Act Two Scene 3 Part 1
The celebration was all merry making and
joy, with the patrons all taking their fill of the food and drinks. The three
wenches had lived to their reputation with the rounds of drink they drew onto
the men. Glauco was smiling while watching his three wenches have their gala
fun. The more fun they have, the more coins would be slipped into his purse. He
had also invited three more other ladies who was also plying their trades
there, with his share of one third of their takings. His other assistant was
standing at the corner blowing the trumpet, much unheard by the drinking crowd,
but for those who did, it was a nauseating impression of a musician would had
been their conclusion.
"How much to stop him blowing?"
One of the Centurions asked Glauco. The later raised his hand with the number
of fingers to denote the coins.
"Let it be, for I am going deaf with
his noise." The Centurion impart the coins and was dragged away by others
to join in the drinks.
As the day draw to darkness, with many of
them seen retreating to their homes, or laid on the seats which held their
slumbering mood to the next dawn. Not all was intoxicated; they had other
"Cassio, are you sober?" Othello
holding his love in the arms. The Pilus was seated next to the Governor aide,
as expected of his nature. Cassio stood up when his Legatus called him.
"I am, Legatus." Cassio smiled
at him. "I could hold more than the two goblets consumed. How about
Cassio winked at the Legatus. He shifted
his look to the lovely lady holding her lover arms.
"I am fine. Never finer in my
days." Legatus smiled. "I may need you to firm on my legs. See to the
men. Rotate them. Move a new cohort out."
"Aye, Legatus." Cassio saluted
his superior. "Just in case, you are overly concerned. I already got Iago
on the guard rotation. He would do a good task of it."
At that moment, Iago walked in looking for
his drink. Othello smiled at the Praefectus.
"Hold the Legion for me."
Legatus told him before he took the steps on the staircase. Iago replied.
"Aye, Othello." The man was
obviously forgetting his rank but Othello left him to the temporary lapse of
memory. Othello then left the flooring to the drunks and yet to get drunk. Iago
was to take his drink when Cassio approached him.
"Iago, you are on guard. Hold the
drink." Iago looked to the Pilus who smell of the wine he had consumed. In
his mind, if you can drink why can't myself. I had fought with more in my body;
and even killed more than when he was sober.
"Hold on, Pilus." Iago told
Cassio. "I have two of the Montana' aide, Lucius and Mathias to hold a
private ceremony with us. Something of a personal thank you for us. The unsung
"Please no more drinks. I have drunk
two of mine, watered to suit my lack of tolerance for it. Now you tell me that
I am drink more." Cassio tried to change his Praefectus mind but the
thought was interrupted by the entrance of two staggering men in toga.
"Ah, the Praefectus is here. So is
the .....what his name?" The one name Lucius asked. He approached Cassio.
"You owed us some drinks."
A goblet was thrust into the Pilus' hand.
He was obliged to drink, being the next leader in the lineup. Iago pulled away
while the three saw down to drink. Iago watched the three and smiled In his
mind, Iago saw Cassio drinking; the undiluted version, and would be drunk soon.
Like all drunks, he would forget himself. With that, he would be a child to
lead to the play pen. He would make a fool of himself.
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