will soon fear me.”


Trojan War Chapter 26A



“Lycomedes, I have my faith in you. Keep my son safe.” Thetis of Peleus had smiled at the other King who was a vassal also of the Archaeon. “We have been allies for many generations.”

Thetis was the Queen of the Nereids, the sea warriors who were the rivals of the Amazonian. These two rival clans of women have refused to be consenting to the whims of man and had defied them. Her defiance had attracted the attention of Zeus and Poseidon but her strong-willed to be independent had made them ever zealous to own her.

“Thetis is another woman.” Zeus had boasted that but he declined on his conquest when he was told by the Oracle of Olympia that the child of Thetis will defeat even the Gods if there was a conflict. Poseidon on hearing that had also withdrawn his claim upon her. With both the Gods declining, Thetis was taken for a lover by the King Myrmidons, an ally of the Nereids.

“The union of myself and Thetis will bring forth the best of us.” King Peleus had then announced and soon a boy was born.

His name was Achilles.

“Achilles will not wield any weapon from now,” Thetis told Lycomedes. “He will not battle in any conflict.”

“I heed you, Thetis. You have a fine son. Achilles …”

“Achilles is my son, and as my son, he was given the best of training in the skills of fighting as deserving for him. His father had taught him warfare but he has come of age that he will not be involved in it.” Thetis had told the other.

“Thetis, you cannot take the warrior out of him…”

“I cannot but he needs to be tamed. He will die….” Thetis swallowed her words then.

“He can’t. You had him reinforced in the Styx Method.” Lycomedes reminded the other. “It was …”

“Untested and I dipped him into it. It made him formidable but that does not mean he cannot die.” Thetis had taken the words of Here into her heart. “If he is to challenge the Gods one day.”

Achilles was not a strong boy who was why his parents had him coached but skills were not alone. He needed reinforcement. Not by others but within himself. Thetis had heard of the method; untested but she was adamant to do it. However, she was unsure then.

“You will not dip him inside without a means to pull him out. What if he drowned? Or he needed help.” The Styx Method was a prototype then and it involved a chemical-induced bath with the ion treatment to blend the chemical properties into the body frame. It was a new armor shield unseen by others. Its creator had died but Hephaestus had taken on the research but he was to give it up on seeing the possible effects of it. However, he got others to work on it, and finally, it was tested on Achilles.

“Attach a grab on his right heel. Use that to haul him up if needed.” Thetis had told the scientists. That was his exposed part of the armor and was why he wore the metal boots.

“Thetis, I cannot … I mean protect him but who will protect mine?” Lycomedes had raised the concern.

“Place him among the women. He will be safe there.” Thetis replied. “My Nereid will there too as personal guards.”

“I heard of your Nereid warriors. They are shapeshifters…” Lycomedes smiled.

“We can evolve into the hideous creatures but not into the likes of men. They won’t seduce your women.” And so it was agreed but Odysseus knew the other weakness of Achilles.

“Women, I came bearing gifts. “ Odysseus had arrived to meet Lycomedes. “Are we not allies? Unfortunately, gifts are your women.”

“Naturally, Agamemnon. You never amazed me that my daughters will ever wed you.” Lycomedes laughed out then. “Bring the women in. I will not be said to deny my ally another round of denial.”

The women of the household of King Lycomedes were soon to arrive and among them was one named Achilles. He was bored and heard Odysseus was there. He wanted to meet the other and sneaked in with the disguise as a woman.

The women were all swooned by the array of gifts but Achilles was staring at Odysseus. He had met Odysseus in the other palace of Peleus before.

“A fine occasion and I am in the mood to see a physical bout among … the Nereid perhaps. I can see them here.” Odysseus had seen the gathered Nereid there. They snared back in anger.

“Oh! I liked the fierce action of my women.” Odysseus smiled. “I will have my men challenge you. They will need to be armed to balance the fight.”

The guards that accompanied Odysseus drew their blasters and Lycomedes cut in.

“Odysseus, we need not that. Please arrange your exit alongside your gifts, and my women are not keen.” Lycomedes glared at Odysseus. The women there sighed and released the gifts back to Odysseus.

“There is no need, women. I saw the one I wanted to wed.” Odysseus had then stared at Achilles. “What made you sneak in that?”

“I am pleased to see you, Odysseus. You have traveled far to see me. Am I needed for your quest?”

“I hold no quest like of Heracles or that of the Argonauts with Jason? I am here to declare war on Troy. And I need you.” Odysseus laid out his request. “Only you can assist me in this war.”

