Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.10

Part Two

The Mistress and the Squire reunited

2.1           Geranium packs it

Brother Sergei loaded the last bag on the ancient wheeler that belonged to the Faith. It was designed like a six seater with the engine powered up to run over all terrains at eight miles per hour maximum; superb suspension and wider wheels with a set of automated mounted phaser on its rooftop. That was ten years ago when its was the named Land Lion of Europe, but now due to lack of spares, and battered over the years, it was not renamed the Meeky Mice of Europe 

"Sergei, don't tell me, we are traveling with this heap of metallic scrap." Geranium rode up her double wheeler machine next to Sergei.

"Meeky may not be much to lot at," The vehicle was in need of a new coat of paint and some accessories, "but she is a monster on the trails. I have upgraded the suspension and fine adjusted the engine with the new power cells. I also placed in more supplies. And praying books. We may need to read at some time."

The vehicle ran on solar converted energy packs, which recharged daily in the sunlight. Her rotary cannon fires a deadly streak of metal projectiles which Sergei had loaded in a thousand rounds in the modified ammo rack. He was not leaving much space for extra passengers.

"I saw you installed in the Sonar Disrupter Unit." That unit fires a concentrated wave of sound waves that could deter off an attack by wild creatures. Its effective range was a hundred and fifty yards distance.

"I am a pacifist when it comes to killing the innocent creatures." Sergei told her.

"How are you with your personal defense?" Geranium asked of her companion. "I doubt you can chase them off with your story tales although they can be pretty boring."

Geranium ought to know as she grew up listening to him telling it very night; from the Biblical tales to the adventures of the Crusaders, from the First Crusade to the new ones with the adventures of Sir Gerald Black.

"Aye, I have my cross, my holy water and also my bible." Sergio then pat his shoulder holster where he had in there was a ancient Colt Army M1892 with the 6 inch barrel once wore by army officers in the older wars. His pistol held a six shot cylinder. It was chambered in .38 Colt, a center fire design containing charges of up to 150 grains of fine grained black powder and a silver blunt round nosed bullet. Sergio believes his parents were killed by Vampires. "And my .38 with me. May peace come to them when they get shot."

Geranium laughed at Sergio as she knew he was adept at that revolver and made the bullets himself. His shoulder strap holds twenty spare bullets and there was another hundred and fifty in the bags somewhere. The priest also holds a .38 Snub a standard barrel of 1-7/8 inch length at his right boot.

"What about yourself? Your phaser extra energy packs are with me." Sergio pointed to the vehicle. "I always knew you were bad in your packing."

"I have my energy whip with me." Geranium points to the right wrist where on mind activation, a long twenty five feet length laser whip would appeal. It can tear into anything its touches. "If not, I can always rely on you."

Sergio smiled again. It’s nice to feel wanted. He looked at the long rectangle box beside his seat. He would give it to Geranium when its time.

"Sergio show me how do I begin?" Geranium pulled her companion to the dining area of the Cathedral as their journey was only to start later in the day. 

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