Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Arthur: The legend and myth Chapter 90

It was some days later when Guinevere met Lancelot in the garden at Camelot after the hour of dusk. He was getting ready to retire to his chamber when he met the Queen sitting on a long bench at the garden. He walked up to her and bid his nightly greetings.
"Do sit down, Lancelot. I have words to ask of you." Guinevere spoke to Lancelot. He took his place on the bench at the other end, but she stopped him. "It’s wet there, Here, sit closer. I won't bite at you."
So he did and he kept his hands to his lap. It was not intentionally, but it was precautionary. He could smell in her the scent of wine and she may had one too many. The Queen spoke of a few general issues and then she spoke out on the rumours. She heard them too and she thinks its malicious of the mongers to say such things. Immediately, Lancelot stood up and apologies if the rumours had alarmed the Queen.
"No, Lancelot. It did not. I am used to it. When I was younger, there was one that I am admiring my cousin, Maert when I actually dislike that slobbering fool. When I was to be betrothed to Arthur, there was one rumour that I was with his child." She paused at that. Then she continued. "It was all unreal and meant to excite the others. We never did make love until..... That night after we were wedded. I was a virgin till then."
She looked down at her hands, and then she continued on.
"He was not, for that I am sure....."
Lancelot cut in to avoid further discomfort.
"My Queen, it’s getting late. Perhaps you may want to retire to the castle."
"No, Lancelot. I want you to hear me out." She glared at him. "No one listens to me. Not even Arthur himself. He only cares for himself and only himself...... Even at night."
"My Queen, it may not be appropriate for me to ...." Lancelot begged of her, and Guinevere stood up.
"Sir Lancelot, do you swear to serve me and only me?" The Queen Guinevere asked of him. Immediately Lancelot went on his knees and swore to her.
"I swear to serve only you, my Queen. And ....only you." Lancelot spoke out. He did not why he did it but he already given his words.
"Sir Lancelot, I shall hold on your words for that." Queen Guinevere walked back to the castle without looking back. She did not hear him whispered to himself.
"My Queen, I swear and I duly do for I may have loved you in my heart." Lancelot took his leave then with his heart burdened by the pain inside. Across the land there were two others in pain then.
Elaine stood at the wall opening upon her recovery some weeks back. Her eyes were rolling tears down her cheeks and did not heed the voice that called to her.
“Elaine, you need to stay strong.” Lady Igraine then unwell sat by the bedding on the seat provided to her. She had welcomed her daughter return to her side some months back since it was lonely then with the other girls away. Even her lover, the Black Knight had left for war with Arthur. It was a rejoicing then when Elaine told her that she was expecting their child. Elaine told her that Lancelot gave her leave to be back there.
“My child, you need to be strong. Another will come for you soon but for now you must rest. I have send words to Lancelot.”
“Words? Why did you do so? Lancelot had not been with me for over a year. He was not here for his child cries of love and mercy.” Elaine snapped back. “Does he not know that I was with a child? That I almost died.”
“Calm yourself, Elaine. The man is duty bound to his King. I had delivered you when your father was battling the invaders.” Lady Igraine explained. “They suffer the same pain as we do for they cannot be with us. It’s the pain of being separated that is more painful than birth.”
“And it was your wish that we do not disturb Lancelot then” Lady Igraine added in. “It was from the servants that your Lord have given his castle away, and acquired another. It was named by him as Joyous Castle.”
“One which he held his joyous moment without me and with ….whom he shared the bedding.” Elaine replied withholding her tongue on the name lest she annoyed her mother further.  “I am no more his lady or his lover. I am leaving him.”
“Of which you must not.” Lady Igraine voiced out in anger. “I forbid it. You will get back to him and restore the child in you.”
With that Lady Igraine stepped out of the chamber with her movements slow and painful. She was met by the servants who assisted her and soon was back in her own chamber where a dutiful servant awaits her.
“The pain of losing the child and the lover ails her.” Lady Igraine told the one there. “Tell me, Merlin. It has been three years now and shall we send her back? She is after all his wife.”
“I am afraid not. Lancelot is busy with his tasks and he needed not the distraction of her now.” Lady Igraine was ready to accept the reply.
“Merlin, where is the child?” Lady Igraine asked. “I think for three years we were deceived by you. I was then.”
Merlin stared at the lady and then he replied.
“I took your son then on your husband request. I did not take your grandson.” Merlin was upset then. He had helped Elaine delivered the child but the child was dead upon birth. He knew why but he kept his silence. He looked at the old Queen. He knew that she knew he knew more than that.
“You must speak, Merlin. Was it my sin or something else?” Lady Igraine asked. “Don’t make me carry this pain to my death.”
