Saturday, March 11, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 80

Part V
War and Love
There was not stopping then the King from his invasion of Iceland, Orkney and Wendland. The Kings and Chieftain welcomed the new King into their land and willingly became his vassal. The words of one Chieftain summed up their loyalty.
“For years we stood on the edge of concern that the Romans will soon overrun us and yet we fight among ourselves on whom we can defeat. Now we stand not defeated but with an ally that rival that of the Romans.” Doldavius of Gothland and King of Orkneys spoke before the assembled in the hall where they stood to swear their allegiance to King Arthur.
“I will willingly submit to King Arthur of Camelot whose legends were known to us. He who took the sword from the Stone and above all bestowed on him the famed Excalibur. Above all, his clemencies to the clergies with lands to rebuild their places of worship for the people. Another testimony was the rebuilding of York on the feast of Christ’s nativity from its rubbles; restored to its former grand appearance.”
“He does not conquer them for wealth and lands but he rebuilt their trust and love for peace. He is truly a King worthy of my serving.” Those words exalted the influence of Arthur then as the King for all. He had restored Augusel the sovereignty of Scotland, and to the brother of the King of Scotland, Urian with the scepter of Murief. He assembled a fleet and sailed next for Norway. He had received news of King Lot of Norway was usurped by one name Riculf.
“Arthur, you will assist Morgause’s husband in regaining his kingdom.” It was not a request but a command by Lady Igraine. The message was conveyed by the personal aide of the Lady. Arthur had initially decided against it for Norway was across the sea but there were two reasons he decided to go.
One was when he embarked on the quest to be King, Arthur had relieved the village of Bedyr and the other was Morgause was once of his affection. He felt the need to assist her and more so when he had ignored the invitation to be at her wedding then.
“Norway will be our frontier and with an ally there, Camelot will be in safe haven from invaders without our knowledge.” Arthur told his knights. They have been with him for over two years then in battles and the war have to end soon or he will be without them. On the day he was to sail, he was met by King Lot and his Queen, Lady Morgause. The later looked beautiful in the elegnnt blue gown with the white frills and laces. They looked unmatched for he was twice her age.
“King Arthur, I bid you warm greetings. I believed you met my Queen, Morgause. We missed you at our wedding a year ago.” Arthur gave the Queen his hand to kiss. It had been sometime since he last seen her. She was not there to be seen at his wedding but he was told she was there. He looked at her in the eyes and told her these words.
“You will be the Queen of Norway. That is my promise to you for your wedding present.” Morgause did not reply but nodded to the promise. She was unsure of the meeting but her feelings for him were still there. She waved him when he boarded the ship that will sail him to Norway.
The battles of the King did not go unnoticed in Camelot where its tales were spurn and grew like the wild flowers with an assorted of colors to each one who spoke of it. The Queen was not spared of it for wagon loads of treasures were brought back to Camelot. Merlin was most upset at the intrusion when the keeper asked if they could store in his cavern.
“What do you take me for? A keeper of your coins and gold? Be away before I make you into a frog.” Merlin cursed then “Or worse a cur that will be kicked by the others when seen.”
It was Lancelot who came to the rescue and offered his castle as the place of safe keeping.
“I will move out with my lady for your purpose. We seek our home perhaps a distance from the sea which seems not to be pleasant with her health.” Lancelot had voiced out and Elaine was then packed off to her mother’s castle. It was a crude way of separation but the lady had not objected. It was then Lancelot took to his duty with utmost devotion and hardly leaving the Queen’s side.
“I see that we have no news of Arthur that will be of interest to me.” Guinevere had conferred with the knight in one of her personal meetings with him at the Camelot. It was then they held it at the huge garden that was landscaped for Arthur’s son to run at. It entirely huge but for the young child of two it was like a huge estate then.
“No, Guinevere.” Lancelot had taken to address her by the name instead of the rank. “He is busy with the invasion of Norway. The usurper….”
“Spare me those details. I can hear them from the servants with more lucid details. I am asking of Arthur as in his person. Is he well? Or was he wounded or perhaps dying then I must rush to his side now?” Guinevere asked then. “Surely the King he may be is still a mortal in the flesh.”
“And of the brothers from Ceredig, Gawain, Gaheris and what his name….”
“The brothers are back but they are at the borders. They defend it while I am here.” Lancelot replied. He felt a lie was needed then for the Queen. She was not to administrate then for that task was for Arthur. I looked to the high walls that were the bastion of Camelot. For many a days, the Queen had not travelled outside for some time. The child had taken her time from travelling.
“Well, I am glad. I was wondering if they had left us for good.” Lancelot smiled. He recalled his meet with the Gawain some weeks back. It was at the borders of Camelot which was he had told the Queen.
“Sir Gawain, I have been ….” The cold look on the other shut off Lancelot’s question. He looked to the knight. He had known Gawain before but the one he met then was a different person. “Are you well, Sir?”
“I am, Sir Lancelot. I do apologies for the long delay in my return. We were held up.” Gawain looked at Lancelot. “I could not find Galahad and Gaheris is on his own. He will return soon to Camelot. He is forced to find himself.”
“What is happening at Camelot?” Gawain had enquired. The two of them then took to a nearby tavern and spoke through the night. The mead invoked the truth and it was then Lancelot saw a grown up man cried out in tears.
“I could not tell my brothers or my friends then but with you I could. I am free here with for we are from the round table. You are the first I met and this had to come out.” Gawain poured his feelings out. He then broke down.
“I hate women. They are cheats and they will bleed us of our humanity.” Gawain roared out much to the embarrassment of Lancelot in the tavern watched by owner and the only other customer there which had then left soon after.
“Women will be downfall of us.” Gawain had made his view known with the toss of wine goblet into the fireplace. “Fire will consume us and them.”
It was fire that consumed the defeat of Riculf of Norway. His castle razed and the settlements around it done before the blood of the slew had flowed into the ground, King Lot was given the throne of Norway. The new King stood there before his ravaged land and made known his words heard by few that were near him.
“It’s fascinating that a lady may have a hand in my ascension here.” King Lot spoke. “Am I then indebted to her?”

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