Friday, March 24, 2017

Arthur: The legend and Myth Chapter 87

"Knight, I been waiting for you.” Meleagant rode out with full armour and lance with the shield. He saw the other was without one and then he felt that his challenger was not an experienced one
“You are without a lance and shield, Sir Knight. It will be unfair for me to duel with you as such.” Meleagant called out. “Let me provide you one and then none shall say I am being unkind.”
Meleagant taunted at the knight while a lance and shield was brought out. He then looked at the knight.
“It’s the time of chivalry and the joust is the mode of battle.” Meleagant had learned how to joust ever since the returning knights have displayed it then. The art of jousting was then well spread with anyone donning the armour was training to fight in one. Lancelot was not at exception but he hardly battles at it for his task to protect Camelot and the Queen overshadowed his fun of jousting at the tournaments.
Lancelot took the lance and shield before he rode out to meet Meleagant. He raced down the open field and he saw Meleagant had also done the same. Lancelot knows that Meleagant likes to hit at the left side of the shield in most of his jousts seen by Lancelot. The other did exactly that, but Lancelot had moved his body then off to avoid the thrust and used his lance to thrust into Meleagant' right arm holding the lance. Lancelot lance hit Meleagant just below his right shoulder and caused the other to drop the lance. The impact also caused Meleagant to lose his balance and fell from the back of his horse. Meleagant then got up and stared at the knight which had ridden past him.
"That can't be any knight. He must had ….one of the round table knights.” Meleagant then still denied the possibility of Lancelot and and walked back his horse where a new lance was given to him The second round was an equal match with contact made but both knights retain their saddle.
"Knight, may I have your name?" Meleagant asked but Lancelot refused to divulge his name. He rode forth once more and thrust out his lance while dropping his body back. Meleagant missed him with the lance but Lancelot lance took him on at the below the right armpit. The contact caused Meleagant to fell off his horse again, and that time he sat there on the grass.
Meleagant was not satisfied and he got up to remove his head piece.
"Knight, meet me inside the castle there. We fight there." Meleagant ran inside his castle. He had the drawbridge drawn up once he was in. It was a wooden drawbridge, but under it were the real dangers. Pointed sharp blades and spears protrude from the moat. The pointed weapons were embedded into the moat bottom before it was filled up. Anyone who fell in was bound for instant death. The only way to cross it was the two lengths of wooden planks which formed a walkway for the person to cross. It was narrow yet wide for one to balance on it.
"Surely you do not fear death, knight." Meleagant taunted from inside the castle.  
Lancelot took off his head piece and then his armor; and then deftly stepped on the two wooden balancing himself with his sword, and at times using the soles of his feet to grabbed hold on the wooden planks. His ankle already painful from the previous injury now screams out in his body yet Lancelot hold his pain back with the thoughts of Guinevere.
Soon he was over and he rested his feet for a while. Its bleeding but he can still walk. Meleagant saw the identity of the knight and had to figure out an answer. He came rushing out without his armour raving of madness and betrayal.  He stopped before Lancelot and holler for the healer.
"I apologies for the action of the intruder who donned my armour. He fought you out there." Meleagant told Lancelot. "I have killed the intruder and his body now is being carried to be thrown into the moat."
Just as Meleagant spoke out, a body was seen thrown into the moat from the castle wall.
"There he goes, the villian who used my armour. The healer will be here soon and I would let him attend to you now." Meleagant stepped aside to let the healer through. He then hollered for his guest be admitted in to the castle.
"Meleagant, I came for the Queen. Give her up and I may yet spare your life." Lancelot asked the host as he stood up on his bandages soles.
"Lancelot, I afraid you are mistaken. I rescued the Queen from some brigands some days back. She was too ill to travel so I nursed her back." Meleagant defend himself. "I was sleeping when the intruder took my identity to fight with you. It’s most unfortunate, but I woke up in time to kill him myself. Please forgive me for not being there earlier."
Lancelot felt that he may be mistaken and offered a toast to the other knight as a sign of apology. When he reached for the goblet of wine, he cut the back of his hand against the meat knife on the table.
"Lancelot, even the Holy Ones does not forgive you of your wild accusations. That cut is their grim reminder to you on you rash accusations." Meleagant mocked at him before he turned to his servants. “Go and inform the Queen, that Sir Lancelot is here. He had arrived on a cart."
It was more mockery on the knight but Lancelot was too ill to reply. The servant met the Queen and advised her as he was told.
