Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.34

5.2.          The ambush

Micheal and Helmut took the journey on the four wheeler vehicle while Geranium rode on her bike, with the Crawler making his own path. Geranium  had the long box slung across her chest, but she had not opened it.

Their journey did not start long before they were hit by the Vampires.

The Rosenheim Train Station in its heyday serviced a number of destinations with its seven platform lines; but with the war, it had been reduced to rubble. A sight that hardly allowed for much to anyone who decides to shelter there, but it did.

“Vampires!” Geranium shouted out while she swerved her bike to avoid the rushing blood sucking creatures in her path. They were everywhere; all moving out from their hiding posts to rush at the Crusaders.

Geranium jumped off her bike while she reached for her whip. She lashed out in a sweeping arc, and terminated two of them with it. Helmut also jumped off with his broadsword swinging. He rushed into the oncoming Vampires with his sword; slashing and cutting away like weeds. He moved in between them and soon found himself surrounded. He was to call for assistance, when Micheal who was still in the four wheeler came crashing in.

“Jump in.” Micheal shouted while he turned the wheel with his right hand, and his left hand was firing away at the Vampires. He pressed down the accelerator and ran over the Vampires before he flee for the nearby alley. Once there, he stopped and reached for the back of the wheeler for his revolver ammo to reload. He grabbed the bag and ran for the nearby building.

“Follow me!” Micheal shouted to Helmut. He ran inside the building; it was a supermarket and he was heading to rear area. Helmut followed suit but he jammed the door before joining Micheal. They stopped by the warehouse area, and pushed at the discarded crates. He found the man-cover, and pried it open. He then jumped in and landed on the landing below. It was a twelve feet fall, but he made it. It was dark inside but they could make their way around. It was the service tunnel for the underground cabling, and it ran across the city. Helmut covered back the hole

“How did you know?” Helmut asked.

“I was the Cabling man before I become the Crusaders.” Micheal then reached for bag and withdrew the torch he kept for such cases. He then rubbed his hands on the tunnel walls, and rubbed the dirt onto his body. He was trying to camouflage his body scent, and then moved on down the tunnel.

“Do you think they would detect us here?” Helmut asked.

“It’s possible. They do like the dark areas.” Micheal replied. He was moving as he knew where the tunnels were headed. He did spent some years down here, tinkering the cabling and re-routing the lines. He also knew of some secrets there.

Well not all.

They bumped into a Vampire.

But it was dead. It was spiked to the tunnel wall; spread eagled and dead.

“We are there.” Micheal muttered out just when he was then faced with half a dozen phaser. “Helmut, meet the United Continents Scouts.”

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