Three of the Nereid posted there, rushed forth, and evolved into the scaly serpents with fangs at Odysseus. It was Achilles who stood in their attack. His ionized shield covered his body frame from head to his legs and lashed out with his fists into the three women serpent. His move was fast and each of the Nereid fell backward on impact.

“Do not strike at him. I command you, as your… Prince.” Achilles stood there in his newly covered body frame. The gown he wore was in tatters at his feet. “Stop or I will be forced to …’

“Stop!” The voice of Thetis sounded out. She had appeared not in person but the hologram there projected from Peleus. She turned towards Achilles.

“It looked like I cannot hide you forever not can I stop you from being who you are to be.” Thetis looked at her son. “I can only hope that you will do well. And win well.”

Thetis then looked at Odysseus.

“Keep him well, Archaeon. Or it will be a long journey to return, and if you ever do.” Thetis cautioned the other.

“Come, Achilles. We will get you the proper clothes to wear.” Odysseus had said.

“Now we have the finest warrior and me the leader but we need one other.” Odysseus continued. “We need to find the Ajax brothers.”


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 3

 See ya.....



Author's Note:

This one is on the sacrifice of love. Two-person in love could bear to be apart.



Megan, you don’t have to do this. It's not worth it for you to prove you are heroic too. It was me who plaster his brother to the wall. I shot the man as he was a danger to society and it's my job to do just that. But you are not doing a dame job. You are a fragging journalist, and you are to carry a notepad or camera, not .38 caliber. I regretted those days I taught you to shoot. Darned days when you going to shoot the barn from the farm. I know you practiced hard and you can do it now, but it's not your responsibility. I am the one who is to do it. I am the enforcement officer, and I carried that gun as my tool to kill idiots like them. We stand in the fore of every crime and we take the shots daily. It's my fragging job.

Shut up, Brad. I am here because he took your life and left me alone. Why did you had to die on the day I am away from you. I came to your funeral and they had dropped into the darned hole. Why couldn't you just wait for me? Yes, it's my job, to be called away into the world where people talked to you by mouth and not mouthpieces that travel miles for them. How was I know that you will die on the day I am in an isolated location in the mountains? How was I to know you laid in pain waiting for my call? How was I to know you will die that day? How can you do this to me when we were to walk the aisle this summer? You left me alone; in isolation with people who mumbles words that mean nothing without you next to me. Do you think the words they inscribed for you on the stone means anything; a hero in his days. Those days were meant for me. You are my hero and heroes don’t die on their followers. But you did because you were too stupid to duck down. You plastered his brother and he plastered you too in a hole as deep as his brother.

 No, Megan. I can live on in you. I still love you. I will never let you go. I will be at your side. You don’t have to die for me. You got to live.

 No, Brad. He’s got me too like he did with you but the difference I give it to him too. He is standing next to in line for the registration. Be there Brad when I come in. I want to be with you and not be alone here too in this new world. We are soul mates and we will always be alive or dead. There are reasons why love transcends life, and this is one of them. I love you. So remember my words; be there when I come through.



Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories 2


Sleep my beauties

 Author's Note:

This is an adaptation of Sleeping Beauty.


 Once upon a time in a far land far from any known land of the lands we know, we find a sad case of love.


So our story began.

 As said above, in this land there lived a young princess, who was in love with a prince who lived some forests away. They do meet and talk, held each other eyes in theirs, and on occasion, held each other’s hands. But you can’t do much when you have the evil caretaker who claims to be the Frog Mother..... pardon me, I meant Godmother of the Princess. As Godmother she oversees to the Princess well being, and that she tagged along on the Princess date too.

But the humble and nice Prince ( don’t they all looked like that from a view on the balcony ) was so much in love with his Princess, that he cares not for the extra person near them. To be darned honest, they see nothing except themselves. So one day, the Prince and Princess with their twinkle and blinking of the eyelids knew what to be done. They took their walks as usual in the garden where lilacs grew in abundance, and they walked the paths by the signs set up by the Godmother; so there are no dark corners or overhanging bushes over their heads. ( These coiffure takes time to set and you sure don't want to ruffle them. ) But little she knows about the hidden dens on the path.

 But this time on their 36th time of walking the same boring gravel path, the duo had their plans set. They passed the arch and down by the stream, and then it was off on the waiting boat. The rowers were there ( they are the best in their class ) and they rowed. The Godmother on seeing her darling being shuttle away by the dashing Prince; hollers out.

 ‘Bring her back or I will curse you for eternity.’

