Friday, March 31, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 92

“The King returns!” The shouts were all over the land, when the column of army under King Arthur rode by their homes and cities. Everyone came out to greet their King who was away for almost nine years then. Arthur rode in the front with his knights, seated upright and looking every bit like the King he was.
“It’s good to be back, Arthur.” Percival who rode up next to Arthur spoke. “It has been a long war.”
“Aye, it has been. Our stay at Gaul was to ensure that King Lot was given time to rebuild his army. I won’t be surprised that the Romans will invade him once more. Then we will return to fight them.”
“I am surprised at you, Arthur. You fought for them and almost died many times as a Legionnaire. Why do you detest them so much now?” Percival asked.
“I was a Legionnaire but inside of me, I am the son of Wales. More to it, I am from Bedyr.” Arthur replied in pride. “I cannot see my land being invaded no more.”
Percival looked away at the column of the army. Many of them were not from the original numbers; they were added in from the defeated enemies and even there were some legionnaires there. The later were the defectors then, when they realized that Rome was no longer the Empire that they once knew. They left for a greater King, and with him more rewards of gold. The reward of a free citizenship was no more appealing when there was no land to be given. The ones who had resided at Gaul were made to swear their loyalty to the new King of Gaul or be banished. Most of them did just that for they had their fill of fighting by then. Or be part of Arthur, where the gold was rolling in.
“I send words to Camelot that you will be arriving soon.” Percival added on. “And I am in need to leave for my own home soon. It has been ….”
“You deserve so. Take your cart of gold and go home. I will see you soon after a season when we will rejoice together.” Arthur looked to his knight. “Tell the others too. I will marched onto Camelot with my personal column. I am sure Lancelot have a lot to tell me.”
Meanwhile at Camelot, Lancelot stood by the wall opening and looked at the far horizon. He was told that Arthur had returned and was expected back anytime. It was a moment not too soon and then not too needed. He turned his head to look at the lady who was seated by the dresser straightening her hair.
“He is returning, Guinevere.” Lancelot raised his right hand to rub the beard that he had grown and nurtured for over five years then. It was his cover of the old skin there that he felt foretold his age. He had seen the older men all grew beards then and took on the same tradition.
Guinevere had liked it. She said it added character to his look.
“I know.” Guinevere replied. She was not old but age had caught up with her. She was a fuller woman then still with one child. Maybe she was barren after the last birth Guinevere had wondered then for she was not without a lover.
A lover tryst that took a long time to happen.
“Are you in fear, Lancelot?” Guinevere asked of him. It was the same question she did five years ago when she found herself with the knight at the secluded spot by the pond. She had feared coming out alone ever since Meleagant capture her then but the confines of the castle was overwhelming. She found most of her time with her son or at worse coming to terms with her solitary life. She found herself waking up to the empty bedding or next to a warm small sized body that from her womb. She wanted to feel loved then but all she did was love her child. She cuddled him as she would on Arthur.
Arthur that was the name she detested then. If only he had died in the war.
“I am not. I am fully …committed in my love to you.” Lancelot replied. “I will tell Arthur of our feelings and asked for his forgiveness and then his release of you to me.”
Those were brave words by the man she had taken for her lover. She wanted to for a long time but she was wary of doing it. There were the servants and then the other knights, and worse there was Merlin. She knew he was in pain then too with Elaine having returned to take care of the ailing mother, and he was also alone.
It all ended and began then at the pond.
“Are you in fear, Lancelot?” Guinevere asked of him then. “Are you?”
“No, Guinevere. I am not. I …am fine.” Lancelot looked to the pond. It was a lovely spot with the willow tree and the reeds by the banks with the row of trees forming a wall from the outside. There was then a pair of birds that were flying around and in joy from their sweet sounds.
“Why do you asked? Are you in fear?” Lancelot asked back.
“I….Would you please hold me? I feel …” Lancelot heard the lady and rushed forth. Was it the fear that she fell or he would miss her falling; that was never disclosed but soon Guinevere was in his arms once again. His lips rested at her left shoulder and there he kissed her. It brought him back memories of the love they shared then at the castle when his ankle was injured. He could smell her scent from the morning wash, and the warmth feel in his hug. She snuggled up closer and her arms went around him.
“Don’t let me go…..please.” Guinevere pleaded. “I can’t stand it anymore. Love me as we once did.”
Lancelot could not reply then for he was immersed in her beauty then. He lay his kisses from her shoulder to her lips and then she spoke.
"Remove your tunic. I want you now." She told him as she pulled at her gown at the shoulder. He stopped her then with his hands.
"Guinevere," he called her by her name. "It may not be appropriate for us......"
She had hushed him up while she lowered her gown and offered her bosom that was in need of his love. Lancelot was still unsure then but he made no restraint when she removed his tunic. She took his tunic and slipped into it before she stepped out of the gown. She then pulled away and ran to her horse. She then mounted it like how she was taught by him. She rode off and in haste, Lancelot then without his tunic jumped on his horse to give chase. Lancelot can feel the sunlight on his back as he rode with the wind blowing into his body. She was not stopping for him when he called her to stop.. She just kept on riding around the pond and ignoring that someone may have seen her. She soon stopped her riding and got off the horse and walked to the pond. She lowered herself into the running water to feel the soothing effect of it on her buttocks and thighs. Lancelot dismounted with his sweaty body from the ride and approached the pond before he washed his face.
"Is it sweet, Lancelot? I just peed in it." Guinevere asked of him and then she giggled like a little girl. Lancelot stopped his washing and looked at her. He then scoop up the water and splashed her with it. She could not avoid it but she retaliated in kind. Soon there were like a couple of children playing at the pond. She soon got out of the pomd all wet and she lied down on the grass. Lancelot slept next to her and reached out to hold her hand.
"Guinevere, I love you." Lancelot whispered to her ears, and she smiled. She then turned on her side, and reached into his leggings.
"Prove to me that you are." His desire revealed his love for her. She sat up and pulled down his leggings. "I can see a speck there. I wondered what it would taste like."
Lancelot wanted to protest, but he declined. He reached down to hold her head as she tasted his body for the nectar that he can offer. He wanted to push her up, but it was she who did the turn. She climbed over him and sat down. She leaned over and whispered to his ears.
"Be my horse. Let me ride you." She did and he was as obedient as a trained stud not letting up on the energy and holding to the end. That was the start of a series of rendezvous arranged or at time when opportunities arises with the years slipping by.
“Guinevere, he will be back soon. And I must …” Lancelot was cut off by Guinevere.
“You…” Guinevere was cut off then when she heard the knock on the door. She stood up then and checked her clothing before she called for person to come in. It was her son. He had grown then to the height at her bosom but he was built like the father. He smiled at Lancelot. He was used to his mother with the other at her chamber.
“Are you going riding?” Gwydre looked at Lancelot.
“No…” Lancelot then changed his mind. “Yes, soon. We will be riding. Would you join us?”
“You know I can’t. Mother forbids it.” Gwydre replied while looking at his mother. “I will ask the King when he returns.”
With that, Gwydre took leave of the chamber leaving Lancelot red faced with his un-thoughtful question. Guinevere glared at him. They both knew why he can’t ride.

But Arthur may not know of it. To him, every boy must know how to ride. 

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