Saturday, November 1, 2014

Devils Own ( Steampunk and Mystic ) 4.1

Tale 2

Part 4



Kassius had commandeered a small dhow powered by a steam engine and floated on a twenty five feet balloon, which he sailed with Lucas and Irina. They had taken to the main island, slipping in towards the rolling hills. Irina had informed Kassius on the instruction given by her father.

“Father once told me of Father Thaddeus.” Irina explained to him. “He was the only one that my father could trust. That old man once saved his life on his tasks.”

“So we will find him.” Kassius smiled. “But you do not know where he is. I know for a fact that if the person chooses to remain hidden, then the best place will be at Merlin Citadel.”

Merlin Citadel is located not on any mountain top, but in valley. It was a valley surrounded by hills, and was well protected by a group of cult followers. They were the disciples of the mythical King of Sorcery, Merlin. King Merlin due to his namesake and popularity had drawn on the wrath of King Richard. For that wrath, King Richard had taken to laid siege to the Citadel, and preventing anyone going in or out. It was never disclosed why the King had taken to laid the siege. Some of the rumors were that the King was a rival wizard. The other was that he was once a disciple of Merlin.

Kassius set the dhow down at the border of the Citadel. They were about ten miles from the Citadel, and their access was blocked by a corridor that was patrolled by troopers on the ground while two mini versions of the frigates scout the boundary by air. The troopers on the ground move on the versatile ‘Scorpion’ design land vehicle. The vehicle was modified from a steam engine truck with three crews; one driver of the six wheeler truck, an ammo loader, and the gunner. The gunner sat on an elevated platform at the truck rear above the steam engine where a set of twin machine gun was mounted on it. The gunner on the platform could rotate his firing position from rear to front. The driver had a machine gun mounted on the bonnet of the truck. These trucks could manage a speed of thirty miles on its engine, but with the uneven terrain, they normally paced it at twenty miles speed. The patrols are frequent at an interval of twenty minutes. There are five boundaries within the next five miles to the Citadel, and each of these boundaries had their own patrols.

“Hold!” Kassius whispered out to the other two. They were at the edge of the boundary, hiding behind a clump of bushes. It was not easy to move in stealth across these hills with the only scattered bushes and trees for cover. Kassius had changed for the battle dress of the troopers along with the others, hoping they will blend in if they come across any patrols, but it was still a lot of crawling and running on foot. They were armed with a pistol and rifle each with the spare ammos on their back pack. Kassius had on the case which held the sword given to him by Lucas. He had packed his vambrace and daggers into the back pack alongside with his uniform for use later. Irina had done the same with her Horn while Lucas carried his healer items in the back pack.

The truck came roaring over the top and then stopped. It was about a hundred feet away from the trio but the crew of the truck was onto some trees nearby. The gunner took to his trigger and fired a short burst into the branches. From the tree, a figure jumped down and ran towards the truck. It was a single figure holding what resembled a rectangle shield to block the bullets. The gunner continued shooting at the approaching figure while the driver reversed the truck.

“Move it!” The gunner shouted. “It’s a runner with a shield.”

The truck reversed and then swerved to the left while the gunner continued firing. The loader had then jumped off the truck holding the rifle. He was positioning himself for a cross fire or shooting at behind the shield. The loader leveled the rifle and was to shoot when he was brought down. The loader was hit from behind by a flying bird that resembled a falcon, but its talons were metal. The bird of prey landed on the back of the loader’ neck and buried its talon into the flesh.

“Clay is down.” The gunner shifted the machine gun to shoot at the falcon. The bullets ripped into the bird and scattered its feathers. By then the driver had a vantage view and shot at the runner’ legs. The runner dropped the shield and the driver gave him a short burst into his face. The truck pulled up next to the loader while the crews pulled the wounded up. They drove off without attending to the runner.

“Let’s check on the figure.” Kassius ran off from the cover towards the figure. The figure turned out to be a lady dressed like in camouflage for the surrounding. She was still lying on her back and he noticed on her body was more body armor, with padded shin guards. Next to her was the shield, and she was breathing. He looked to her body and found no blood on her, but she had a pistol pointed at him.

“Trooper if you shout, I will shoot.” The lady told him. Kassius waited for Irina and Lucas to join him before he told the lady who they were.

“Devil’ Own? I heard they were terminated recently.” The lady asked, while holding her pistol at Kassius. “How can you tell me who you really are?”

Without a reply, Kassius kicked out with his right leg at the wrist holding the pistol and caused her to drop it. Next his leg had swung inward toward her face for the throat but he stopped his kick just before her jaw. She screamed out in pain, and then saw the foot leveled near her jaw. She looked up in anger and then smiled.

“I believed you. Only an assassin could perform such a kick.” The lady spoke out. “Now be a gentleman and pulled me up.”

Kassius reached for her, but Lucas beat him to it with his extended hand. The lady reached out with both her hands and then pulled the healer towards her, before she tucked her knees in for the body fall. When Lucas was off balance by the hands pull, he found himself jacked on the knees in the chest. She then heaved him over with the leg as the leverage. Lucas went over her head in a reverse drop.

“Ah...” The lady pushed herself up and faced the other two. Kassius was smiling but not Irina. She had her friend bested in combat and will take it kindly. She stepped forward and did a right leg side kick at the other lady. The lady blocked it with her right wrist which made her cried out in pain, but Irina had followed up with her kick with a retraction by bending her right knee and then lashed out again towards lower chest. She hit the lady on the abdomen causing the lady to keel over before she contacted one more with the same leg on the face. But the kick did not come into contact when Kassius deflect it with his right hand to push it off. He then stepped in to avoid any more fighting.

“Irina, stop it.” Kassius spoke out. He then reached for Lucas to help him on his feet. “Next time, let me do the helping.”

Irina backed off but the lady was clearly upset then came rushing at her. Kassius grabbed the lady in restraint. Kassius then had physically restraint the lady from battling Irina. He pulled the lady away while Lucas did the same for Irina. It was then they found three more men have joined them with drawn weapons.

“Troopers, raise your hands.” One of the newly arrived men told Kassius. He then looked to the lady and asked her well being.

“I am fine. Put your weapons down. They are friendly.” The lady then turned to look at Kassius. “My name is Derreen. I had seen your move before from another Master.”

“Derreen, we have not much time. We need to go.” The man spoke to Derreen. “The patrols will be here soon.”

“Okay. Terrence, you take the group out while I attend to these guests.” Derreen replied. “They are obviously from the outside and keen to visit the Citadel.”

The three men marched off and at a distance another group of people was seen. They were all carrying some basket on their back and proceeded to join the three men in their journey.

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