Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 86

"Imbecile! You do not address the King by his name." King Urien spoke out against his son. The father having lost his patience lashed out at the errant son. He is still your King and you are his knight."
"No, father. He is not." Meleagant shouted back. "He is the man who took my love from me. I served him only to find ways to defeat him. I hold no loyalty to him. Not now and not even then."
“Have you lost your mind, my son? We fought many wars before with Arthur, and he defeated us in all of them. For that, we had sworn to served him. Now do you rescind that pact and wished to resume war again." King Urien shouted out in anger. "Do you know the effects of war? We lose men and treasures. We cannot afford that anymore."
The King sat back in despair that his son whom he thought would be more conscious of the status then. The King sighed on those thoughts.
“Meleagant, you are a good son, but lacks the skills of most knights; you cannot even defeat your own knight let alone Lancelot. Yet your arrogance displayed here not on your lack of skills but your unrequited love for a lady who is now the Queen.” King Urien sighed. “As a father I know your pain but it’s not going to work.”
"My son, released her and spare us the pain of another war." The old King pleaded with his son.
"No!" Meleagant shouted out in defiance. "Guinevere was mine before Arthur came in. I don't mind that he had the use of her, but I would still own her for myself."
Meleagant glared at the Queen and he told her.
"Go to your chamber. I would come soon and be prepared for me. It’s my right as your first love." He dismissed her with the servants taking her up. "Prepare her or I shall have you flogged to death."
"My son, do you understand your action? It would be our downfall." King Urien pleaded again from the table. “Lancelot will hunt and kill you.”
"I am sorry, father." Meleagant walked from the Hall to his own chamber. On his mind then was the knight named Lancelot. He hated that name. The last years he heard of rumours of the two having an affair which ailed his heart. He had several times followed them from a distance, but he could not catch them in any acts of illicit love. He did however note that she does like to talk to him like what they used to do.
It was time for him to see to his Queen. He went over to the chamber which he had held her captive. He found his father standing before him at the door.
"Keep to your senses, son. You are committing a sin which may never be redeemed." King Urien blocked his son.
 Meleagant pushed the old man aside and opened the door. He latched it despite his father' hammering at it. He walked forth to see his Queen. She was standing at the wall holding onto a small stool in her hand. She had changed into a night dress provided by the servants.
"Come any closer, and I would club myself with this." She threatened him. He stood back for a while and then he laughed.
"Guinevere, I meant you no harm. Why do you resist me?" Meleagant told the Queen. "Perhaps my sword scared you."
Meleagant reached for his waist belt and removed it along with his sword. He also removed his boots and his jacket, with him now standing there only wearing his tunic and leggings.
"I am unarmed and like when we were young, I used to play with you in these clothes." Meleagant sat down on the seat facing her. "We used to talk and laugh in this chamber. You would tell me of your silly dreams and me of my adventures. I admit most of them were made up to impressed you."
"Meleagant, please let me go." Guinevere pleaded with him. "I am now with Arthur and I am faithful to him."
"Arthur! Faithful!" Meleagant shouted out in anger. "Is your Lord faithful? I had seen him sneaking into other chambers. His sword pierced more virgins than you have ever offered. But mine is faithful to you."
Meleagant stood up and pulled his legging down to show his manhood. She avoided looking at him, but he continued on raving on his faithfulness.
"It’s for you only. I have not impaled it onto others. I am a virgin waiting only for you." He flaunted his manhood at her, but she did not open her eyes to looked at him. He leaned over and grabbed the stool away. He then grabbed at her shoulder to force her to see him.
"It does not matter if you are not anymore, but I am still a virgin. We can pretend we are both virgins. I promised you I will be gentle." Meleagant whispered to her.
"No!" Guinevere shouted out. "I am never to be.....unfaithful. Please leave me now."
Guinevere pushed him away with all her might before she got up to run away. In the move to run, Meleagant caught hold of her night dress and the flimsy material got torn. She ended up at the other end of the chamber with only her hands to cover her modesty with remnants of the dress.  
Meleagant got up and looked at her. He had not seen her naked before. It was not the same when they were kids but then she was then a full woman. He felt his body aroused and then he in turn pulled off his tunic. He also stepped out of his leggings and stood there with his apart.
"I am ready too, Guinevere." Meleagant smiled and walked forth to claim his lady. She ran again to the other side but he caught her before she could escape. He pulled her down to the flooring and climbed on top of her.
"Please don't fight me. I love you." Meleagant tried to push himself in, but she had her hands over her thus preventing him from coming in.
"Please, my Lord. I am unwell. Let me rest and we shall do it tomorrow." Guinevere pleaded with him and he stopped his thrusting. He got up and stepped away. He walked to his clothes and put on his tunic.
"Let not man speaks that I forced you. I shall take you when you are willing." Meleagant told her off and then he unlatched the door to go out. Guinevere curled up on her side and pulled up her legs before she let off her emotions. She cried for mercy and above all, she cried for help.
"Lancelot, please hurry. I need you."
At that moment Lancelot could find a horse but his injury needed some more time to recover. Lancelot move to bind his injured ankle so he can travel by the next day. It was late morning when Lancelot with his ankle bandaged arrived at the castle of King Urien on the back of a horse. He had not armour and chanced on one that was in the village where he lain in pain. It was a tight fit but he was determined to fight. He had his head covered with the bucket head cover and only his eyes were seen by the onlooker.
"My King, there is a knight asking for permission to seek your audience." The servant told King Urien who was having his morning meal at the Hall.  Seated across the table was Meleagant.
"Tell the knight that my father is indisposed at the moment and I am also not receiving any guests." Meleagant told his servant to tell that to the knight.
"It may not be proper, my King. And Lord." The arrogance of the servant irked Meleagant who then got up and slapped the servant on the face.
“Don’t ever questioned my authority? Do as per instruction.” With that Meleagant took his leave to see Guinevere. He knocked on her door before he went in. She was sitting by the same corner dressed in her earlier gown that she went riding on.
"How do fare you this morning, Guinevere?" Meleagant asked of her but she did not replied at all. She just avoided his stare and looked elsewhere. "I missed you at the morning meal and was wondering if you are hungry."

