Part 5
The Gateway
Kassius placed
his hand on the metal ring and noted the delicate finishing on the Angels. He
traced his fingers on the writings. It was engraved in deep, and ancient from
the feel of his fingers. There were nine angels on it, and each one was
different in looks as if they were engraved based on some real figures.
“There are nine rankings
among the servant of God. They are placed in the hierarchy with the Angels the
lowest in rank. Above them were the Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions,
Virtues, Powers, Archangels, Principalities and Angels. The lowest is the
messenger with God and the humans on this level. They are the most caring and
loving among the above, but they are also the first line of troopers.” Thaddeus
explained to Kassius. “They are notable on Runes engravings but above it all,
the Angels were truly the Guardians of the Gateway between dimensions. We all
believed that when the Runes were in danger, the Angels will descend and
removed the threat.”
“If that was the
belief, why have the Crescent of the Swords to be the Guardian?”
“We are the
hired hands. More to it, someone had to camouflage from the obvious.” Thaddeus
grinned at the trio before he stepped back. “Can we move on?”
“Why the rush,
Thaddeus?” Irina asked.
“There may be a
rush, when the signs said that on the sounding of the Horn, chaos was to come.
We have reports that the troopers are massing at the boundary. Your presence
may have attracted them. Or it was just the signs foretelling the truth. Hopefully,
I am right on the later.”
“So get us on
the way.” Irina added in her sarcasm. “And we will not be the cause of your
battle. If there was any cause to start with.”
Senior Thaddeus
expression frowned up before he lay forth his terms.
“The new
dimension unlike ours, and more to it, King Richard had established a reign
there too. He knew that the Ark had moved there, but he could not locate it. The
only difference is that he could not move those from there here”, Thaddeus looked
at the Horn. “He needed an artifact of which he had none.”
“Seek the
Bastion. Find the key that will open the Vault.” Thaddeus told them. “Then do
what is needed. I am not sure what is really needed as I have never sought the
Thaddeus then
looked at them.
“All of you are
not dressed to face to face the new dimension. Assassin, I have a set of your
uniform. Be yourself, and you may survive.” Thaddeus looked to the sword. “The
Sword of Mars would be a valued companion, but your familiar tools are also
“Irina of the
Guild, I knew your father well. He had once told me that his biggest
achievement was having loved your mother. She was a wonderful lady and like
you, an innovative inventor. He had left with me a gift which I will pass onto
motioned to his aide to bring in the gift. It was an invention of Irina; the
flame shooter of her’. It was an earlier model, which worked but held only a
small volume of content.
“I had improved
on it. You will find that even Merlin had a hand on it. Both of us were
intrigued by it and with our tinkering, you may find it more appealing.”
Thaddeus smiled. “There is the fire you seen used by Man, and there from it,
the flames that slipped out to burn your hands. But behold these fires as it’s
not the same fire used by man. This fire is of magical properties. It will not
burn, but will torment on whoever it was inflicted on. It’s unquenchable by
water, but on its own time will it dispersed. Use it to repel the dark ones.”
Thaddeus then turned
to Derreen.
“The daughter of
Merlin needs nothing from me, but only her own faith. She needs to hold high
her learning and apply it when needed. Merlin had taught you well. Trust in his
magic. And yours.”
“Once I opened
the dimension, I want only one thing in return. I want the Horn in bargain.”
“The Horn? Why
the Horn?” Kassius asked.
“I want to stop
anyone else from using that. The Horn was one of the few remaining artifacts
that could open the gateway. We have the others, and this one remained the
last. We have to eliminate all the means to it.”
“Was that why
you have been bargaining for artifacts?” Irina asked. She was told that
Thaddeus was colleting those and had been pressing for the Horn before.
“Can you get
going before I forget my reason for inviting you?” Thaddeus replied. He had
seen the Horn on Irina and prompted the invitation. It was Derreen who brought
the subject back to their quest.
“Can we get to
the Ark and stop the madness? Is that the way.” Derreen approached Irina. She
reached for the Horn.
“What do we need
to do?”
“I have spoken
all that is. Get ready yourselves for the quest. I will open the gate when you
are ready.” Thaddeus then left the Hall to the trio who stood there. Another
aide brought in the uniform of the assassin and its array of weapons.
It was Kassius
who did the first move.
Thaddeus placed the
Horn on his lips and blew it. He blew it not once but thrice, and then the
metal ring began to vibrate. Form within the ring, a bluish aura appeared and
then it spread to cover the while ring like an orb.
“Step into it.”
Thaddeus told them. “And be careful of the N~”
The warning of
Thaddeus was lost to the trio when they stepped in.
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