Sunday, November 16, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 3 Part 1.38

Act Three Scene 4 Part 2

Desdemona walked with Emilia back to the harbour after her scene with Othello. The people in her path all ignored her when she passed. She was thinking that walk would cleared her head.

"Men, I do not understand them. Do they all take us for our body? And slaves for their other needs. Did you remember this? Did you take that? Did you keep them?" Desdemona moaned on her encounters for men.

"Yes, they are drawn by their other head." Emilia replied.

"No, he was spook by that sash. He was so engrossed into that. He had me worn that on our union, and even when we first had sex." Desdemona explained herself. "If he only knew I given up on my dark cat scarf when I agreed to his union. He never even asked what happened to it."

Emilia was to reply but then they had encountered the two Centurion coming their way.

"My ladies, good day." Iago greet her. "We are happy to see you."

"And we are glad to see some smiling man." Desdemona smiled back. "Have you seen my love?"

"We are looking for the Legatus. He is not to be seen." Cassio replied.

"Good day, Cassio. If you do see him, don't raise up the issue we discussed. He is of a different man now."

"Damned! I thought it was the time to speak to him." Cassio was upset at that. "We could had reconcile but now what do I have. I had lost all my achievements, my ranks and my friendship. He was like my brother. More to it, he was bigger brother. He guided me most times."

"God, I hate myself for fighting that night." Cassio was upset.

"And you will win it all back soon, Cassio." Desdemona stepped forward but held herself back from holding the other. She cannot show that in front of the others.

"No! Don't come near me. You can't do much. I am doomed." Cassio continued on his self pity.

"What did happened?" Iago asked. Desdemona explained what transpired, but she left out the part on her body search.

"I known him for so long. Never once had I seen him in that rage. He had been in worse spot, but never once he lost his sense of control. He was always in control. He would lead the men in the worse situation and bring them out alive." Iago replied. "Are you sure its Othello you are referring?"

Desdemona nodded, and Iago left the three there.

"Maybe Othello was in the news of some sad news. My father used to be grouchy when he comes back from the Senate, He would speak if he need that audience. Or take it out on us with his verbal lashing as if he was in the Senate." Desdemona described her father.

"Men are like that. They are like food; you ingest it when you thought they looked nice, goes in and get digested but most of the bad ones comes like shit." Emilia added her words of comfort. Desdemona looked to Cassio.

"Have faith, love. It would work out when I speak to him again." Desdemona told the dejected one. "Be available when I need you. Don't go missing when I done the talking."

Cassio did not reply and walked away.

"If I am not mistaken, I would had said Cassio was like a jilted lover. He may be in love with the Legatus." Emilia told Desdemona. "But don't get me wrong. Your love is above his status."

"Ah, please don't talk about jealousy. Its a bad word for me this journey." Desdemona told Emilia.

"I am sorry, my Lady." Emilia saw the evil word taking root into the lady. She smiled to herself.

"Let us go, Emilia. I am tired." Desdemona told her. They both walked away leaving Cassio alone there.

Well, not for long.

"Centurion, I did not see you at the tent."

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