Guinevere shook her head and continued ignoring him. He was getting upset at her refusal to sleep with him earlier and then refused to speak to him. He saw the torn night dress on the flooring, and picked it up.
"You tore it yourself last night? That was you asking me to bed you. I held back on your un-well condition. So is it my fault this morning? Why do you ladies like to taunt us with your lustful acts?" Meleagant shouted at her. "Or you like me to force ourselves on you that you would feel the domination over yourself."
Guinevere raised her hand to cover her ears yet he mocked her still with his declaration of his love for her. 
"What is it that you want of me? My body?" Guinevere stood up and opened up her arms to show her body. "Take it then. Just as Arthur had done. Bore your manhood into me. Make yourself the one on top or behind or anywhere. Take your pick and get it down with. I will not enjoy your love."
Guinevere dropped her arms and then she continued in her words.
"You are no better than him. You only desire the body and never the soul. I need more which is the later. I need to know the man above me, thrusting me with his; truly love me. I am not a whore or a wench that is looking for a good time. I am a woman who needs love.”
“It’s a real love, not a bedding love." She looked up at him, and then she reached for the sleeve of her gown. She pulled it down and stepped out of it.
"Do your part, Meleagant. I cared not anymore." She stood there with her body nude to his eyes. Meleagant turned his back and walked out of the chamber. He went back to the Hall and asked for his wine. He drank his fill while the knight awaits him outside. He cared not what they think for he was unsure of what is love is about. He saw his sword on the seat next to him. He picked it up and looked at it closely.
"You would serve me or you would be without a master soon."
"My Lord, the knight at our gates called for you to a challenge." The servant told Melegant. "He accuse you of holding the Queen hostage here."
"Who is the knight?" Meleagant asked of his servant, but they said they do not know his identity. Meleagant went to the wall opening to peek out at who was it that called him to challenge. He could not see the knight and he knew the other hurt in the previous day.

"Tell him,. I would be out." Meleagant then asked for his armour, and he wore them knowing he had to fight.

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