Thursday, November 20, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.38

The Resistance

6.1.          The Scouts

Helmut stepped into the main cavern in the cabling tunnels. The place was filled with Resistance members who had congregate there when they heard of the new arrival. Among them were women and some teens, but they were all armed and formed this rag tag army of Resistance. They were short of volunteers with more dead than alive. A lady in the army camouflage approached the duo.

“Welcome to all of you.” Greta, the new Resistance Leader of the Munich Group addressed the assembled members. She looked at Micheal and smiled.

“I could do with your skills, Meeky. I lost three snipers to the Vampires.” Greta told Micheal.

“Helmut of Rosenheim. I heard of you.” Greta greeted the one carrying the broadsword. “Your reputation precedes your arrival.”

“We are few as you seen here. Our numbers are dwindling by the days, but we are still strong.” Greta made her announcement. “With volunteers like Helmut, we would one day be the victor.”

The members there cheered on with those words, but Helmut was unclear why he was there. He had followed Micheal in and then was led here. Just as he was to ask, Greta asked him to join the former in a secluded area further in the tunnels. It was an improvised Command Centre with the maps showing the city of Munich.

“Gentlemen, I believed you are here for the Eighth Prince, or we knew him as the False Prophet.” Greta started off her speech. “I am also planning to kill him before we lose all of our members.”

“Gentlemen, the False Prophet would be addressing the mass followers from the whole Europe for the tenth Anniversary of their formation.” Greta directed them to the drawings on the table. “The event would be held in the Olympic Stadium of Munich.”

It was build in early 70’s for the 1972 Games with the design that was considered revolutionary then with its large sweeping canopies of acrylic glass stabilized by steel cables. It was then an early building technique then, but the stadium was a beauty that out-rivaled many of the stadiums then. It had the capacity of nearly 70,000 seats, facing a 400m round track with 8 tracks. The audiences could view the result of the events on the scoreboards. It was then, but the then state of the stadium was reduced to an open sky view without the glass canopy with half the seats removed or damaged.  The 400m track was lifted of its flooring in different places, and even holes were dug to beneath the ground, to extract out the thermal cables.

“We would assassinate the False Prophet there.” Greta added on.

“Do you have any detail plans?” Helmut asked. Greta shook her head.

“Then you are a crazy…” Helmut held back his voice from uttering the word, but Micheal added it in.

“Bitch? I doubt she is the type you think. She may be a toughie bitch but she is not a stupid one.” Micheal smiled, and saw himself facing a phaser barrel at his forehead. It was held by the one he had named as a toughie bitch.

“I think I am asked to be polite.” Micheal replied. “But we need to know who can pulled the trigger faster.”

Greta looked down and saw the phaser pointed at her belly. She withdrew her threat and then faced Helmut.

“The plan is in my head. Everyone I use to share my plans all ended up dead before we start.” Greta replied. “I trust no one and expect none to do the same for me.”

“Then I am out.” Helmut told her off. “I do not work without a plan.”

Helmut got up to leave, but Micheal stopped him.

“Hear her out.” Micheal told Helmut. “She had her reason. I had been her on two tasks and knew how she works. She had been compromised that she fear even her own people cannot be trusted.”  

Helmut shrugged his own shoulders. He had been compromised before on his United Command tasks by traitors then. He then looked at her and asked when it will take place.

“Soon.” Greta replied. It was then they were warned of the intrusion in the tunnels.

“Follow me.” Greta told the duo. She then gave instruction to the others to escape by the different routes planned for such contingencies. The duo followed Greta to a large tunnel where an electrical buggy cart was stationed. It looked like a simple contraption that sits four with a small compartment at the rear for storage. It ran on four wheels, and had a maximum speed of 50kmph. The only difference with this cart was the front of it, had a small box with antenna on it.

 Micheal smiled and was to climb in when Greta stopped him.

“Let me drive. We have traps and mines set in here.” Greta took to the wheel while they board on the small cart. She then explained the workings of the small box. “It would detect our traps and deactivate it when we passed but for some one without it, they would be treated to surprises.”

They drove off and soon were intersecting past several tunnels, before they heard the explosions. Micheal sat at the rear watching their flanks for any stragglers. They came to the end of the tunnel and met an explosion not created by them. The explosion exploded downwards and created a hole from the ground level. It was not done by explosives but by the process of tunneling by sheer force.

“Damn!” Greta cursed out loudly, and stopped the buggy. “We need to run on foot.”

“What was that?” Micheal asked while he took to his heels with his bag.

“Nephilim.” Greta replied. “They are~”

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