Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Crusaders II The stakes increased 11.8

1.          Citadel of the Gods - The second barricade

"Secure the breach!" The Asgard warrior threw his weight behind the ballista that out deadly bolts with its launch at the advancing Egyptian chariots that had joined the battle. The chariots are approaching fast but none was faster than Mjolnir which sailed in a wide swing thrown by Thor. There are few things that can stop Mjonir in its track as it tore into the chariots body ripping it apart. A Frost Giant dragged its heavy body with the issgeisl to the forward walls to stand by the Asgardian.

"Fire the machine. I would protect your back." The Frost Giant swing his weapon at the approaching infantry warrior. He pulled out the ice blade and hit out at the next enemy warrior. He did not see the third one which came at the Frost Giant and hit the mace on the back of the giant. The Frost Giant felt the blow but his attention was on the ones in front.  He stepped aside to try to swap at the Egyptian but the advancing ones are getting his attention. It was the Dwarf who saw the attack on the Frost Giant and threw his spear at the Egyptian warrior. The spear impaled in the back of the warrior and before he fell down, the dwarf had removed the spear. He stayed there to protect the Asgardian.

More chariots approached but this time Thor's hammer was not around to help. The Asgardian had to load and fire his ballista before this. While he was struggling, the dwarf helped him as loader.

" We need more reinforcements." The Asgardian shouted as he saw the chariots gaining ground. He was also running low on bolts and then the unexpected arrived. It was Lady Sif dropped the crate of bolts as she drew on her sword to swing at the attacking Egyptian warrior.

"Concentrate on the chariots. I would take care of the infantry." Lady Sif stood there swinging her sword. She grabbed a fallen sickle sword to add to her own sword. With both swords, she was formidable and took down many enemies. One  warrior tried to speared her the javelin but she deflected in time. She threw her sickle sword at the thrower into the chest. Then she saw the catapults have gone into action.

Its time to retreat to the main walls.

"Retreat to the walls! Catapults!" Lady Sif gave the command. On hearing her call, the Valkyrie went into position on the walls and released the volleys of arrows. A detachment of them went for the winged horses and carried the pots of oil.

"Time to fly, Valkyrie." Lady Helga shouted out as she whip the two horses towing her wagon. "We got some oils to deliver."

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