Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Dark Queen of White 1.39


Lancelot smarting from the fight slumped on the chair in the tent while watching the other Lords and leaders all seated there looking glum.

“I had never fought with Frost Giants but these three were formidable foes. They are relentless in their pursuit and above all, impregnable to our swords.”

Lancelot had seen the Frost Sisters charged into the army, with the cudgel swinging. The archers released the arrows at them, but the arrows just broke on contact with the sisters. Soon the sisters were surrounded by the pikemen and swordsmen, but they kicked at them like rotten apples, with the pikes and swords ineffective. Frigid the leader, grabbed a horse on the jaw and her hold was so strong that she was able to swing the horse like a cudgel. She then threw the horse at the mass of guards. Sister Bridget despite her name was no lady when it came to fighting; she was like a crazed bull charging at anyone.

Doc had attacked the giants with his wand, calling on the spell of fire. The streak of fire from his wand engulfed the Frigid but she just shook it off like dust. Grumpy had done the same with his battle-axe, aimed at the heel of Bridget but she just back heeled him away.

"The spells have no effect on them." Happy chattered off while he look for an opening.

"It would not." Snow White told the dwarfs. "I had heard that the Frost Giants are immunized to flames. They are cold creatures."

The dwarfs withdrew and Lancelot on having seen the impending defeat, signaled for the retreat.

"Almost half my men were wounded or dead. Those ladies are ....mad." Lancelot could not find himself to understand how three ladies could do that. The ladies are still there on the battlefield, gloating on their victory and calling on any who would fight them. The Lords and leaders were puzzled on how to handle these sisters, when Snow White came in.

"Let me speak to them." Snow White marched out and approached the Frost Sisters. She stood there with the three sisters over tower her.

"Can we have a more leveled discussion?" Snow White asked them. "You know like sisters to sisters."

Frigid laughed at the thought.

"You are not our sister. We are the only sisters among the Giants. No one would dare to bully us."

"I know. My step mother used to tell me of your exploits. She admired the three of you. You had established a role which us ladies here are still way behind you." Snow White shrugged her shoulders. "Me included."

Frigid heard the Princess and leaned over.

"You are Snow White. Everyone loved you. They admired you."

"Oh, yeah? It may be true there but we are still servants to them.” Snow White pointed to the men behind her. She leaned over and whispered to the sisters. “We are theirs to command.”

The sisters had trouble listening and then lay down on the ground, on their front to hear the Princess.

“Can you hear me now?” Snow White whispered to the sisters. They nodded. Suddenly Frigid shrieked out in pain. It was followed by Bridget and then Rigid.

The sisters cannot move.

“What did you to us?’ Frigid asked.

“I had Speedy to pierce you in the heels. It’s the weakness of the Giants. We called it the Achilles Heel.” Snow White explained. “You can’t move for some time. I would now summoned the Dwarfs to tied you down and then set a big bon fire over you.”

“Fire does not hurt us.”Frigid laughed at the torture.

“True, but these are the Blue flame of Mephitis. It would hurt you bad.” Snow White expressed her grim face. “Read badly.”

“We surrender.” Frigid declared her final act. She then asked Snow White on how she knew of their weakness.

“I had done a lot of listening when I was younger. More so when my stepmother liked to speak on her own.” Snow White explained her knowledge. “More to it, I had Merlin’s help.”

Snow White then turned to the castle where the Queen still hide.

“It’s time for me to meet the Queen again.” Snow White smiled.

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