Thursday, April 10, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act One Scene 1 Part 1.1

Act One Scene 1 Part 1

The cold weather outside of the bathhouse was never felt by its inhabitants of Roman citizen, who laid their weary bodies into the warm heated water by the large bath enclosure the size of a large rectangle pool. The water in the pool was heated by the long tubing that was lined beneath the marble flooring on the bottom of the pool. At the side of the pool were several benches and there was those small fountains where the water sprout up above its height to give it a towering aqua look. The walls that lined the pool area were numerous mosaic pieces carefully inlaid by craftsman depicting pleasant sceneries of the world. It rise up to the high roofing that opened up to the painted window glass that allowed the sunlight in. It was a busy evening with the place filled by the citizens who indulge in this favorite pastimes, while their daily needs of nutritions are served by scantily dressed slaves bearing trays of it.

There was one slave who carried the laid out exotic fruits pieces while she parade past the pool, but her stare was not on them but to the far door at the end. She wore her toga short which barely covered her well defined curves, and sexuality, but she was only to be envy by these citizens here. Her true master await her inside the small and private bath area, reserved for the elites and influential. She stepped up the doorway and lifted up the thick yet soft screen that hide the room from the outsider.

"Preposterous! How can he be liken to my status as Praefectus castorum?"The man who spoke out in disgust was a tall man with a well built frame on him. He was a veteran of the Roman Legion, having served the services from the rank of centurion to his current rank of Primus Pilus.

"I had given twenty five years of my life to the Legion, and this usurper vault over me." The man continued on his raving towards his friend who shared with him the bath area. He was seated naked on the bath edge except for the loin cloth placed over his lap, but the other companion was without any shame while seated across him on the other edge. He need not be ashamed of his nudity as he was a rich Roman citizen with his numerous caravans of trades that ply the routes into the northern region and also to the dark region where slaves are aplenty. More to it, every woman he was with would had moan that he was great in the act although the frame of his flabby flesh would had screamed otherwise. More to that, he was not listening to his friend as his focus was on the slave that brought the tray of fruits. He liked these Nubian slaves, they are exotic to his likes. He had pulled the slave towards him and lifted up the hem of the toga to looked at her body.

"She may be untouched, Iago." Roderigo told his legionary friend. "Perhaps you might want to have the first pluck."

"Bah! You are not listening to me." Iago lowered himself into the warm water, covering the numerous scars on his body, courtesy of his devotion to fulfilled his own destiny to be the Legatus, the ultimate commander of the Legion.

"Why does it ails you, Iago? You are not like demoted. You still hold your rank as Pilus." Roderigo lauded towards his friend. With the assistance of Iago, his caravans were safe on their routes backed by the papers endorsed by the Pilus. He held an influential position in the works, for he was also well connected to the Senate.

Roderigo meanwhile had stood up on his feet and took the slave to bend before him. He placed his penis into her mouth and made her do what was her role. He held onto her head and moved it back and forth.

"Here, my friend. Take her from the rear. Which one matters not? I would amused myself here." Roderigo told his friend, but Iago declined the offer. His mind was not on sex, but on the discrimination handed to him, by his Legatus, Othello. He had served the Legatus for over five years, and fought many campaigns with him; mortally wounded twice and with the will of the Gods, he was saved. He still felt the pain on his left side on some cold nights, but he dared not tell his Legatus lest he retired him from the Legion. For what was his allegiance to the Legatus but to be told that he was no better than the weakling Cassio, another Pilus like him before but then promoted to become the Praefectus.

"Hurry, my friend. I am to released', Roderigo called on the other but Iago remained seated in the warm water. By the end of the sentence, the humping man held his pose to released his body fluids into the oral cavity of the slave. He then pushed her away and climbed into the bath. The slave took her leave of the bath area to stand by the far wall, awaiting her next request. She was after all just a slave.

"Ah! The refreshing feel of the warmth here covered more than there. I am truly contented. Or should I not be." Roderigo muttered to himself. Iago looked to him and asked him in a cynical tone.

"Are you to dirty this bath with your....release?" Iago glared at the other. Roderigo laughed out on the question raised to him. 

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