Saturday, July 5, 2014

Tweet tweet......05/07

Crusaders III is up. It will be the finale for the Crusaders current series. It will be solved some questions on Gerald Black.

I also penned off Devils Own Book 1; The Quest for the Ark at 126K words today. I decided to stop there with a cliff hanger to allowed for Book 2. In my mind, Book 2 will be a merge of Steam Punk and Sci Fi, with a dash of Supernatural and Mystics.

Coriolanus is at half way. Who's he? He's Shakespeare play as quoted in the words of TS Elliot: "this perceptive study of social influences on the individual is one of Shakespeare' finest tragedies and his most assured success." I have a copy of the original play and had been having a mind boggling time trying to work out the tale. I am there, but I have to tell ya 'sex may not be there' unlike Othello or Tempest. Its more of speeches with scornful words. So tempered down the mood on the sex, let us enjoy the play when its staged.

Okay, I will throw in Prey & Predators III; Pistols and Pastels to stirred up the hormones. Yup, that was done some weeks back, with the mature ratings. It was inspired by the poem done by Bonnie of Cylde and Bonnie; named Suicide Sal.

Meantime, I am penning Coriolanus and one other surprise....doing the laps at 9,000 words. It was a late entry after watching a movie on mutants. Spare me please, I ain't putting any X to the tale. Maybe a C would be a better clue. After I completed these two, I would revisit one unfinished tale and maybe..... the second Book on the Samurai's' Time Rift.

Or maybe Juliet and Romeo in a mature rate tale aka with a Hill Billy scenes. Darn! I should had known it. watching reruns of the "Waltons" would give you the 'timber up your notch pain'.

Till then, keep on blogging here...


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