Saturday, July 5, 2014

Crusaders III: The New Age 1.1


Revelation 13:11-15
Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon. He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the broadsword and yet lived. He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.

This second beast is referred to as the False Prophet in Revelation 16:13 and 19:20.

Daniel 9:27 is a prophecy of a future Roman prince who will erect an image known as the "Abomination of Desolation,"

He will confirm a covenant with many for one `seven.' In the middle of the `seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing [of the temple] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.

The All Father beamed away in a flash of lights. Micheal looked at the window screen that showed him the planet Earth in that dimension. Of all the dimensions, this small planet gives him so many issues for centuries. Lucifer was his second in command before he revolted and took off with his followers to that planet. Micheal pursued him but the intervention of All Father stopped him and leaving the revolutionaries there stranded without the means to leave the planet.

Over the centuries, the hundred odd discards have grown their own numbers, with their ever growing followers, converted by influence or coercion and at times, by slavery by domination on their will. The fastest growing sect was the blood drinker; the essence that drove the flesh of Man, and these discarded had found a way to secure their power on it. They had named themselves as the Vampires, among the many names they had adopted. The Faith; the counter force deployed by All Father had been fighting them since their discovery. It was a long fight which neither side was able to claimed victory, nor could defeat be allowed, but bout of battles raged on.

The recent events told of a new threat, that all influential Lucifer may had communicated with the other discards in other dimensions. Micheal fear that if it was allowed, then maybe they would find the means to repair their transporters and with that, they may cross over the dimensions. He recalled the last inter-dimensional war, when he had fought leading the Council of Angels against the others. They were then in full strength, with Lucifer on his side as the trusted Lieutenant. The war ended with victory for the Council of Angels and having the defeated sent to the darker dimension but it also caused a rift among the trusted; losing Lucifer was one of them. He recalled then the event that took place then at the meeting of the Council of Angels.

"Micheal, I would be damned if I ever stand aside to see the banishment of another one of us......" Lucifer stood up from his seat among the Council of Angels.

"Enough!" Brother Micheal interjected in. "His name would not be mentioned again, for his betrayal would never be allowed to be repeated. He would be named from now, as the False Giver, or worse be branded from now as the False Prophet."

"False or real, he was a brother among us." Lucifer spoke up to his other brothers. "We all shared the joys and sorrows here, and for ...."

"That ...False Prophet sided with the others and fought us. It’s an act of treason and unpardonable. He deserved to be banished alongside with his allies."

"All Father", Lucifer looked to the very presence who presided over them. "Please stop this undeserving act. I called upon you to be merciful. And above all, he was your ....son too."

The All Father stood up from his seat and turned to leave the Council.

"All Father, I plead with you." Lucifer shouted to the departing figure that held the power and influence over the Council. It was Micheal who spoke up again.

"I called for those who oppose the banishment to stand up and leave the Council Hall." It was a challenge by the then presiding member of the Council, in the absence of All Father.

Lucifer stood back from his seat, and headed for the doorway. He paused before it, when he noted that he was alone. He turned back to looked at the others seated there, in alliance with him on the same thought but lack the courage to defy the one he had trusted as his brother.

"The real brothers for Lucifer, speak now and showed yourself, or be damned forever to eternity in silence." Lucifer voiced out.

"If anyone of you joined Lucifer, you would be banished and be named ...... Demons." Micheal declared to the Council of Angels. "No true brothers among us here should be called Demons."

Seven close brothers of Lucifer stood up to join him.

"So there are those who think otherwise. Are there more of you?" Micheal glared at the small group that stood at the doorway. There were none, but during the next few sessions, more followed Lucifer. Micheal felt the crush of defeat in his leadership, and sounded out to the one she was close to. They agreed that the brothers shall not fight among themselves, but they could appoint gladiators to serve and fight the battles. That counter measure team was the Crusaders.

The Crusaders had served him well, but of late the new threat had eliminated the order. It also caused the Crusaders to disband.

Micheal was in deep thought when he interrupted by the presence of the arrival of one other. 

"Brother Micheal, I have updates for you." The voice belonged to his brother in the Council, Brother Gabriel. "Brother…~”

“His name shall not be mention in these Halls.” Brother Micheal interjected in. Brother Gabriel bowed his head in reply.  He then continued in his words.

“The False Prophet had gone missing after he evaded his guards. He may have crossed the dimension. The war on Earth was his work. We were deceived by him once again, lending his influence to wage another war and camouflage the threat to us."

"Micheal", Gabriel continued on. "We have contacted the Faith on Earth. The Crusaders would be called on once again. They would take care of the False Prophet."

"May the All Father protect us" Micheal sighed. He feared that the Crusaders may not be all that loyal to his cause. The last time, they used the direct descendants of the original Crusaders, they were doubts raised among them on their task. He had to intervene if need be.”

"Brother Gabriel, monitor the Crusaders. If there are falling in the ranks, or trust, act upon it. We cannot failure at this stage. It may end the era of the Angels." With that spoken, Micheal walked off to his own chamber.  

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