 ‘I am sorry, Godmother. I loved him too much to be without him. I would rather sleep and dream than to be away from him anymore’ pleaded the Princess. ( hey, she had been seeing him two hours a week for over thirty-six weeks, so who wouldn't get upset by the time spent waiting. )

 'So it should be, Your wish shall be granted.’ So the Godmother waved her evil crochet needle and the Princess fell onto the Prince's arms. She is asleep and could not waken at all, not even by the loving kiss of the Prince. The Prince held her in his arms and saw the evil Godmother running away with her crochet basket back up the garden path. His tears flowed down to his cheeks and he was at a loss as to what can be done.

 The Princess was brought to his castle and cared for, but the best of the best could not undo the damage. The Prince still attended to his daily works, but he sits by his Princess when he is not doing his duty, He sends for the furthest known healer and wizards, but there was nothing to be done. He spent his fortune on her, selling his kingdom by the length and width, displacing his subjects to other kingdoms, and yet no cure was found. He sought the evil Godmother, but she was missing. Some said she left for the fairylands or jumped in the lake to be with the frogs. So the poor Prince sat by his love for those sleeping days.

 That fateful night, the Prince sat down to retrace his day with the Princess. If he had not taken that route, she would be still smiling and talking to him. He can still recall the look of the woman cursing him for taking her away. He can still recall the Witch Laser shot that was fired from the wand. That laser was meant for him, but she stopped it. My Princess took the laser shot meant for me. Before she went unconscious, my little Princess told me to forgive her mother. She loved us both but she cannot bear to be without me. She jumped to protect me from her mother.

 And for that, she lies in a coma today.

 I was her lover and now father to our child. I spend my wealth to bring my Princess back, but the doctor said she is not going to pull through. I need to decide on her life. I wanted to locate her mother to tell her of this news among others but she is not to be found. Her mother still blames me for focusing on my selfish love instead of the family she had. I did care for the family but how could you tolerate a woman who walks by you every five minutes. My wealth, my kingdom went; I am used to coming back to an empty and quiet house, and I just wanted to see my Princess. Curses are for the Godmother has cursed not the mother but also the child.

 Our new Princess lies quiet as she is like her mother. She hears not her mother's breathing nor my snores. Our Princess sleeps all time like her mother, un-hearing and unknowing.  But this little girl has taken no sides yet she lies there sleeping not knowing.

 I signed the consent form to let both of them sleep on forever. Nor do I want her to wake up to take the same decision again on which side to take.

 ‘Sleep my Princess'. Sleep well for soon I may join you.’

 It's always a tragedy when we passed on the fault to the child who knows not of the fault that causes it.


Story Write Compilations Volume I Stories I



This compilation is based on a series of contests in which I participated in the portal for story writing. Here is to read what I wrote then during my free time and above all what went through my thoughts to built these tales.

Does that reflect me?

There is relevance to my character, then it's just only the words that came out of my writing. These are some written from my heart and soul.

 Jimmy Loong

22nd February 2012


My first time


Author's Note:

This is NC-17 rated. It's an intimate piece to describe your first time. I have never done a piece of literary works of this before, but I gave it a try. Here's to my effort.



Are you feeling cold?’ I snuggled closer to her back and spooned to the contour of her body. I can feel the warmth of her body to mine. It's a nicer feeling when you feel the natural heat from her.  I had my right arms under her head acting as a cushion while the left hand was across her other arms, holding on tight to her left wrist. She wriggled her body to adjust to my cuddle and I just can’t help myself. I moved back slightly so I won’t be too obvious.

I can feel him on my back as his arms reached out for mine. It is always nice to feel him holding me; like he is protecting me with his body and soul. It's a feeling you do not feel when you held others but with him, it's so different. I can feel him in my lower back and I guess it's natural for him at his age. I moved my body upwards so that I can feel him better. He is so embarrassing from the way he wriggles his body from me. But I wanted to feel more of him. It's like when we first held each other hands or went onto our first kiss. It can be very passionate or lovely and I cherished those moments.

She has moved her body towards me closer. Oh my God, this is unbelievable; I mean I like it but this is not something I want to push on so close. I do love her but I am not sure I am ready for it.  All we have done are cuddles and decently touch on each other but we held back our desires to go beyond that. Now she is responding to me in a more intimate moment. Or am I doing it to her? I am confused about my next step.

Aha! He is shy and yet ever he is desirable. We have been dating for like six months now and he is ever the gentleman on all the dates. He is different from the others who are like leeches on the skin. We do have developed a solid relationship but I think we have held back too long our feelings to go further. I wanted him to move it forward but he is just so shy. I am too. But I am more curious to see what will happen next.  It's time for us to move on.

