Thursday, April 3, 2014

Preys & Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.12

The Test Moves

Dark Pawn
Sylvia Graden

White Pawn
Micheal Darren

Dark Knight - Killer
Billie Diane / Billy Dane

Dark Bishop - Hired Killer
Mitch Dane / Brennan.

Dark Queen - Leader
Mary Ketch

White King - Leader
Marlene Phillips.

Dark Pawn

I sat in my own private office at the basement of the club; high back chair laid with the fine leather behind a large desk, and facing a sixteen camera screen of my club, from the back alley to the front and cellar. I saw the recording of Marlene leaving the place just a few minutes ago. The other screens were of the cleaning crews and Bruno at his desk. That man hardly rest and was always vigilant on the premise.

I reached for the bottom left of the drawer and pulled out the metal red box. It had a combination lock and once opened revealed my previous life. I was Sylvia Graden; Special Agent by rank and was involved with undercover operations. I was one of the best; with beauty and brain, and above all a killer instinct. I could outshoot most of the men, and kick harder than them. I was under the Special Task Team with Marlene then my Field Handler, and Micheal.....

Micheal Darren and I was a pair, did the early years together in the Academy and then went undercover. We met on our second mission to nab an international body trafficking organization, and hit it off on our first briefing. Soon we were humping beneath the covers, discreetly from the purview of the handlers. We were together most times but never once we spoke of our family. It was all sex and sex, with the tension of being an undercover agent. We cracked the case and then moved on with our life.

It was the fourth mission we paired under Marlene that caused us to break. She placed me in there as a new recruit for the Chessmen. I was soon taken by the Queen as her personal lover with S&M desires; given my previous missions where I was trampled and beaten before, she reckon I could take on the role. Micheal had already infiltrated in as a Pawn and somehow we still meet. It was one long year in the assignment, and opened up new avenues into our life. I found sex was more exciting with some bondage or pain inflicted. Initially, I tried to share it with Micheal but he was turned off by me with another lady. But soon he got over it, and we were fucking on new found pleasure levels. It did not last, when we setup the fall of the Chessmen. I was shot and left for dead, but it was Marlene who saved me. She nursed me back to health.

Marlene made me become a key witness in the case. I was moved under the Witness Protection Program. I took my kid brother with me; his caretaker, my distant aunt had passed on. I was told not to get in touch with Micheal or anyone involved in my previous life. I agreed then, as both of us had a fall out just before the final battle. Micheal then developed animosity to my new preference, and we called it quit. With the Witness Protection Program, it was also a front for me to get over the relationship.

Soon after three years, I became Sylvia the Dark Pawn. I could be anyone I wanted but one thing I could not reconcile with was my developed sex preference, not even with the several lovers I had, until I found Alice. She introduced me to the new world of make believe sex; or living out others fantasy for money. We caught the act and did the rounds, with the discreet crowds, but soon expanded into the privileged society with the vast and diverse sex actions. It was exciting like my previous life of being an undercover, with every turn something illicit or new. More to it, I had more money than before and was paying for Brian to be a decent man.

I guess I failed at it.

Brian or Steven got himself into my kind of life.

I would kill himself myself when he return. He had gone for over a day then.

"Bruno, send out the call for Steven. See if he is shack up in some of those ladies places." I called Bruno. Steven had his leverage here to get a free fuck.

"Sylvia", I still used my first name, although on my ID, it was Rebecca Gates. "I think you ought to watch the news."

I turned it on and saw the news.

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