Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Crusaders II The players reviewed 12.04

1.          Back at the Rhine River.

Lucifer was getting upset at the setbacks; first the prison was taken back by the authorities, and the spirits he had recruited have all been sent back to Hell. His European Chapter split between the vampires and the werewolves. And now he learned that Loki may had gone back on his words; he sides now with Odin.

Belphegor stand there looking for something to speak on but he could not find the subject. Then he asked the only question he thought would open conversation.

"Lucifer, I have not seen Asmodeus lately. He seem to had disappeared. I also checked with Baal on Mammon. He is also missing...."

"Belphegor, tell me why are telling me this? I am not the leader of your revolt. You should seek out Asmodeus and asked him. Please don't waste my time. I got other things to do." Lucifer was irritated by the arrival of the other.

"Lucifer, please stop your game. We all know that you are the one behind this war. We are your pawns." Belphegor came out with it directly. Lucifer looked at him.

"We? Who else are there?" Lucifer asked.

"Asmodeus, Mammon and myself. We studied the plans given by Baal and its tainted with your touch." Belphegor push forth his statement.

"You are right, Belphegor but you have not ask me what I need to know about what happened at the Prison." Lucifer forced a smile on his expression.

"Stop the comedy acts, Lucifer." Belphegor bellowed out. "I have enough...."

"Tell me what happened at the Prison or be gone." Lucifer voice was sharp and loud to be heard above Belphegor voice.

Belphegor fell quiet, and then he slumped himself on a nearby seat.

"I don't know. We were so well hidden and they came out of the trees. No one escaped." Belphegor looked to Lucifer. "Could we been betrayed? Baal maybe? He has a bone to pick with you."

"Baal is my son and whatever he does not concerns you." Lucifer snapped back. "As for you, we have no need of you."

Belphegor tried to speak but he soon find himself in a jar as a worm. It was all over for Belphegor. It was then Baal stepped out of the hidden room.

"Baal, I need you to go back to Leviathan at the Asia Shrine. Move him up to scale. I would check on Beelzebub. I need to see Seth." Lucifer told his son. "Seth's failure there is also our failure. Maybe I should not had scaled up the war, but it was too tempting."

"Lucifer, Micheal is getting stronger. I think he may win over the creature soon." Baal reminded Lucifer of their guest.

"Baal, if we have the gates in our control; we can reversed the migration. We won't be the fallen angels anymore." Lucifer looked at Baal's concern. "I would also take care of Micheal. You just take care of the Pacific Charter."

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