Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Crusaders II The players reviewed 12.03

1.          At the Egyptian camp.

The Asgard warriors who sided with Loki have returned to fight for their realm. There are about five hundred of them riding in on their horses, armed with their swords and shields. But there were some which was on wagons drawn by the horses. These wagons are mounted with heavy machine guns that spew death at great distance. There are about twelve of such wagons and have just annihilated the reserve infantries. The horsemen rode into the camp armed themselves with grenades which they dispensed off into the tents and parked chariots.

"Mow them down, warriors of Asgard." It was Loki leading them dressed in the army camouflage fatigues of green and brown. He himself was carrying a M14A1 and doing his best to remove the Egyptian warriors. The warriors had not much time to trained on the guns but they know what it can do. So they just hold it tight and point the barrel.

The first few round fired by the gunners ended up in the air or on the ground, but they soon had it aimed well. There was one named Eric who asked his wagon driver to head for the tents. He reckon they need to take down those division banners flapping in the wind.

"This' Asgard. How can they fly thir colors here?" He told that to Sigurd who nodded. The later whipped the horses to pull harder and veered at the right moment for the gun to bear on the colors. Eric grabbed hold of the barrel stock and pulled the trigger. His first shots went wide but he soon got the hang of it.

"Och, we ought to keep these at home. The wolves skins would lined pour walls soon enough." Eric was moving the gun in a sweeping arc. Sigurd saw his friend having more than him; pulled the rein and came to the rear.

"Sigurd, you are not holding her." Eric was releasing control as he feeds in another ammo belt. "Take your turns with those."

Sigurd looked at the round objects. He remembered the training they showed. He took up one of it and placed his finger at the pin.

"Eric, how long before we throw?" Sigurd asked Eric while he pulled the pin out.

"Now, Sigurd!" Eric face was pale to white on seeing Sigurd drop the pin but the later on hearing the shout, threw it as high as he could. The grenade exploded only a short distance but it was high while the two warriors had covered themselves behind the wagon planks. The explosion however scared the horses which bolted towards the Egyptian tents.

"Sigurd, hold the horses" Eric shouted out while still managing the gun, but Sigurd was keen to get into the fight. He grabbed more grenades and pulled the pin before throwing them.

"Sigurd, you are one sick Norse, but I liked you." Eric laughed out louder. They just gallop past Lord Seth' tent and downed the two guards standing there.

"Loki?" Lord Seth saw the wagon passing by. He was in two mind to continue the battle or retreat. It was his lover, Nephthys who plea with him to leave.

"There would be another war, my love." Nephthys pulled at her love so that he would leave back for the other dimension. "You cannot die again."

Lord Seth looked to his love and nodded. He called out for the general withdrawal and left with his love for the gateway which he used to cross over. Marshall Beni Kitish refused to leave as he was adamant to complete the war or die trying. He stepped onto a chariot and asked the driver to ride it towards Loki. The chariot holding Marshall Kitish rammed into Loki's horse. Both of them went down with the chariot overturning at the crash.

Marshall Kitish was first to get up and walked to the fallen horse which had trapped Loki beneath it. He saw the trickster looking at him and smiled.

"I am here to send you to the next world." Marshall Kitish raised up the sickle sword to slash the trickster. Loki on seeing the raised sword, reached for the handgun tucked at his shoulder holster. He pulled out the gun and shot the Marshall with the full clip.

"I knew there was a reason I carried that." Loki smiled as he sees the Marshall lie there dead with nine shots into the chest.

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