Thursday, July 17, 2014

Preys & Predators III 1.1. ( for mature readers only. )

A fictional tale
Preys & Predators III


Jimmy Loong
Apr 2014

Prologue 1

I helped with the bags that kept on falling off their holdings bays on those darned trucks. It was not my choice of travelling but that one was the cheapest way. More so when you only have dimes and small dollar notes. The later were few in pieces and were kept them hidden deep in the bags. There were us, the travelling family with no permanent roof over our heads. I have been on the road with my sister Val and our parents for some months then. It was all about packing and hopping onto anything that will move.  The clothes we have are the rags on our body or the ones we snuck off the clothes line. Mine was the plain smock that reached above my knees, with the scarf holding my long tresses of blond hair in place. It was sewn by my mother two years ago, but I could still fit into it. More to it, it was only one left which I liked. Val had on the old dress of mine; it had been too small for me since I grew out at the chest, and jutted more in the lower rear. Daddy and Mama were still in their Sunday best, but it may have collected on some dust since they last washed it.

“Sal, you get them bags down. We reached the place.” I heard the call and opened my eye lids from my deep slumber. I was hit by the dust even before my vision could hit the scenery. I rubbed my eyes, and looked at where we had landed out feet. I was greeted by the torn placard that read these words; why can’t my Dad work here?

“Sal, can we move on?” I heard my mother calling while my dad rushed to the waiting line for a job offer in the nearby production plant. I picked up the pace with the extra bags, and took stock of the surrounding. We were then standing before a high fence protecting two big wall structures. We were at the main fence gates, and there was a queue of people there hoping to get employed. It was a new factory then.

I looked to the truck we were on earlier. It was on its way to the nearby town. It looked far from my height, but that was where we wanted to be. I saw my dad talking to some other seniors of the families’; there for the same reason. All they rattle on was the word I heard many of times; Depression. I’ll be darn honest; I knew nothing of that but it was supposed to eat into my brain that word, while my tummy was getting nothing.

“Sal, I am hungry.” I looked to my little sister, Val. She was just twelve, but was budding to be a young lady. I took out my unfinished piece of bread and passed it to her. Val was eating more than all of us, but she needed it to grow.

Sometimes, that was bad.

Two hours later, while we were setting up camp at the open ground, I could not find Val. I was looking to ask her to assist me in setting the pegs. She was not around. I saw Mama tending to the fire place to boil the pot of water.

“Mama, did you see Val?” I shouted out. She did look at me but when she shook her head, I had my reply. I looked around; seeing the other families all staking their own camp site, and children playing. I recalled Val was playing by the tree line and moved there. The children had moved back to the campsites, but I saw some elder boys edging to the trees. I was curious on that too, and caught one of them who returned.

“Hey, you’re hurting my arm.” The freckled face screamed out but my fist took out his complaints when it socked onto his jaw. He told me what I needed to know with that blow. I left him crying while I rushed to the trees. I pushed myself in past the tree and bushes, and came upon the attraction of the boys. There was Val there standing there with only her cotton panties while the boys were given her the full eye over. One of them was doing the collecting of coins or items of value as fees for the show.

I rushed in and gave the leading boy a fistful of mine wrath. I then grabbed his right arm and swung him like a bat into the tree trunk. I then rushed in on his back and pushed him back into the tree trunk to give him a new look. The audience of boys were earlier amused by my antics, but later found the gory scene was not what they paid for. Some of them left while Val who came to her senses, had dressed back her clothes. The daring ones thinking that I was another lady folk to be slapped tried it on me. He ain’t seen me when I trooped off Daddy in his drunken moods. I lashed out with my right leg into the boy’ balls, and when he keeled over, I gave him a shiner that would need more than a thick steak. It was then the other boys had fetched the elders.

“Show’s over, boys.” I shouted out to the still standing boys. So that soon staked my reputation as Suicide Sal. 

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

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