Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Preys & Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated for Mature Readers ) 1.46

Dark Bishop

I saw him fall, and then the explosion in the alley. There was where I was heading with the car. He was unhurt when I reached him. I offered him the ride.

“Billie, you cannot fight her.” I held the steering wheel. He got in and I drove to the other end of the alley. I made it to the next alley across before I joined the traffic. I heard the sirens but we were passed the danger zone. I slowed down and looked at Billie. He had his gun drawn on me.

“I did save you.” I smiled at Billie. We drove on in silence.


“The Queen was like my own mother. She coached and nurtured me.” Billie protested to me when we were in the rented motel room. I had helped to dress his wounds, and also the bruises from the bike skidding.

“She killed my Queen.” Billie shouted out while seated at the armchair still holding onto the wound. I walked out of the bathroom after having taken a shower to clean the dirt off. I looked at Billie, seated there with his top part of his body exposed. The bandages lent support to his budding breast which he was very proud of. I was aroused by the sight, and had been since he got it done.

Much as the mood was there, I had to shift my mind away. I threw the bathrobe to him.

“Dress up, Billie.” I told him while I turned my back to him to get dressed. I was not keen to show him my aroused state, but he had to taunt me.

“Why, Mitch?” Billie spoke up. “You never asked me to cover up before.”

Both of us sniggered but we knew that the mood was to talk and not fuck.

“Billie, the deal with the Feds would clear us both, and also offered us protection.” I explained while buttoning my shirt. “It’s our new life we are talking about.”

“Screw it, Mitch. Your Feds killed my Queen.” Billie brought up the same issue. I turned to look at him.

“So she deserved to die. All of them do. They are the Chessmen. They killed others for their organs.”

“I am a Chessmen, Mitch. I held the rank of the Knight.” Billie replied. “I killed many of them too. Do I deserve to die too?”

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