Monday, July 14, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.5

1.5           The Call was heeded

The land was not all wasted by the war; there are pockets of it that people could still live in. More so, where there was water to be found; abundance of it from under the ground or pouring into the breaks in the stone walls. Mankind was greedy but they were not stupid. Nuclear warfare was ruled out years ago, but the stealth of Mankind came up with sustainable alternative warfare tools; that would damned the land for eternity but ravished it for a period.

‘Starved the enemy, or deplete their resources but keep it safe when the conqueror takes over’. It was not a foolish aim, as it was done for centuries before until the emergence of nuclear capability. For fifty years, the world held onto their sanity that no one would be insane to release that bomb, although we had many scares with it. Finally, they all relented and gave up on that, and resorted to the above concept.

Sustainable warfare created new bombs; new army and new methods with biological and chemical advancement but it still yield the same results; total destruction and loss of lives. The result was only one fifth of the land on Earth was spared, with the rest reduced to wasteland or radiated land with time as its caretaker. Man's new form of warfare did not break the land it ravished but made it suffered for years.

What was once the main continent of United Europe was now left with sporadic settlements like the one here. It was once a proud city of Saint Petersburg; founded in 1703 by the Great Tsar then, lived through the two World wars, destroyed by the Third before it was left to decay to this day.

Saint Petersburg was the Imperial capital of Russia until 1918, when the central government bodies moved to Moscow. It had a population of over 15 million just before the war. It was a major United European cultural center, with annual festivals and events held there. The United Europe displayed their cultures there for the world. Great monuments were built then to made it more prominent to the other nations. All that came down during the war and from a dense fifteen million, now only remained less than two millions lived in fright and starvation. They are safe there with the regular patrols provided by the protector of the city; the Orthodox Faith Division of Saint Petersburg. There the two million or so inhabitants were fed with the crops or hunts that the protector undertakes for them, besides given them security protection from bandits or wild creatures. They had formed boundaries which the inhabitants are kept safe and each day that boundary was expanding to meet the new intake of refuges or once they have cleared the space of bandits.

The Protector of the re-born Saint Petersburg city was the members of the sect that occupied the Peter and Paul Fortress at the Neva River. The fortress that sat on the island by the Neva River; had six bastions initially with its walls built of clay and then brick walls were added later. It also houses the Peter and Paul Cathedral which was the destination of the machine rider.

The rider rode over the bridge that linked it to the island where the fortress sat, with fully auto-rotary laser cannons embankment build on it. The fortress was out of bound for the outside inhabitants who camped across in the ruins of the once great city. The once flourishing river was now a low laying river with rancid water in it.

"Welcome back, Geranium." The sentry at the bridge greeted the rider when she stopped to identify herself. It was not necessary but protocol must be heeded.

"Thank you, Senior Thaddeus." Geranium lowered her helmet field and smiled at the older guard there. Thaddeus have been a sentry there for over thirty years before and after the war. He wore his uniform of the green shades shirt with matching pants tucked into a dark knee high boots. There was a streak of red band that was seen as a vertical down the right side of his shirt. The emblem of the cross was on his left side of the shirt. The sentry had on his waist belt, the phaser similar to Geranium, and on his back was the rifle version of it.

There were four others in the sentry post but they were busy monitoring the bridge for any intrusion.

"Raise the defense shields now." A series of defenses shields were deactivated while Geranium rode her machine to the Fortress. She had to swerve her ride as there were embankments build there to prevent anyone driving a vehicle in directly. They learned enough from the suicides attempts made before.

Geranium parked the machine at the designated place in front of the cathedral. She dismounted and was met by another dressed in the simple priest robes.

"Good day, Brother Sergei. I would have expected you to be busy with Father Timon burdening you with works." Geranium taunted the good servant of the Faith with her sarcastic remarks.

"Yes, my dear Geranium. He burdens me with more of his translation, but he adds onto me the works of bringing you to him upon you arrival." Brother Sergei was a tall man with a narrow expression on his drawn face with his middle age looks. He served the Faith since his youth when he forego all materials of Man and embraced his love for theology.

"I am sure I can find my way to his chamber.....alone.... And safe." I smiled at the priest who was lead me there.

"True, but your route seems to take a longer time and he may I placed it; strained his concept of patience." The priest wished to rush me, but he was bound by rules not to grapple with another gender, more so one like Geranium who may break his spine with two moves of her own. He was full aware of her fighting skills which had made two instructor regrettably 'retired with grace'.

"Hush, hush my dear..." Sergei pushed her on with his hurried words.

"Patience is the companion of wisdom...” Geranium quoted Saint Augustine' words to Sergei who frowned at her.

"Quote me not, and haste is on thy feet." Sergei ignored the lady and walked himself back inside the Cathedral. Geranium followed close and then she adds to his words.

"Am I really a burden?" Geranium recalled the earlier lines of the priest. Sergei stopped in his tracks and turned back to looked at her.

"I have read in Plato and Cicero sayings that are wise and very beautiful; but I have never read in either of them: Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden." Sergei smiled as quoted the Saint Augustine words this time. And then add on. "Yes, you are. Come now, child."

Like the obedient child, Geranium followed the older man.

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