"My Queen, Lancelot arrived late as his horse was killed by the archers. He took a ride on the cart...... To give chase but he was sent to the village. He then ......"
"Lancelot of a cart? That is below his dignity...his standing as a knight. How could he? The carts are for the ....wrong doers, or the invalid....." Guinevere spoke on the shame to be seen on a cart.
“My Queen, he was hurt on his ankle. He could not walk."
Guinevere felt bad but a part of her refused to see him. She feared she could not control her emotions. She might betray her true feelings.
Must she do that? Or does she fear for Lancelot as he dares not defy the King.
She felt so confused then.
Meleagant offered Lancelot a chamber to rest before he was to ride with the Queen back. Lancelot was given the chamber next to the Queen.
Unknown to the wounded knight which had slept then on the other chamber, the Queen wept for him. Guinevere cried out softly at her woes as she wished again she could see just see him then. She regretted her action then not to see him.
"Lancelot....I am so sorry." She whimpered out into the night.
It was then Lancelot was startled by the sound of his Queen calling to him. He looked out and could see no one but dark nights and he heard her whimpers from across. She was just a short distance from his wall, and yet seemed so far. Lancelot ever eager to see her climbed himself up and balance on the outer wall edges. He slowly inched his way around the narrow edges of the wall to reach the Queens' window opening.
"Lancelot!" Guinevere called out.
"Guinevere, may I come in?" Lancelot asked of his Queen as he felt his hold on the edge were slipping. "Please..."
Lancelot reached out in desperation before Guinevere caught him with her hand on his. She pulled him in into the chamber and he fell on her while climbing in. Instead of pushing him off, she held him in her hands. When her hands touched his injured hand from the climbs, he pulled back immediately.
"Are you in pain? Let me see." Guinevere took his hands. She saw the bleeding that came from his hands, and she held it gently. She leaned over to kiss his hands, but he pulled away.
"It bleeding......" But she hushed him up.
"So is the blood in my heart. It bleeds for you too. Why didn't you tell me? What did happen then." Guinevere pulled his hands to her and looked at it in the dim light. He told her of the bridge and how he crossed it. She held him tight and rubbed his forearm. She was trying to transfer the pain to her. Guinevere then raised herself up and slowly pulled him up.
"I need to change the bandages. Please let me." Guinevere slowly unwrap the bandages on his ankle and he squirmed when she peel it. She looked at him and told him.
"Lie down on the bedding. It would be better for you." He did as he was instructed, and she slowly removed the remaining bandages. She soon attended to his wound and washed it up clean with the jug of water in the house. She found his leggings were also smeared with blood and reached to pull them off. He reacted immediately but she assured him that she needed to wash his shins. He let go of it and leaned back.
She washed the upper shins and then she found her hands moving up to his thighs. He wanted to stop her but she hushed him up. His feeling was betrayed as his tunic hem rose up to her touches. She could not resist herself, as she recalled that night in Camelot but now she is not in Camelot. She touched him and he reacted like before, but this time he sat up and looked at Guinevere.
"I am sorry, Lancelot..." Guinevere muttered to him, but he pulled her to him and kissed her. He pulled her close but she squirmed to let go.
"Your hands....injuries..." She felt the blood that seeps onto her flesh. It revolted her initially and then she find it become more arousing. She enjoyed seeing the blood and took a dab of it with her lips. It tasted sweet and amorous. She reached for his right hand and placed it on her lips. His other hand was at her back and he was rubbing himself raw on her gown.
"Let me do it." Guinevere got up and pulled at her gown. She does not care anymore; she wanted to be loved.
She wanted to feel him. No more guilty feelings on her mind about Arthur. It was all about Lancelot then. She leaned over and took his hands to rub over her breasts. He felt the pain in his hands but he also felt her heart beats.
"Lancelot...." It was his turn to hushe her up, as he pushed her over and laid his kiss on her lips. It was not the last and it would take forever for them to pry themselves apart. Guinevere woke up at dawn to find her alone in bed. She looked at her body which is smeared with blood and the scent of her union with Lancelot. It was a long night and she felt ever it so fulfilling then. She washed her body off the blood with the same water that she washed Lancelot yesterday. She was still standing there nude when Meleagant walked in.
"I am sorry. I would leave now." Meleagant offered to leave her to her morning ritual and then he saw the blood in the water. "What is that? Blood? Are you hurt?"
Then he paused in his words. He then looked at her.
"No, it can't be. He had come to see you. He had spent the night here. He of all the people and ....and you rejected me when I love you the most."

Meleagant rushed out and went down to the Hall. 

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