Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 85

“My Queen, I begged of you please do not go.” The servant had pleaded with the Queen but Guinevere was adamant on riding out. She had dressed in her hunting attire and told the servants she needed to be alone. Words were sent out to the knights to locate Lancelot but he was at the borders. Merlin was consulted but the druid was not bothered by it.
“She is the Queen and she may do as she pleases.” Merlin had replied before he turned to his own works. Even Morgan Le Fay was turned out by him and left to her own readings of the volumes. She cared not for the Queen and made no intervention to assist.
Guinevere took to her riding and she was aware of the column of knights that kept their distance shadowing her. She tried to shake them off her trail but the knights were ever persistent. She rode on and then came upon a lady who was riding towards her.
“Lady Morgan, I could hardly have recognized you with the cloak and boots.” Both the ladies conversed and then an idea came to the other.
“What if I don your cloak and boots and you took on my hunting attire?’ Guinevere asked of Morgan Le Fay. “You will ride towards Camelot and dismissed me of my knights.”
Morgan Le Fay refused to so and cited many reasons but the Queen was adamant.
“You will follow my command as Queen.” Guinevere then changed her tone to that of pleading. “I need to be away for a while. I need to be my own as I was before.”
Morgan Le Fay reluctantly agreed and then they swapped clothes at the nearby forest with the trees as their cover. The clothes of Morgan were a trifle tight but the Queen was pleased.
“I am barely able to squeeze in with my bosom grown although I have stopped the milking.” The tighter bodice of Morgan Le Fay had jutted the bosom on Guinevere like a pair of ripe melons. Soon the other was galloping away while Morgana took to ride for Camelot. If one could had seen Morgan Le Fay’s expression, it would had betrayed her intention was not to help the Queen but left her exposed to dangers.
The danger was too far then where the sound of the payoff rang in their ears.
"Aye, the information was worth its coins." The brigand leader smiled at his fortune. He was paid by lady with her face hidden behind the cloak to capture a lady who was similarly dressed on the trail ahead. He drove a steep price, but the pay-out was worth more than that. He took on a few of his friends on the task.

“It’s a noble lady we are going kidnap. We will hold her for a day and then released her.” The leader told the five others.
“Are we not to harm her?” One of the men asked of him. The leader smiled and said he was not sure  but there was no fun in kidnapping without having some fun.
The five riders galloped out and soon trailed the lady.
"My lady, if you were to follow us, we have a castle waiting for you." The leader soon caught up with Guinevere and stopped her riding off. “You will be well treated.”
"I think not..." But the choice was made for her. She felt the hit on the back of her neck and then it was dark.
"Where am I?" Guinevere woke up on finding herself on a wagon. She was lying on some cloth and looked well from what she saw of herself. She could feel the pain in the back of her neck. She got up to sit on the rocking wagon, and found herself surrounded by a detachment of guards. She was relieved to be rescued but their colours were not of any she can recognized. Then she saw the leader of the detachment.
"Meleagant? How did you come to be here?" Guinevere asked.
“I was out hunting and when I chanced on the brigands. I saw them riding with a lady on their saddle that I pursue them. We released our arrows upon them. The arrows took down all the five brigands.” It was his tale then but the real truth was told later.
"Aye, all of you done well today. Now that we have the lady and we are rich." The leader gloated to his men. He then looked at the unconscious lady and smiled.
"I agreed to deliver the queen to the nobleman, but I did not specify in what condition." He leered out in words to his men. "How many of you have ever seen a noble lady naked? Or even mount one yourself?"
They all laughed, but that was the last they could remembered before they collapsed from the saddles with an arrow in their neck. Only the leader stood there with the sword lowered.
"Surely you are a knight and would not kill a man unarmed." The leader pleaded for his life before he fell to his knees.
"It may be true, but I am not any knight. I am Sir Meleagant, and when it comes to my harm on my love, nothing shall be stand in its way." Sir Meleagant drew out his sword and thrust it into the brigand leader's chest. That was the real tale but the one the Queen heard was a more pleasant one.
"Yes, my Queen. I have rescued you and now taking you back to my castle to recuperate." Meleagant replied to her as he rode alongside her wagon.
"Meleagant, may I request that you re-direct to Camelot? I am well now, and would like to there." Guinevere asked of him but he declined saying that his castle was nearer. She wanted to reason with him but he rode on ahead.
It was not long later she saw a ride coming fast at them. The guards also saw the same rider and advised their leader.
"Stop him now. " Meleagant told his men. "He may not take her."
Meleagant men drew on their bow and notched in the arrows. They let off their volley in unison, and one of the arrows managed to hit at Lancelot's horse at the neck. The horse toppled over causing Lancelot to fall onto the ground. Lancelot picked up himself to see the group taking the Queen had left. He recognised the colours of the riders.
"Meleagant? Have you gone too far?" Lancelot spoke out in anger. He tried to walk but his right ankle was swollen. It was by chance then a woodmen came by on a cart hauling his wares. He offered to give Lancelot a ride to the nearest settlement, where he can acquire a horse. It embarrassed Lancelot to seek the ride on the cart, but it was needed if he was to rescue his Queen. The Queen in her wagon was still ear shout and Lancelot asked of the other knight but the shouts were ignored.
"Sir Meleagant, I begged of you. Please allow me to return to Camelot." Guinevere pleaded with the knight but even she was ignored. The ride was short and then they arrived at the castle of King Urien, The Queen was to escorted to her new chamber there.
"I am distressed that you felt that way, my Queen. I meant you no harm but to invite you here for a short stay. " Meleagant offered his castle to her. "It’s not that you not been here before. This used to the place you rested when you were here."
The chamber looked the same despite the years that had passed by. Meleagant had not allowed anyone to come in there since her marriage to the King. He however have come here to lie on that bedding and wished that she was with him.
That day his wish may come true.
"I would arrange for food and drinks to you. Please rest, my Queen. We would meet during supper at the Hall." Meleagant took leave of his guest then while servants ran to assist the Queen. It was at supper that he next lay his eyes on the Queen. He introduced her to his aging father, King Urien who took the main seat at the long table. King Urien was surprised to see the Queen and asked of her.
"I am fine, my Lord. I was rescued by your son, Sir Meleagant from some brigands today. I would be leaving in the morning, for Camelot as Arthur would be worried." Guinevere told the old King of her intentions.
"No, my Queen. You are not fit to travel as yet. I have sent words to Arthur that you are fine and at my home." Sir Meleagant looked to his father. "Arthur is at war."

King Urien could not stand the sight of his son making a fool of himself and then of the family. 

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