Thursday, November 13, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.37

5.5. Questions not meant to be asked.

Geranium expression broke into a smile. She stood up and walked to the window where she stood earlier.

“Whoever you are, that was a great bedtime tale.” Geranium continued her walk.

“Then why don’t you ask me questions to ease your concern.” Gerald asked the lady. “Gerry.”

That was Geranium nickname which her mother whispered to her when she was young. She was brought up by her mother alone until she was five. Then it was the boarding houses and later the training as a Crusader. She stopped in her walk and then turned around.

“How did you know?” Geranium asked. “Only one who knew was her.”

“It was also your bedtime wishes after her death to come and take you away.” Gerald replied. “To your question, I came to you every night but I could not stay. I had to leave for my sanctuary in this dimension. The only left which the Angels have not tampered with. We called it Heaven.”

“Heaven? Where are the  ...” Geranium mocked her question but Gerald reply for her.

“The Angels?” Gerald laughed. “They are too busy with the coming war with their stations in the different dimension but here, they think God would protect it. But I am here not to war here, but to also protect it.”

“Enough! I had been patience with you.” Geranium hit back. “Show me your true self, demon.”

“This is the real me. And we are in the dimension known as Heaven. All the departed souls are here.” Gerald replied.

“I heard of Azazel. You were one of the first to leave it for the sins of Man. How dare you come back here if this is really Heaven?” Geranium displayed her anger.

“Then let Him speak to you perhaps.” Azazel replied. “If Him could forgive his way laid son, then maybe Him would show you the reality of the war.”

Prologue 5

Nordstrom slammed his fist on the table. He was upset that the trap he had set for the Crusaders have failed. They have escaped and according to his report, the lady was taken by the Prince.

“Where were you guys?” Nordstrom looked at the Nephilim standing at the Hall. The other took a step forward and then stopped. He voiced out his explanation in the growling voice.

“Prophet, I had few of my own with me now.” The Nephilim voiced out. “They ~”

“All of you are hopeless. Just like your own tribe.” Nordstrom told the giant. “Goliath, you are like your namesake. You can’ fight the minions with brawl. You need stealth and intelligence.”

“Bah! I would save my breath.” Nordstrom sighed. “Leave me now.”

The Nephilim took to leave the Hall, but before he did that, he glared at the man seated there unmoving. Nordstrom looked at the guest of his for the last few years. It had been a long man hunt while the man seated conducted his own.

“Sam, your other so called son had been resourceful. He had discovered his loyalty again.” Nordstrom told Sam Worthins. “I wondered how he would fare against his own.”

“Prophet, please ~” Sam pleaded, but Nordstrom cut in rudely.

“Prophet? No, to you I am just Prince Nordstrom. Never ever address me as the Prophet. You are not of us, and only the demons can be called me that.”

“Prophet~” Sam called out again, and was told to shut up.

“Prophet, I plea with you to stop. The Crusaders would have you sent to Hell for your sins.”

“Hell? That place was created by myself. I dread more to be banished to Heaven.” Nordstrom replied. He then saw the servant signaled him.

“So it’s time for me get ready for my phone call.” Nordstrom turned to walk away. 

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