Friday, July 11, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.4

1.4           The Shooter of the Faith

Just as then when the Man fed on his would be predator, miles away slightly to the Northwest direction, at the hill lines, another figure was lain face down on the sandy pile by the boulder. The figure was half covered by the blowing sands, although the camouflage fatigue of light gray with spots of white was itself an adequate cover. The figure was laid there with the legs spread out while its head was rested on the right shoulder with the focus on the telescopic lens that was attached to the camouflaged wrapped long range phaser rifle. The arms of the figure were wrapped around the rifle with half the face hidden by the stock and lens. The figure had on maybe termed as a beret but it had a set of goggles build into it. The barrel of the rifle was aimed at the target at the distance of over two thousand yards on the hill. The target was at that moment waiting for the arrival of the sea vessel which would take him to safety.

The target was protected by a three auto-bots detail; war designed droids with firepower that can level this boulder and sandy hill to be a pond. The shooters breathe in and whispered these words.

"Bless me father once." The trigger button was pressed.

"Blast me father twice." The trigger button was released.

"Father be bless thrice." The metal projectile from the rifle blew the target head off.

Immediately, the droids reacted to the shooting as their system looked at the wound and computed the trajectory path but by then the shooter was crawling back on the sand, and then half crouched ran to the nearby vehicle parked behind the dyke. It was a hover skid pad designed for one rider; legs clamped on the surface by the remote control on the goggles, and the three feet by one feet oblong pad took off with it antigravity mechanism propelled forward by the miniature jets build into the pad. Its cruising speed was thirty miles and hour but for getaways like this, it would hit the maximum at fifty five miles per hour.

"Whoo-pee!" The figure now half crouched on the hover pad shouted out in jubilation on a task well done. It was always exhilarating to ride the pad at its maximum speed with the control based on the foot taps. But the escape was not without its pursuers. The laser shots missed the pad by inches'; fired from the two flying droids on foot jets.

The war-bots are build like the figure of Man, but they are encased with the right shoulder mounted lasers phaser, twin barrels on the wrist for close combats and with these, they also carry the phaser rifles that holds a thirty charge energy pack. Those are only the phaser, but the droids are also armed with explosives like thermal grenades, napalm mini bombs and the dreaded round blades. The last are just throwing disc which would energize and become revolving sharpened blades. They can cut through a rock surface of two feet with no issues.

"Damn!" The shooter cursed and then added in a prayer for forgiveness. The concern of the shooter was not the jet boots as they can only do thirty miles an hour max, but the blades. Those can move to a speed of sixty five miles when energized. The shooter tapped in the command on the pad and the hover pad went up on the left side, holding its rider in a slanting stance. The shooter had picked up the rifle and then tapped in the next command. The hover craft did a tight turn to the left while the shooter took aim.

The shot went off from the rifle at that slanting angle and hit the first droid at the side of the chest where its armor was the weakest. The projectile on impact; penetrated the metal cover, and damaged the internal circuitry causing the droid to go into a spin and crashed into the rear droid.

"Bless me Father for I done it." The shooter shouted out as the hover pad made another turn to bring it back to the original path. At that moment of the turn, the hover pad bottom surface showed its owner affiliation;' the House of the Cross.

So then we had met the Third Crusaders of the New Age.

He was to be named the Shooter of the Faith.

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