Thursday, April 24, 2014

Preys & Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.19

Dark Knight

I took to my unit and slept the afternoon. I was exhausted but was raring to go out. I need to get it out of me, but the day was still bright. I needed the night time to get the prey. Then Tom came rushing in.

"Shag it, Tom. I am not into the mood." I told him when he walked into the bedroom. I was wearing my pants but on the top, I was topless; I guessed some habits die harder. Anyway, Tom had seen it before but then I was not in the mood.

"Billy," Tom was calling me my real name. He does that if there was something serious. "I saw Darlene. She was killed in the park today."

It was then I rushed up from the bed and grabbed Tom by his throat with my left hand while my right hand was poised for the palm move on his nose. It would had cracked his nose bridge and with the force, pushed the bones into his brain.

"Who did it?" I asked him but he shook his head. Darlene was my coach and one time lover; she taught me how to handle myself in fights, and above all, cared about my well being. I used to follow her on the initial collection of organs; she will hook in the victims, and then I mowed them. We did everyone we could lay our hands on; junkies, hitchhikers, and even runaways. They are ignored in the system, and the enforcement could not care less. Then the new orders came; the Queen wanted them pristine. No HIV or AIDS. We got hooked onto the medical register on a regular basis, to identify the victims. That was what brought on the investigation.  

But Darlene had gone then. I was all alone.

Tom broke my thoughts.

"Billy, I saw the lady." Tom was talking. "She was from the Feds. She shut us down then in the last operations."

"Marlene?" I heard of one Marlene Phillips. The Queen used to tell us of her and how she escaped from them. "You mean Marlene Phillips?"

Tom nodded.

"I would like to fuck her anytime." I told Tom. We both laughed. Then the portable rang. It was Mrs. Treacher. She gave me new instruction.

It was then Tom decided to go. He was meeting someone outside and would meet up with me later. I went back to the bedroom closet and took the Glocks'. I also checked the clips. Nothing like a good old faithful in case you need to fuck with it.

My target was one named Alice. I got the update from Mrs.Treacher earlier. The word out was she was related to the traitor’s sister.


I placed the unit master key set to open the door before stepping in.

"Sylvia, is that you?" I heard the voice from the rear of the unit. It seems to had come from the bedroom, and looked like whoever it was; she was taking a shower. I did not reply, but walked towards the bedroom. I had my Glock out on my right hand.

The mission was to terminate all in the unit, including pets. It was the third unit on the tenth floor, with the luxuries of a high end condo. From the building floor plans, I knew there were three bedrooms and a living/ kitchen area. It would be a place where you would place your mistress.

I took out and screwed in the suppressor. I walked to the main bedroom; furnished with a king sized bed and wall cupboards, with a dresser. There was the large wall mounted flat screen facing the bed, and next to it was the bathroom. I could see the Jacuzzi and the sound of the shower. I stepped towards the bathroom, and was hit by the bokken on my chest from the left. I fell backwards and dropped the Glock.

“Stand up, bitch.” I looked up and saw the person. She was nude with her head wrapped in a towel. She was a beauty but the way she held the bokken, it was not used for diddling. I was dressed in a blue blouse and jeans, with the sling bag holding my guns.

“Use that.” The lady kicked over to me another bokken lay at her feet. “I do not want you feel handicapped.”

The lady then performed a ‘ritsurei’ to me. I returned her bow, as taught to me by my masters in the dojo. I bowed to her with my waist, and then stepped back. I removed the sling bag, and flexed my muscles to ease the tension on it. I unbuttoned my blouse and pulled it loose off my jeans. It felt good to be exposed to the cool air from the air-cond in the bedroom.

“Nice tits” The nude lady commented back. I smiled and replied.

“Yours too, with the perky side.” I smiled at her. She had deployed the ‘jodan-no-kamae’ stance; the left foot forward and the sword pointing back and the blade facing up. I was not a student of kendo, but I read to know a little bit of it. The lady took offense to my stare on her, and changed her stance to ‘Hasso-no-kamae’ stance; an offensive stance where the left foot is forward, and the sword pointing upright with the hilt in front of the right shoulder. I smiled as I took up my own stance; the ‘waki-gamae’; hiding the bokken behind my body only exposing the hilt to her. It was my favorite as it conceals my move from the opponent.

The lady did the first move; front foot shomen aimed for my left shoulder. That move called for her to raise the bokken above her head, while rotating her right hip to step back. She then moved with a downward cut with her right hip and leg moving forward. She had forced me to step back until my back was at the doorway. I did the unthinkable while I rushed out into the corridor back to the living area.

She followed with her feet shuffling close to the ground, and then she saw me standing there. I had withdrawn for a bigger space and getting her off guard, with my second Glock drawn to her. That gun was concealed in the back of my jeans. I shot at her, supposed to be a double tap, one each in the chest and head, but she was quick on her feet. She jumped to the side and hid behind the settee.

"Damn!" I muttered and stepped forward. I was however not prepared when she emerged holding another gun in her hand. It must have been placed under the settee, and she shot me in the chest but I also got her in the face. I slumped back against the wall mounted screen while holding the bleeding at my left ribs wound. She missed the heart but it was a bloody shot. I staggered over to see if she was dead.

“Sorry about the aim.” I spoke to the dead body. “I am sure in Hell, they have re-construction specialist too.”

The bleeding on my chest was bad. I had to find some bandages. My search in the bathroom produced no result except for pain killers and sleeping tablets. I went back to the bedroom and found the needed. I secured the knickers over the wound, before binding it with the thongs. I placed an extra piece into my jacket pocket.

Then it was time to leave. The shot would have alerted other tenants of the floor. I need to get this mission completed. I did a quick check on the unit and found no one else was there. I took down the personal details of Sylvia from the drawers. Before I left the place, I turned on the gas stoves. I placed in the metal container into the microwave and then left the unit. I unscrewed the suppressor and placed in my jacket pocket. I reached the lobby when the fire alarm went off. I kept on rushing out onto the street and hailed a cab.

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

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