“Yes, there was something I know. If you recalled the banshee incident at Camelot with Guinevere. It was forthcoming that one close to her will die. Her child was saved by me but I can’t be for ….Elaine. There was a mark on the child.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Lady Igraine was upset then.
“Of what? I killed the child. He would had ruin Arthur’s reign. I saw it in the child. I had to do it to protect my King.” Merlin replied. “I was doing it for Arthur.”
Both Merlin and Lady Igraine was then lost for words but the pain in them was there. It was not only their pain then felt but there was one more.
"The sins of lovers are that it never can be explained why and how it happened when it did. That is because the sins of lovers are also known as lust; one of the deadly seven sins of Man." Lancelot heard the words from Guinevere while she sat next to him in the chambers. He was invited to her chamber that evening for the usual discussion. She felt flirty then and was dressed in a seductive low cut red silky sleeveless gown with a matching red ruby that holds the seams together at her bosom.
“Like this dress, it’s sinful. If I wore it, I would be ravaged by the others even before they had their drink of wine.” Guinevere laughed. She then protested on the unfair treatment of herself by Merlin in the absence of Arthur. Then she spoke on love affairs that were going on like she was into a gossip here.
It was then Lancelot stood up and walked to the doorway.
“Why, Lancelot? We did it then at King Urien’s castle….”
“Please, Guinevere. Do not remind me of that. I was wrong….I had sinned on my ….”
“Your King? My Arthur? He is not here and was not for three years now. Or was it four? I lost count. I need love. And he is not here.” Guinevere tears fell down her cheeks. “Can’t you just be my ….lover for …”
“I cannot betray my King. It will be sinful.” Lancelot struggled hard in his heart and mind to walk away but his feet remained there. “Guinevere, I cannot love you….like I did with Elaine. You are my Queen.”
“Elaine? You have not seen her for years now. You have been at my side since then. You have been my …friend and hero. You rescued me from brigands and even Meleagant. You did all that because you ….loved me.”
Lancelot looked at her.
He wanted to approach her.
He wanted to hold her.
He wanted to be with her.
“Mother, can I sleep with you?’ The voice of the child came from the adjacent door. The child was three then. He was the child of Guinevere and Arthur. Lancelot knew his decision was deferred for another day.
On the larger continent, Governor Frollo defeat and surrender of the lands to King Arthur did not go well with the Senators at Rome. They argued for retribution and even the taking back of the island that once were theirs under Emperor Julius Caesar. The men seated in their toga and their feet sheltered by the straw sandals.
“Senator Gaius, I resent the Empire will bow to an errant King.” The one who spoke was of peer in the rank uncrossed his legs and then stood up. He was not tall but his rank made him seen taller.
“That King was one of our trained legionnaires. He rose in our ranks and was even the adopted son of a Legatus. I begged you that are seated here to admonish this King before we nurtured more of them.”  The one who spoke then looked to the assembled. “I am advocating that we send the Roman Legion to remove this King. Provincia Britannia must be taken once more and tamed as we did with Gaul and Spain….”
“And you will lead it, Senator Tiber. What is your age now, Senator?” Senator Gaius looked to the one who advocate war.  He was with the other when the one named Aron of Wales was released from the Legion with the free citizenship and land. “The King we spoke of was named Aron of Wales.”
“Yes, I remembered him. He was a Legionnaire as I told them. He was given a new life and he took to bite us back. A undeserving cur never to be fed.”
“A cur that is no longer needed to be fed by us.” Senator Gaius was reminded. “Our curs south are staging rebellions and you have your legions there. How many are there?”
“Tell me not of the numbers. I cannot read beyond IX for I know the Legions are so strong that we needed no more than nine cohorts to quell a revolt but if the Empire is on the brink of breaking into two, then we may need more than nine cohorts.” The Senator continued on. “How many could be of used on Provincia Britannia? More than the ones that we held here at Rome. If so who will protect Rome if they are sent to Provincia Britannia.”
“That errant King is making us look bad.” Senator Gaius replied in anger.
“Emperor Augustus had abandoned Provincia Britannia for the greater Gaul here.” The Senator let his words sank in before he continued. “What if I tell you there may be more ways to win the King over? I am in the view that if King Lot will pay us tributes, we will allow him to keep the land. He may even guard it for us from the northern barbarians.”
“King Lot? We are talking on King Arthur.” Senator Gaius hit back. “He occupies Provincia Britain.”
“Hear me once more. Emperor Augustus abandoned that land. He could not control the barbarians from the north. He left them to fight their own battles. If we can avoid one more war and concentrate on winning the one that is raging in our empire, I will be contented with the tributes.”

The Senator argument won them over and King Arthur was spared another war. 

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