‘Sorry, are you comfortable? I can be moved back if you want.’ But she moved to turn towards me, looking at me into my eyes. She reached out with her left arm to hold my face, and so I can look at her too. I can see the lovely eyes which were what attracted me to her. Her right arm reached for my left hand which now laying at my side. She took it and place it on her lips. She nibbled at it and smiled at me.

I knew it was naughty for me to do that. But I wanted to be naughty for today. I reached up with my lips to kiss him and then I bit onto it. Boy, was he shocked me taking the first move. But soon he caught on with his lips caressing mine and our tongues intertwined.  Who cares who is watching or not, we are in love. I moved my body forward towards him, pressing onto his and crossing my legs over his.

I can feel her body clasped to mine but I am needed in my kisses here. I don’t what and why but I moved over on top of her, resting my body on my elbows. I trailed my kissed to her cheeks and down to the nape of her neck. Her hands are holding me tightly on my back as I moved my lips to her ear lobes. I know she liked when I do kiss her there.

I couldn't help it as he bit ever slightly onto my ears. I loved that feeling when he does that but today I want to go further. I reached down with my hands to the top of his at the back jeans and snaked in my hands. It brought out a jerk in him as he felt my intrusion into his pants. He stopped his kisses to looked at me. But I reached up and kissed him fully on the lips again. I then move to nod my head and he just stared at me. His expression was like he is getting his first present for being a bad boy.

No girl has gone that far with me, but there must a first time I guess.  I raised myself slightly to move to the side. It was then she reached for her shirt buttons and started to unbutton them. I reached out and stopped her from doing it and I helped her by doing it. As I was unbuttoning her shirt, she reached down to raise the hem of my T-shirt.  Once she got it up to my upper chest, I helped her by raising my hand so she can remove it all.

I trailed my hand on his chest and moved them in circles. He has not moved further than the buttons which now laid my chest opened to his view. I whispered to him; that its the clasp on the front. I could see his hesitation so I reached for it myself. I unclasp the clip to reveal my body to him. He moved his lips onto me and I was feeling the same when he does the same like on the ears.

I have never gone this far and this is beyond words. All I knew then was the need to lay my desires on the orbs that transfixed my attention. Its soft yet tender feeling was making me more delirious. I laid my hands to cup it up so I can lay my kisses more on it. I can feel her wriggling with sighs of pleasure as I laid my attention on her. But her hands are moving from the back to the front. No... Yes.....

I had to feel him in totality just as I showed him mine. The moment to consummate our feelings is here. I reached for his buttons on the front of his jeans and pulled them off with urgency. I can feel his initial reluctance and then the yield to my touches. He is so himself, and ever proud to be handled by me. Just as I was enjoying myself, I can feel his body getting up from me and I can see him looking at me. My lover is now taking the next steps on his own. The bashful boy I knew is becoming a man now. He reached down for my hand and said to me to let him do it. So I did. After all, he must serve me.

I reached for the zip at the side of her skirt and slowly pulled it down. Once it was down, I helped her to remove the skirt over her legs. There in front of me, covered by a small thatch of cloth is the source of desire tonight. I stood up and removed my jeans. I was without my briefs which is why it difficult to hide the feeling earlier. I can feel her staring at me as I did on her chest. But now I am moving on to the next area of my desire. I kneel to reach for her panty.

It's a different feeling when someone removes your clothes. It makes you desirable and sexy I guess. I raised my hips so he does not feel awkward with the scanty material.  He looked back at me again before he laid his lips on my belly. It drew some giggles from me initially and then waves of pleasures. I reached down to pull him up to my chest. When his lips are leveled with mine, I laid my lips onto his and we locked ourselves into a passionate embrace.

She opens herself to me as I went in for the first time.  I was slow and careful but she just pulled me in. I can feel her gasp and then her breathing became heavier, as I moved within her. I reached out to hold her head and nuzzled her on my shoulder, as we moved in sync into the passion of our love.

He feels so heavy and yet so nice. I can feel my body responding to his every movement. I can feel something coming on and it's exquisite. I never thought I will feel it like this.  But he suddenly withdrew out. Then he went into a sigh as I felt him releasing it outside of me. Well, if we were better prepared, maybe we need not do that. But the impromptu act was to make it more fun. Or naughty.

I wanted to get up but she held me back to her. She told me to leave it and just hold her. I did and we slowly caressed each other with our hands. As age will tell, we were not so idle in a very short time later. But then that’s another story to tell on another cold night.



Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...