Monday, November 3, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.33

Part Two

The New Threat

5.1.          The Eighth Prince

Father Joseph sat down and looked at the five new arrivals to his flock. They were seated at the long table except for the off one; the furred man creature which chose to cower at the side by the fireplace. They were the saviors of his city and whatever remains of his people. He sighed when his thoughts went back to the others who had perished in the last attack.

“I would have wished for a better welcome to the four of you.” Father Joseph took up his cup of wine. The trio seated by the table, did the same and cheered the blessing of God on the city.

“The Crusaders are once more together again; not of any among them, but the first chosen ones.” Father Joseph openly announced. “Your presence is called on to counter the threat that had taken over the world of Man. That threat came from one whom we were told under oath not to name, but within the walls of this Hall, I would denounce that oath now.”

Father Joseph lowered his cup of wine onto the table top. His expression on the face was that of despair, while his body tensed as if he was restraint. He pulled himself up and looked to the ceiling.

‘Forgive me, Father but they must know the truth.” Father Joseph spoke up to the skies. He then looked to the Crusaders.

“The one you seek is named Prince Nordstrom. Then he was not named by that, but was called his nicknamed the Eighth Prince. He was not part of the Seven Princes of Hell, but their outcast. He was once their friend with a name that I would now mention, and never again would you use it.”

“Azazel” Father Joseph sighed on have named the eight Princes. “He was the first to be banished; cast alone from Heaven to here. He was the first of the fallen Angels, and with him, he brought in needs of greed. Man become influence to it, and soon heaped up themselves the means to declare war when met with resistance. He also made for the people of Earth the tools of weapons and destruction. He made his home on Mount Hermon, thus making the place for the gathering of the fallen angels. It was Raphael who was sent to remove him from his throne, and chained him to the rocks of Dudael.”

“Dudael? I heard of the place.” Geranium spoke out.

“It was said that the land was a desert in the region of where Moses had once led the people of God to safety, but there were also records that it could had been thousands of miles to the west of that, in a bay we once knew as the Hudson Bay. It was once a land of great floods within itself, the abundance of metals.” Father Joseph explained. “To this day, no one could identify the real location.”

“If he is chained, then how did he escape?” Micheal asked.

“That we do not know either. We could only suspect that he is the Eighth Prince and held the identity of Prince Nordstrom for now.” Father Joseph replied and then looked to the ceiling again. “We are limited in our answers.”

“In which we could end up removing a man who may not be the real Eighth Prince.” Helmut added on. “It’s not the first mistakes that the Crusaders had been called on to do their tasks based on presumptions of the Faith.”

“Your sarcasm to the matters of the Faith would be noted, but the reality of the war that plagued us now is real. If it’s the work of the one I mentioned or an assumed person which hold that influence; the Crusaders are bound by the oath to serve the Faith in eradicating the threat.”

“Enough squabbles.” Geranium voiced out. “We have not ventured forth, and yet we are fighting among ourselves on the righteous on the matter. I am foremost a Crusader; trained and fought as one for years. I cared not for any except to perform my best for the Faith. It had not shown me otherwise except all my action had been saving lives’ and killing the bad guys.”

It was then they heard the scream. It was Father Joseph. He was holding his throat which was bleeding. He fell down to his knees, crying out in pain. They then saw the killer. It was a Vampire, all dressed in dark and armed with a dagger coated with blood.

“Hello Crusaders.” The Vampire sneered at the seated Crusaders. Sergei pulled out his Colt Army M1892 to fire, but he was distracted by the presence of another Vampire.

“They are hidden on the walls.” Sergei shouted while he fired his revolver at the walls. “They are adept in camouflage.”

The Vampire jumped onto the priest and knocked him down. Sergei had rolled on the fall and aimed his revolver at the Vampire hovering over his face.

“Eat silver, demon.” The bullet with the silver blunt round nosed pierced the demon’s head to blow a new nostril hole. He pushed the dead demon off his chest and sat up. It was then he felt his legs were dragged and flown up with his head hanging down. The two Vampires pulled up and swung him across the Hall towards the wall. His head hit the wall and cracked his skull. He fell down lifeless onto the flooring.

Micheal had recovered from the shocking entry of the Vampires, drew up his revolvers and fired at the two Vampires.

“Be gone”, the leader gave the command, before they all dissipated before Crawler could reach it. He was the next one who reacted while the rest still remained seated. It all happened so fast.

Helmut also rushed at the Vampire but crashed into the Crawler. Both of them fell to the ground with Helmut cursing away in his native tongue. He pulled himself up before stepping away.

“Du Schweinehund!” Helmut cursed at the furred man creature. He had been battling such creatures for so long; be it a wolf or a rabies hound, and then he faced an abomination. Crawler in his own instinct reacted to the dismissal as an act of aggression. He snarled back but Geranium shout of command held him back.

“Stop!” Crawler looked to the lady who gave the command. He does not know why he stopped but felt obliged to obey. He look back at the foul smelling man in the dirty suit, but felt no more urge to attack him either. He turned away and sulked back to the corner.

Geranium ran to hold the priest he knew since young, but the later was dying. Sergei raise up his right hand to touch Geranium’ hand.

“The… box in the wheeler. It’s yours.” Sergei whispered out. “Use it on the demons.”

With that, Sergei pulled his last breath. Geranium looked up to her newly formed allied friends. She stood up and then told the other Crusaders.

“If we are to succeed as the Crusaders, we need to know how to work together, or perish one by one.” Geranium told them. “To start with, that schweinehund is not … a pig. He is one of us, but of because of his nature, he had no control on his appearance or speech.”

That last statement was directed at Helmut. The later rose up to present that of vocal defense for the act rendered...

“I had fought them for years. Be it young or older, their fangs are still sharp. Their instinct was my flesh and to stop them, I had to fight them.” Helmut blurted out his words. He then looked to the priest who had shown him care and love. Then he glared back at Geranium.

“For him, I would honor this pledge of the Crusaders.” Helmut declared. “Rest now while I bury the priest. Tomorrow we seek them who do these killings. Once we are done with them, I would take my leave of the Crusaders.”

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