Sunday, November 9, 2014

Devils Own ( Steampunk and Mystic ) 4.3


The Citadel was supposed to be a fortress or stronghold but the Citadel was more than a fortress. It was only a tall tower with a radius of fifty feet; circular shade in silver with no doorway or windows that reached short of the low lying clouds. It was protected by a wide moat that measured over two hundred feet. After the moat was a flat ground without vegetation stretching over a thousand feet to the boundary. Above it were the two dirigibles dropping their loads on the Citadel.

“There is nothing there.” Lucas voiced out.

“No, that is the Citadel.” Derreen replied. “The other buildings are all underneath it. It’s like an inverted mushroom. Well, one long stalk mushroom.”

Irina did not wait for any invitation, and ran to the edge of the bushes. They had emerged of the ground in the same staircase design, and found themselves in the valley. She knew that the way in was at the tower but how could she reached it then.  Her last visit here was going through the rows of structures that lined the upper ground but those were gone. So was the Pawn Shop. It was among the structures.

“You never said they leveled the ground.” Irina hit out at Derreen. The later walked away towards the side and approached the solitary tree. It was an oak tree that somehow survived the bombing. Irina pulled out at the lower branch several times to raise the complaint from the tree trunk. A set of eyes appeared out of the bark and a mouth soon opened.

“Why can’t you come at certain times and not when you fancy or when I was nurturing my roots’.” The tree trunk voiced out. “And who are the three of you?”

“Quiet down, Trunk. We need to get in.” Derreen voiced out just as a bomb fell on the plain ground. It did not explode but drilled into the soil and then released off a set of vibration which shook the ground.

“Damn, they are dropping those sonar bombs again.” Irina heard the words from the other. She knew that these bombs were in the design stages. The bombs work like the sabot, but instead of explosives, it contained a chemical mixture that will vibrate on impact and resonance a loud boom. That boom will bring down anything that was not designed to withstand a seismic force of five on the Richter scale.

“They were dropping them recently and caused us to evacuate.”

The tree trunk moaned out and then from the ground, there was projectiles which shot up into the sky as if it was shot by the twelve pounder/. The projectiles were the scrap remains of the projectiles but the dirigibles had left the valley.

“That’s done.” The tree trunk sighed. “Okay, who want the direct access down?”

The four of them lined up before the tree trunk and it opened up a portal for them. The portal was a wheezing sound, and then the four of them dissipate into thin air. Next thing they knew they were looking at a large rounded structure measuring five hundred feet and two hundred feet high, in a large cavern with a higher ceiling. The structure had a series of window opening at an interval of fifty feet across and above. In between it was some doorways but they were high above. They were greeted by two huge guards in the form of a monster contraption that reached twice their height and wider than two of them. It was a huge Minotaur but this type held a long handle mallet and clad in a metallic skin. Then a short figure appeared from behind the Minotaur, and carried a devious smile.

“Derreen, we had implemented a no guest policy.” The short figure spoke out. He was dressed in a loose tunic with a spike hat and holding a scepter.

“Hubert, this is Irina and Kassius of Devil’s Own. They are our close associates.” Derreen replied. “So get me my father.”

Derreen pushed her way pass the two guards, and towards the structure. Lucas followed last next to the short figure.

“My name is Lucas. I am…” But Hubert interjected in.

“Yeah, we are the insignificant ones.” Hubert smiled. “Live with that, and you will happier.”

Irina had reached the high wall of the Citadel, and instead of knocking the section of the wall facing her moved downwards to bring the doorway to her height. Its door slide opened and a figure standing in there smiled at her. It was a small chamber inside.

“Master Merlin awaits you, Lady Irina.” The figure that was speaking to her had a metallic body with the two steam pipes protruding from the back pack where its steam engine was stored. It had a skin of a painted butler suit with the bow tie. On his head was in imprint of a face on the oblong shaped structure with a small gap for what may have been its mouth. It upper part of the head was painted in stripes to represent a short hair style.
Irina stepped into the small chamber, measuring twelve feet by six feet. The others followed suit and soon they were lifted up the levels. They could see outside, and realized it was actually a caged elevator that was pulled up by the chains on the pulleys.

“The Citadel was actually a fortress with the walls and the inner buildings.” The metallic figure explained. “This is a lifter, a mechanical metal cage being lifted by the chains. It serviced the lower walls, and it will bring us to the main level. That will be a hundred feet above the ground level.”

The cage pulled up at the main level, and the door opened up. There was another metallic figure standing there, dressed similarly like the earlier one, but this one was larger. It was taller at one half the heights of man and wider in build, but with the same shades and design as the earlier one. It took over the group and led them pass the main level. They walked past the building structures; they looked like typical houses designs on any street with the shop signs hanging overhead. There were a few taverns, grocers, and even a blacksmith but there were no signs of any pawn shop.

Then they came upon a high wall, which was guarded by what may appear to be a dragon in design, but this one was bluish and seems to be constructed from magic. It was like compacted energy inside an ethereal dragon body. The design was twice the size of a horse, and it was flapping its wings which extended to twice its height. It then raised it form to a full height and the shade of its frame changed to bright orange.

“Pete, they are here to see the Master.” The mechanical one voiced out. The dragon lowered its form and the shade changed back to bluish. It stepped aside, to reveal the high wooden double doors. The doors opened to the inside and the group walked into a large chamber. It was designed like a grand Hall, with the high ceiling and the long drapes, complemented by the two rows of high stands lighted with the oil lamp. At the end of the Hall, there was a raised pedestal with a high back chair, but there was no one seated there. Instead the figure was standing next to it, was a man in a blue cloak and fedora hat that cover half the long bearded face.

“I wondered why the daughter kept on dragging in the strays every time she stepped out.” The figure with the fedora hat voiced out.  He then reached up to remove the fedora hat. “But welcome to the Citadel.”

“Master Merlin, it’s me. Irina.” Irina stepped forward to greet the older man. “My father sent his regards. And also his regrets that that he won’t step in again.”

Merlin had shown his face then; he looked wrinkled and his left eye was covered by a patch. His bare scalp polished well by his aides shone under the oil lights. His remaining eye had tears rolling down, and he stepped forth to receive the daughter of his good friend.

‘Damn these conflicts!” Merlin voiced out, and then he led Irina to sit on the high back chair. “Sit here. Don’t worry about the seat. It’s only for show here.”

“Giskard, show some good manners please. Get us some food and drinks.” Merlin commanded his metallic aide. “I am sure you would join me before you proceed. What you needed is with me and not at any Pawn Shop.”

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