Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Arthur; The legend and myth Chapter 75

The pursuit of the Anglo Saxons was more intense until the enemies were trapped on a hill at Somerset. It was that day when Arthur had don his armour with Excalibur on his side and the spear he carried was named Ron which was hard, and longer than the normal spear he was accustomed to. He had called the new spear a lance in recognition of his friend, Lancelot. The weapon was soon to become a weapon of choice in the battle of jousting.
“My King, the enemy held the hill.” The scout told him. “It’s difficult to go up. We must lay a siege.”
“None will delay us. We will ride for the hill this morning.” With that Arthur rallied his army to march behind him. The banners went up and then the calls went out. The King has taken to his ride up the hill then, followed by the knights on their mounts and then lastly the foot soldiers. Each row held their strength with the determined steps to mount the hill. The enemy lines grew ever closer but none of the knights came out to challenge the King. There were no knights there but the scattered armies of the Anglo Saxons under the leadership of Colgrin.
“Aye, we will fight them till our last breath.” Colgrin was there at the line with his armour and sword but he remained behind the line. He saw the long row of the attacking army and it was fruitless to charge then.
“Brace yourselves for the attack.” The warning came just when Arthur and his mount reached the front row of the Anglo Saxons. The enemies were armed with spears and pikes and whatever they were to be picked at the battle ground. Arthur rode up and his mount reared its front limbs which had then took to retreat of the defenders. The breach was taken advantage by Arthur who rode into them from the sides and the unsettled more of the defenders. The hoofs of the horse was like the mallets that hammered on those in its way and for those who saved themselves was slew by the sword or thrust by the lance. He rode hard and with each swing of the arms, they drew bloods that were of the enemy. The men in the ranks saw their King fought with such bravery that it drove them to join him. The breach soon cracked the line and then army of the Anglo Saxon was soon routed. The battle soon reached the summit and there they met.
“Colgrin, I have come to take your life.” Arthur stared at the enemy leader he had been hunting for weeks then. The other was wounded but he held his sword hard with both his hands. The wounds dripped blood from the right shoulder and both thighs but the leader stood tall then. He was besides his brother, Badulph who was untouched then except for the blood on his armour.
“I gave you the route to leave but you chose to return to lay your murderous path on my land once more. Enough is enough and we end it today.” Arthur charged at the leaders. The duo was shielded by his men but Arthur took slew through them. Arthur was joined by his knights and then he found himself facing Colgrin. There were no words between them but the clashes of the swords. Arthur had then dismounted and charged the other. Excalibur came alive then in his hand with each blow driving Colgrin on a retreat. His swings were then more pressing and soon an opening appeared where it laid its blade into Colgrin’s exposed left ribs. The blade cut in deep and then it went upwards on the push by Arthur into the soft heart tissues. Colgrin grinded his teeth but the sight of the blood from the mouth did not augur well for the Anglo Saxon. Badulph came rushing but he was stopped by Sir Kay who lay him down with a deadly blow to the rear of the neck. It killed the man about the same time when Colgrin spoke before he pulled his last breath.
“Arthur, we won.” It may be seen as a mockery but Arthur was taken aback by those words. He then cried out.
“Merlin!” Arthur called out. “Bring my mount. I will ride to Camelot now.”
The battle was won to end the war with the Anglo Saxon there but the war was far from over in Camelot.
“Morgan Le Fay, does it take you that long to find the grog I mentioned?” The reply came in spates of curses and foul words. Merlin then took to the deeper end of the carved cavern to locate the apprentice of his. He was met by a lady in her inner tunic reaching for the jar that was inside the corner. Morgan Le Fay had grown in some areas on her body and was no longer the girl he once knew. He was astounded by the lady in her simple tunic and her dress was on the flooring. It was not only that but the lady had climbed with half her body into the deep shelf with her left leg bended at the knees. If it was a younger girl, then she would had been spanked for such an unruly and unladylike behaviour but Merlin was stunned.
“Can you step down from there?’ Merlin asked. The lady complied with her tunic covered in dusts but she held the jar with the grog in it
“I am sorry, Master. I could not climb with my dress on and had to adjust for it.” Morgan handed over the jar and then reached for the dress. Merlin took the jar and was to walk out but he found his feet were not of his own and nor were his eyes. He stared at her when she stooped over to pull her dress up. It gave him a sight which he had not been particularly concerned of late. He could not deny then his face was reddened but the more embarrassing part was he had felt the need to hold her then.
“Don’t be a fool.” Merlin muttered to himself and forced himself to take the uncomfortable walk to the work table. It was then Morgan joined him at the work table in her proper dressing but there were cobwebs on her face and hair. He turned to look at her still holding the jar.
“I am sorry, Master.” Morgan apologized to Merlin and his right hand reached out to her face. It was not a smack but to remove the strands of cobwebs.
“You could have told me the jar was deep inside. I would have helped.” Merlin replied and then he looked away. “You must not be climbing in that manner.”
“I am sorry, master.”
“How is your learning?”
“It’s moving fine. Perhaps a bit slow but I am picking up on the potions. I did not …” Morgan was cut off then.
“We do not discuss the potions learned. We only discussed it when we are using it. It’s forbidden to talk about it. The ingredients in it may be alive and with words that discussed their faith will annoyed them. It’s the rule that you only addressed them when you putting them into the pot. They must not be told what they were to do but with the mix in place, they are bounded to do it.” Merlin held up the jar which contained the grog. “Like this one. It was kept in the darker end for it was most active when exposed to the sunlight. I need it subdued to effect the potion.”
“Of what was the grog?” Morgan asked.
“It’s the ingredient to invoke the other ingredients to make it potent.” Merling explained. “The Queen is to deliver her first born and I want it to be safe. I will scattered the potion on the gates to strengthen it against any magical intrusion. The child of King Arthur must be protected at all means.”
“I heard the Sir Lancelot have laid protected guards over Camelot. Two hundred knights and two thousand foot soldiers are called to guard the Queen.” Morgan replied. “Who …”
“I fear not the enemies of the Earth born yearlings but the ones I fear are the non-born and arise from magic and spells.” Merlin replied. “Do you think all of Arthur enemies are living flesh with blood? There are others who the sight of mortal can see.”
“There was none, Master.” Morgan replied but then Merlin hushed her.
“The demon is here. The Anglo Saxons are not without their demons.”
In the personal chamber of King Arthur, Queen Guinevere screamed out in pain.

“The baby is coming.” The hand maidens who had rushed to her side then called out. 

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