Thursday, March 30, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 91

“The King is hurt.” The calls went out among the servants while Arthur was carted in from the boar hunt. He had joined the boar hunt and was thrown from the horse when a boar surprised the horse. Morgause heard the call and rushed to attend to Arthur. He was taken to his chamber and was tended to by the healer.
“How is he?” Morgause asked the healer who was there.
“He is fine, my Queen but he need to rest. I have given him some potion to sleep and he must not be disturbed.” The healer told her. “He have a knock on the head and may not be himself for some days.”
With that the healer left the chamber leaving the Queen with the servant that was in attendance. Arthur himself was laid on the bedding dressed in his tunic and covered by the cover. His forehead was bandaged as if he was wearing a crown. The Queen sat by the bedding on the seat and watched the man rest. Her own King was away on a task with the Romans and it was her responsibility to care for the guest there. She recalled the intense discussion that had transpired between Arthur and King Lot.
“Tributes? I will have them paid nothing but with the end of my sword.” Arthur had argued. It seems that the victory of his army and the annexed of the lands have got his ego blown too huge. “Rome is no more the one I served. Its empire now cracked with rebellions and it seems that it may even have two Emperors for the throne.”
“I heed your words, Arthur but do we prepare to wage war on them when we are still building our own.” King Lot reminded the other. “The battle with the Governor was a stroke of luck and strategy but he …”
“Luck? I believe in none of that. I am King Arthur and luck did not place me there. I battled my journey to be King and will remain so for my reign.” Arthur snarled back as if he was a cornered predator. “The Governor was a weakling in the strategy and he deserved to be defeated.”
“It’s true that he is a weakling but are you strong enough to take on Rome?” King Lot looked to the other. “They will march over my land and kill my people. I don’t have an island to shelter on. Let me negotiate the truce and the tributes.”
Arthur finally relented then and King Lot took off on the journey to Rome.
“My Queen, let me attend to him. You may then retire to rest in your chamber.” The servant told Morgause but she refused. Instead she had the servant dismissed. She sat there looking at the man she was to wed then. It did lead then to a wedding but Morgause felt it would had if Lady Igraine had not intervened. What would had it been if there was a wedding.
Morgause would had been Queen to the King named Arthur and not the King Lot.
“It should had been mine…” Morgause cried out and her reply came from Arthur who was then unconscious but in his voice he called.
“Forgive me… I am wrong to ….” Arthur mumbled in his sleep Morgause then heard him and approached the bedding. She held out her hand to hold his and he clutched it tight. She saw him then still unconscious but his lips were moving.
“Guinevere…” Arthur called the name that she detested. She stormed out from the chamber. It was a stormy moment then.
So it was at Camelot.
“King Lot of …Northern Gaul.” The Legionnaire at the doorway announced the arrival of King Lot. The King took his pace without rushing himself. He was dressed in the traditional dressing of his people; the loose pants to the ankles with the waist level tunic but he also wore his crown instilled on him as the King. He stepped into the chamber where the Senators had agreed to meet him then.
“King Lot, please be seated.” Senator Gaius motioned to the bench in front of them. “I am Senator Gaius and this is Senator Lucius Ambros. We will be the ones negotiating your …”
“My retake of the land that belonged to my people. They were taken by….” King Lot was cut off by Senator Gaius
“It’s all fair when the victor will seize ….” The Senator was then cut off by the other.
“We are not here to discuss the past but the present…” Senator Lucius was then seated decided to take over the negotiation. “King Arthur had done …”
“Enough of the talks on who is the right and wrong, and I care not for Rome. I am here to take up your offer of the tributes. We will deliver it on the dates agreed. If that is all agreed on then I will be on my way back.”
“Yes, we accept your tributes but there is one thing we need to know from you.” Senator Lucius asked. “When will Arthur leave your land?”
King Lot stared at the Senator. He was to speak and then stopped. His head dropped forward and then he spoke.
“I wished sooner. I am tired of being his host. He is disrupting my life.” King Lot then turned to leave. “And my Queen.”
“I think it’s wise we leave Gaul to the barbarians. They are …truly barbaric.” Senator Gaius summed up the feeling he had.
Not all the moments have to be stormy but it was an unbelievable storm then at Camelot. In that place to be exact deep down in the cavern below the castle another soul laid on her bedding in wonderment. She was thinking of her actions then and whether there is a way she can change it. Her hands rubbed down the covers over her body and she felt the creases on it before she smoothen it. She wished it was that simple but it was not.
“I think I will get up now.” The voice belonged to the druid. He sat up and she saw the marks on his back. He was never seen unclothed and maybe it was better that way. He looked scrawny but it was not the weakling then with her. She looked at him stepped away from the bedding and then took up the coarse tunic that he wore with pride. His tunic was worn out with stiches on most parts.
“I will be …” Morgan Le Fay interrupted him on his words.
“No, please don’t leave. I am fine and will join you.” Morgan pulled the cover off and saw the stains. It was not dirt but of love.
It was a love which no many who will understand or even appreciated. Not when the man was Merlin.
And your name is Morgan Le Fay.
She loved him for some time then. She did not intend it to happen but the time they spent together there in the cavern eventually build up. It was astounding for she became his apprentice then to learn the potions. She never told him why she became his apprentice but it was the way she could use as her weapon on Arthur. She underwent the loneliness and the reading helped her. She approached him and initially he was not helpful but over the years he mellowed. He taught her more and the more she wanted to know he told her.
And then the feelings cropped up.
That led to the moment on the bedding.
It just happened.
“Merlin!” Morgan called out when she was buried by the volumes that she was placing on the shelf. Merlin heard her call and rushed over to see her on the ground with the volumes over her. He picked up the scattered volumes and pulled her up. She got up and ended up leaning onto him. He was unsure then but his instinct told him to hold her.
“I …” Merlin pulled away but Morgan hugged tighter. She then pulled and kissed him on the lips. It was all needed then for them to move on. He was her first but he was gentle.
Merlin slipped on his tunic and then walked to the working table in the far corner. He did dare to look at her while she dressed. He picked up some herbs and then began mixing them. She joined him there with her hands straightening her hair.
“You will be fine.” Merlin told her. Morgan did not reply and walked away to get a change of clothing. He turned and looked at her. He sighed to himself. It was wrong for him to let it happened. It brought him back then to the time when he first arrived. He was curious and above all, there was the freedom of choice. He saw then the local people as they were called. They all looked at him as if he was a God. Funny how they worshipped him and the others for they seen the things they could do. He smiled at the things he done then and there was no restrictions. Their action gave birth to a new nation and from it, a new beginning but all of it soon ended. The great flood wiped it all but he was the few survivors. Maybe it was destined that he survived as he did for eons. He had done many so named deeds to make things great once more.
“Arthur, you must not fail me for I will not fail you.”
If only Merlin could see the future for he created a monster then in his lover. A monster then termed for it would be his nemesis to his other creation.
Modred was the name of that unborn monster.
Merlin was the father.
The Nephilim will walk the land once more.

And it was always stormy then. 

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