Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 3 Part 1.36

Act Three Scene 3 Part 5

Othello looked to the crowd in the tavern. He called on the owner to have everybody moved out. He was then left alone only with Iago.

"What did I do? Tell me, my friend. Where did I go wrong?" Othello blurted out.

"Othello, what ails you?" Iago looked to his friend. He passed over the goblet of wine for the friend. "Drink this."

"She rejected me..." Othello mumbled out. "Me, her lover and our first time uninterrupted."

"Oh, please. Othello, be patient. She is your love. Why do you ail yourself with the jealousy thoughts?" Iago told him back.

"You! You besieged me with that thought. You of all my friends, told me that." Othello looked to his friend. "Better to lie than to tell the whole truth. But you are my friend, and honesty is yours to retain. I would like to know the truth than to suspect on the lies."

"I..." Iago held back his words. He wanted to see how far the assumed wound had cut.

"Damned you. I loved her. I cherished her. I laid my kisses on her lips. I felt her but was it also felt by one other? You told me so. So tell me again. Did she cheat on me? How can I be who I am if the one closest to me does things I do not know?" Othello threw the goblet aside.

"Othello, calm yourself." Iago replied. "She may not be ....

"May not be what? How could I not know? For all I cared, she could be the whore to all in my legion before I arrived. She make me the laughing stock of them all. There goes my ....rank; the cuckold Legatus. I lost my dignity to my legionnaires, my crest, my cohorts, my banners," Othello shouted the last words, " My Emperor."

"Othello, its not true." Iago told him again.

"True or truth, you would unravel it for me. You better be right this time. I am in anger on the earlier words, but I would be murderous on the next ones. Feel my gladius if you bring me the untrue words." Othello warned his friend.

"Has it come to this, Othello? Our long friendship hinged on the words of your love conduct..." Iago stood up.

"Make it real or false, would be yours to decide. But I shall judge you on them." Othello told Iago. "If you chose to slander me, pray for your own mercy as I have none for you."

"Apollo protect me. You are mad with your love. I spoke my words to tell you the truth and be questioned like an enemy." Iago stepped away from the table. "I resign my rank and friendship from you. I only chose to help a friend, and got my reward in the accusation that you had placed on me. Is this the thanks I get for being honest. If its, then I shall not honest no more."

"No, Iago. Be honest. I plea to you. I need a friend like you." Othello changed his tone. "Of honest friends, I don't have many."

"So help, my God Apollo. Let me be strong to aid my friend, even though he trust not me anymore." Iago looked to the ceiling above for his prayer.

"Iago, I am sorry. I was upset. She may had, but I need the proof. Show me the proof that her face is as dark as mine, but she wore no mask. Only the real truth, my friend." Othello told the other even it may hurt me."

"You wanted more proof. I would give you that proof." Iago told him. "Cassio once tried to seduce me."

Othello was shocked.

"When we were out in the last campaign, just before our final battle with the Gauls, we all convened for a drink. I was given a number of goblets, while Cassio hung back with his half empty one. He offered to take me back to my tent, to rest. He laid me on the bedding;we shared the same tent. I must had slept as when I woke up, it was not dawn, but to the sight of someone touching me." Iago looked away as in disgust. "I saw him at my feet, he was holding them like how a whore does; spread wide."

"Who? Cassio?" Othello had to ask.

"Yes, it was him. Who do you think would be in our tent? The Legion whores? I would not touch those with my gladius." Iago replied. "His mouth was on my cock. He was stroking it. More to it, he saw me looking. He then stood up and said I could do him."

Othello laughed but not Iago.

"You think that was funny? He told me Desdemona does it to him." When the last name was mentioned, Othello had rage shown on his face. He then remembered it was how Desdemona liked to paly out his fantasy of a slave girl role. She would then moved up the legs to engulfed him in a canal of desire. His and not her's.

"Don't ever mentioned her name." Othello threatened him. "I will kill you. You first and then her, and then Cassio...."

"And the whole legion. Othello, you are mad." Iago told him. "If you do that, you may end up dead, but upon death, you body would be dragged through the streets of Rome."

"Yes,but I would have my vengeance." Othello defended himself.

"So now love is the object of your vengeance, but whose vengeance? Yours or hers'? We seek vengeance when one do our loved one wrong. Here you are the one hurt and you can't seek vengeance for yourself.,"

"You fool, Othello. Vengeance can be for one self. Did you not know this?" Othello replied.

"Yes, but they all died in the making. But I would be your avenging spirit." Iago spoke up. He was putting in the terms of his plan. "Served to you on the platter; Iago and also your whore, Desdemona."

"Don't ever mentioned her name?" Othello cautioned him.

"You still want her? Othello, grow up. She is a whore. Not yours but whoever she may choose to sleep with. Do you  still want her? Or played along until I have her cornered." Iago looked into Othello eyes.

Prologue 21

Desdemona pulled the masked man into the dark shed. She looked to the rear of her and noted that they were not followed. She was pulled by him while laying kisses on her. She did not resist but went along with him. She then recalled the time they have. She pushed him away.

"We don't have much time." Desdemona told him. He tried to kiss her, but she was not reluctant. Instead she whispered to him. He nodded, and stood back while she went down on her knees. She reached for him there and gave him the needed relief. It was not long as she was good with it. Soon she stood up and looked at the man.

"Thank you, my love."

"Say no more. We got to go." Desdemona told him and then they walked back to rejoin the others.

"Where have you been, Desdemona? And you too, Cassio?"

"We were taking a walk." Desdemona told her father.

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