Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Dark Queen of White 1.37

The War to oust the Queen


Prince William in his full armor sat high on the white mare (the stallions are kept in the stables to keep the lines moving. Such are the high expectations of war.). He had his left shoulder bandaged and kept in a sling from an onslaught by a large ogre with a huge sharpened spear.

“Are you fine, Prince William?” Sir Lancelot rode up to his side. The knight of the Round Table was there to gloat over the Prince’ wound. He knew the Prince was not an equivalent in the battlefield of the knight.

“I am fine. Thank you, Sir Lancelot.” Prince William replied. He had been fighting hard for his love, and in defense against this amorous knight who had been courting her. In his haste during the last battle, he had ridden into the ogre trap and got wounded.

“Are you sure, my love?” Snow White echoed sweetly into the Prince’ ears. He turned around and looked at his lover and Princess. She had insisted on riding into battle, with her armor and sword to rally the army. She was not a real fighter, but the Prince had assigned a ring of guards around her, which were the heroes of Mirg. They also include her friend, the rider with the red hood. But somehow, Red seems to end up at Lancelot side at the end of the battle.

“Can anyone tell me what’s happening in front?” Grumpy rode up on his pony. He was dressed in armor; the mail chain suit that covered his mining suit trailed him at his knees. His head piece was the round cap with the twin horns on the side.

“The army is massing for the final battle. Once we defeat these columns, we would be in the castle of the evil Queen.” Doc who had ridden back from the front line told the other. The other dwarfs are all lined up around Snow White, similarly dressed in the same armor as Grumpy, except Dopey. The last dwarf was dressed in swabs of dark linen that left only his eyes uncovered. He was carrying a long spear which he was told to thrust as if he was fishing at the stream. He nodded stating that he understood the message.

“I best be out there with the army.”Lancelot rode off leaving the Prince fretting inside the armor. The Prince and Princess were assigned to the command the flankers in the case of a strategic withdrawal, or routing by the other side.

Sir Lancelot rode to the fore and was met by the other Lords who were lined there. He turned to look at the right side, the guards of the Lords, including the new column of huntsmen led by their new leader Gaerth. On the left side, were the seven Clans of the Dwarfs with their allies, the common folks of the land. He looked to the other side, the army of Queen Calamity lined up for their final defense line. She had her guards, the ogres, the gnomes but not the Elves. The Elves have withdrawn on the over whelming odds against them.

The war had gone on for over a season, and the Prince was on a winning streak with his army. They had come to this last battle which would decide the victor. When Sir Lancelot was to call for the charge, the Queen messenger rode out with a truce flag.

“Queen Clarity would like to invite Snow White for tea at her castle lawn.” The head servant of the castle announced to the opposing army.

“Heck, tea at this hour? I would prefer grounded fruit beans to that.” That was a seafarer who came to joined the war citing his sea legs were too weak to stand on the deck of the ship. His named was Alfred Columbus, a distant relative of a yet to be born sea farer.

“Nay would one say to a cup of tea at any time.” A lanky man with a streak of whiskers on the upper lip defended the Queen. “Do ask if the Queen needed my cloak to cover the sodden muddy grounds before she lay her dainty feet.”

“Really? Can we just fight? I got a forest of deer to hunt?” Another one in the green leggings protested.

“Raleigh, my dear fellow. That’s my name.” The other bowed to show his respect.

“Madre! Could we hurry up? I am here to get the bell for the tower.” The voice came from the hunchback who had traveled far from across the seas.

“Patience is a virtue.” The cat in the boots swung the rapier from left to right.

“Hey, Pussy. Be careful where you thrust that. We are here to assist our cousins in need at the castle. Since the siege, they have been low on cheese supplies.” The mice from the cellars of one Cinder Home called up.

“Rats are alike. They stick together like me.” The Mexican mice raced up to the defense of his compatriots. “Pass me the cheese. Nothing deliver faster than Speedy Gonzales deliveries.”

“Please, children, mice, rats and whatever….” The appearance of a obese fairy appeared holding her wand. She was to continue when one other shouted out.

“What do you mean whatever? I demand respect.” The cat appeared out of nowhere.

“Pardon me, Cheshire Cat. I did not see you.” The fairy godmother heaved in her breath to ease her agitation being disturbed by the cat. “As I was saying, we must respect the last wishes of the Queen. Let the Princess have her tete a tete with the Queen.”

All the ones readied for a battle sighed, until the sounds of the drums came from behind them.

“Lets’ do the dance then.” They all turned around and saw the grass skirted ladies gyrating the hips. It was an interlude they needed from the war.

In the middle of the battle field, a tent was setup and the carpets laid for two ladies to hold an afternoon tea. Queen Clarity had to raise her gown hem in order to plod over the sodden muddy ground before she reached the tent for the tea party. She stepped in and then took her seat facing the partying army of the Princess. Snow White meanwhile had little trouble with the mud with her high riding boots.

“Hello, sweetie.” Queen Clarity was trying to be nice.

“Hello, Step-mother.” Snow White replied back coldly. She then sat down on the seat allocated to her.

“Manners, my dear.” Snow White was reminded which made her stand up again, and then did a curt bow to the Queen.

“Yes, my dear. We are royalty.” Queen Clarity smiled back. She then offered to pout the tea for the Princess but the later took the pot herself.

“I see you had put in some weight, sweetie.” Queen Clarity remarked. “He must had been feeding you very well.”

Snow White blushed and then looked back at the Prince who was still standing there looking very forlorn.

“Yes, we are to wed soon. Soon after we end this war.” Snow White spoke out directly. “You could do us a favor and end it.”

“Don’t rush, sweetie. You might want to know him first. Like where he hung his leggings after washing, does he shave daily. Things like that are essential for you to understand him. I did with your King. He was a snore in the bedding.” Queen Clarity laughed. “He could have blown a gale if we did not secure the bedding posts.”

“Queen Clarity, I had enough of your lies. And advise.” Snow White stood up. “I would prefer to fight you to the death than to have tea with you.”

“Snow White, you lack finesse in your speech. But nevertheless I would consent.” Queen Clarity smiled. “The delay I had requested was to bide me time for my new ally to arrive.”

The ground vibrated on the sound of heavy steps.

“Damn you, Queen Clarity.” Snow White stormed back to her army while the Queen laughed. The later then said it out loud.

“Que Sera Sera…”

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