Saturday, July 5, 2014

Preys & Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated for Mature Readers ) 1.49

Dark Knight

I had arrived just in time to see the same SUV pulled out. I was driving the Camarro with the shades over my eyes. I reckon she would come back here before she pulled out. I was not wrong, and that time, I did not plan to lose her again. She was not alone and had a bodyguard.

The more the better.

I was in the mood to kill since Mitch had died. I pat the Glock with its full clip. I intend to empty it into that Agent; the whole full clip. I intended to trail them to their destination but the siren behind me told a different tale. This was the second time, in days I was stopped by the Police. I pulled over and then waited in my car. I saw the officer exit from the car and approached mine from the rear.

It was a lady officer. .


“Officer, was I speeding?” I asked while my eyes were on the SUV which have turned at the intersection.

“No, but I need you to~” The officer saw my Glock aimed at her chest.

“Pass me your gun.” I told her. “Or have your Insurance to pay for a new heart.”

The officer did as she was told. She was about in her mid thirties, and may have been a mother of some young ones. They are the harder ones to kill. I had her took me to the Squad car. We drove in it, and then I asked her to call the Precinct.

“Tell your Precinct to run the car license for you. I need to know where it’s.” Within a minute, they found the SUV at a meat factory nearby from the GPS coordinates. I left her in the boot of the Squad Car soon after.

Dark Pawn

I looked at the place; a freaking meat factory. As if I have not seen enough flesh in my life. I sneaked in and went to the scheduled meeting place. The place was closed recently when it was found to be contaminated and had to be cleared of the offence. There was one thing about large structure with idling machines, and when it had stopped production. You would expect a silent mausoleum of equipments, till its new owners take over, but the place was hardly silent. You would hear the occasional screeching or whining sound. It’s erratic as the cause of it could be the blowing wind or the isolated pigeon which came to roost.

That was what greeted me as I was earlier on my meeting and figured the extra timeline would give me time to prepare for any eventuality. The words of the Chessmen being wiped out by their Queen flowed through the network faster than the breaking news on the channels. Maybe there are no editors needed to approve the drafts.

I came prepared that time; dressed in black and carried a MP5.

Where I came in was the Warehouse and was practically the scheduled meeting place. There were the three levels metal racks for storage lined all the way to the rear wall, but they were only a few racks which were occupied. The racks were layout in ‘L’ formation with the shorter end towards the warehouse office. It was a single structure which holds two windows and one doorway. Above the office structure was a temporary storage area for their packaging materials. There was the lifter machine which was parked near the main doorway. The door I walked in was at the other end of the place.

I found my hiding place.

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

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