Monday, February 27, 2017

Arthur; The legend and myth Chapter 74

“They have withdrawn to the forest, my King but we could not find their leader, Colgirn.” The scouts reported then to Arthur. “We will search further.”
Arthur stood there on the walls of the city and marvelled at himself. It was a victory of such as it was in Badon that they felt the glory of winning it. There were deaths and wounded but the surviving ones rejoiced for it was another battle done. He turned to the assembled and then told them the battle was not over until all are defeated.
“Pursue them into the forest. Hunt them like the hogs and slaughter them.” Arthur commanded. The scouts soon send in their reports that the fleeing Anglo Saxons were regrouping in the forest near Celidon.
“It’s a thick wooded area with thick trunks but the woodsmen avoided it. They fear the nymphs there that may lead them astray.” A Duke spoke out. “I travelled past it but the tales reached me.”
“I do not wish to hear your travel tales but tell me where we can meet them. A place where we can get them trapped and then killed like the hogs we hunt.” Arthur asked of the assembled. “Check among your men for anyone who may know.”
It took some time for one who came forth to speak.
He was a scout.
“My King, the enemies are building a wall of timbers in the forest. They are helped by the Britons.” The scout reported in. “We cannot go in but besiege them once more.”
Arthur stepped aside to think and he came up with his battle plan.
“We will besiege them in return.” The siege took place with Arthur’s men building their own barrier and watched the enemies fight over their limited food supplies. It was not long when the Anglo Saxon then surrendered.
“We will leave your land if you spare us our lives.”
Arthur gave them that terms asked for but they leave their loots behind. The Anglo Saxons agreed and left. It angered Arthur and he made this speech that inspired the men.
"Since these impious and detestable Saxons have disdained to keep faith with me, I, to keep faith in God, will endeavour to revenge the blood of my countrymen this day upon them. To arms, soldiers, and courageously fall upon the perfidious wretches, over whom we shall, with Christ assisting us, undoubtedly obtain the victory."
In Camelot however another victory was achieved although it was not of killings but of privileges.
Guinevere sat at the seat next to the bedding. It was the same one that Arthur used to seat before he have her removed his boots. It was an intimate moment for them for the King was a man with lusty ideas. He will always laugh at her bosom displayed for his view. She knew from an earlier age that men were fascinated by the bosom as though their lips have never forgotten the suckling at it when they were babes. She used that to her advantage be it the ones that she needed a favour and even the puppy loving Mealeagant.
Guinevere cupped her breasts to push them higher but the last weeks, they have grown bigger like the child in her belly. She smiled then and wondered how much she longed for Arthur then. His kisses and bites that send the ripples down her spine and into her belly.
“My Queen, I am here on your request.” Lancelot had arrived then. He felt uneasy to be there at the personal chamber of the King and Queen. It was unbecoming to be unless the King was near death and everyone awaits the announcement of the new King. He smiled inside him that he had his needs were satiated by willing ladies but never did he intrude into a wedded couple chamber.
“Please be seated, Lancelot.” Guinevere offered the knight the next available seat near the table where she kept her personal belongings. “I asked you here for you were the one who took me from my last imprisonment.”
“If you want to know of the war, I have no news more of the …King.” Lancelot took his seat and looked away. He found himself attracted to the lady whom he had rescued then. He had thought the feeling was his lust but when he met Elaine, he released it in her. It was fine till the wedding but the novelty soon worn off. He found himself looking at Guinevere once more but the lady was the Queen. He wanted to with her, holding her in his arms. He lashed his lust into Elaine as he had done others and with his release, he felt as if he was doing it with Guinevere.
And then Guinevere was with his child.
It was God’s gift to him. His child was inside her. Not placed there by him physically but God will bestowed him with that child.
“Lancelot…Sir Lancelot, are you well?” Guinevere asked the knight.
It was to be the first of many meetings between the two with each of them having built their own barriers on them. They will starve themselves of love until they came to the point when they themselves will break the barrier and share the love that only belonged to them.
Well not all.
“Morgan Le Fay, you do not intrude upon my discussion with the Queen or anyone else.” Merlin reprimanded the young lady. “Now be away from me while you think of our own action.”
“I merely corrected her for she was…” Morgan defended her action. “She was rude to you”
“Rude? I have been from others but I will not need you to defend me. I can do so myself.”
“Isn’t it fair that an apprentice looked to her master’s welfare?” Morgan replied in anger.
“Who? You who is my apprentice? I would have assumed you were taking my honour with yours. Morgan, I am very own my man for now. So dismissed your own thoughts, it may not be.”
“It was not what I meant, Master…. For now.” The apprentice was then dismissed with the wave of the hand. Morgan Le Fay was stunned when she was dismissed by her master. She stormed off out of Camelot and rode her mount off to the forest. She reached the clearing by a pond and dismounted there. She approached the pond and kicked at the water there. She kicked it with vigour and then the one that she was waiting appeared.
“I heed on your call so you may stop your kicking.” Ninniane appeared. The lady was in her white dress stepped from the froth of bubbles that formed like a platform at the deeper end and from it the bubbles floated her to the dry banks.
“I could understand why Merlin acted in that manner. He was most times complacent to the needs of a lady but of late I hear his King was at war.” Ninniane spoke as if she was giving a speech. Morgan interrupted her and asked of her Master.
“Yes, I knew Merlin. He was a great master and friend.” Ninniane replied. “There are instances where he tends to be careful with the volumes. There are many which he will not share with….all of the apprentices. What do you seek from him, Morgan Le Fay?”
Niinnane asked the younger lady.
“You did not seek him for his spells. There are others you go to but you chose him. I wondered why.” Ninniane spoke out. “Merlin is a druid and above all a scoundrel at best. So why do you be his apprentice?”
Morgan was to reply when the nymph from the lake continued on.
“You either may want to learn more of his darker spells or your …feelings for you. I fear not the two but maybe you are just adventure seeking.” Ninniane then looked at Morgan. “Why did you summon me?”
“I don’t know then but now I think I know.” Morgan reply. “I am indebted to you. I was acting on my feelings and indeed it was.”
With those words, Morgan Le Fay took to her mount and rode off. She was smiling then but Ninniane carried on her face the expression of concern.
“Merlin, you are a rogue. I hope you will not encourage the lady as you did of mine. I hope you will not for she is not me.” Ninniane did not see the barrier that came down with her words but the lady riding back was cheerful. Her bosom tingled on that thought that they needed love too. She had ridden there to clear her feelings of anger or despair she knew not but she returned with the feeling that was well received.
“By the pricking of my thumbs,
something wicked this way comes.”


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