Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Crusaders II The players reviewed 12.04

1.          Back at the Rhine River.

Lucifer was getting upset at the setbacks; first the prison was taken back by the authorities, and the spirits he had recruited have all been sent back to Hell. His European Chapter split between the vampires and the werewolves. And now he learned that Loki may had gone back on his words; he sides now with Odin.

Belphegor stand there looking for something to speak on but he could not find the subject. Then he asked the only question he thought would open conversation.

"Lucifer, I have not seen Asmodeus lately. He seem to had disappeared. I also checked with Baal on Mammon. He is also missing...."

"Belphegor, tell me why are telling me this? I am not the leader of your revolt. You should seek out Asmodeus and asked him. Please don't waste my time. I got other things to do." Lucifer was irritated by the arrival of the other.

"Lucifer, please stop your game. We all know that you are the one behind this war. We are your pawns." Belphegor came out with it directly. Lucifer looked at him.

"We? Who else are there?" Lucifer asked.

"Asmodeus, Mammon and myself. We studied the plans given by Baal and its tainted with your touch." Belphegor push forth his statement.

"You are right, Belphegor but you have not ask me what I need to know about what happened at the Prison." Lucifer forced a smile on his expression.

"Stop the comedy acts, Lucifer." Belphegor bellowed out. "I have enough...."

"Tell me what happened at the Prison or be gone." Lucifer voice was sharp and loud to be heard above Belphegor voice.

Belphegor fell quiet, and then he slumped himself on a nearby seat.

"I don't know. We were so well hidden and they came out of the trees. No one escaped." Belphegor looked to Lucifer. "Could we been betrayed? Baal maybe? He has a bone to pick with you."

"Baal is my son and whatever he does not concerns you." Lucifer snapped back. "As for you, we have no need of you."

Belphegor tried to speak but he soon find himself in a jar as a worm. It was all over for Belphegor. It was then Baal stepped out of the hidden room.

"Baal, I need you to go back to Leviathan at the Asia Shrine. Move him up to scale. I would check on Beelzebub. I need to see Seth." Lucifer told his son. "Seth's failure there is also our failure. Maybe I should not had scaled up the war, but it was too tempting."

"Lucifer, Micheal is getting stronger. I think he may win over the creature soon." Baal reminded Lucifer of their guest.

"Baal, if we have the gates in our control; we can reversed the migration. We won't be the fallen angels anymore." Lucifer looked at Baal's concern. "I would also take care of Micheal. You just take care of the Pacific Charter."

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Preys & Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.21

Dark Bishop

The call came soon after I was resting at a café, having my coffee. The employer was calling off the assassinations; the transfer was done in full for all the contracts.

“I do not collect on undone works.” I replied but the line was dead. I knew that there was no need for me to return the call, as the phone was a disposable one. They are bought over the counters every day. Nevertheless, I shouted into the dead line.

“Fuck you!”

I went out for a drink. A stiff one.


She was a classy fox; we met at the bank when I went there for my expenses withdrawal. She was dressed in branded labels, even down to her thongs. I knew when I laid my teeth on the string on her left hips. I bit and then tugged at it.

Damn! The material may be skin clinging and also with a tensile strength that was equivalent of a bungee rope.

“I think it’s best I do it.” The brunette with the long tresses of below the shoulder length raised her hips and used her hands to move the stubborn thongs. She slipped it off her left leg and then her right one. It was all I need to widen the dimension to explore the intimate corners. She consented eagerly, while I taste my way to her tender bud.

“Oh!” The lady screeched out while her arms went wide on her side. She had removed her second last concealing piece; I left the scarf on her neck as the color suits the one on her cheeks then. I was down to my socks; they were the only clean pairs I had then, so it was important to keep it on.

“Ooohhh!” There goes the lady. I knew I was good but maybe I had underestimated my skills or I had improved. I slitter up from her belly towards the luscious upper lips on her face. I rest my teeth on the left side of her neck, simulating the acts of a blood sucker. It was then she pulled my head away.

“Aaron, you have to stop.” The lady whispered out. “Your chin is tickling me.”

I raised myself, and held up my hand to rub my chin. The two day old stubble had added its briskness to the texture. The lady had decided that the waiting was too long, that she reached down for me.

“Yes!” The lady screamed when I assisted her cue with a forceful thrust. One thing I learned was why boys like to play the choo choo train. It’s the locomotive that makes us boys.

“Oh, boy!” The lady screamed out with my locomotive thrusts.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Preys & Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.20

I placed the unit master key set to open the door before stepping in.

"Sylvia, is that you?" I heard the voice from the rear of the unit. It seems to had come from the bedroom, and looked like whoever it was; she was taking a shower. I did not reply, but walked towards the bedroom. I had my Glock out on my right hand.

The mission was to terminate all in the unit, including pets. It was the third unit on the tenth floor, with the luxuries of a high end condo. From the building floor plans, I knew there were three bedrooms and a living/ kitchen area. It would be a place where you would place your mistress.

I took out and screwed in the suppressor. I walked to the main bedroom; furnished with a king sized bed and wall cupboards, with a dresser. There was the large wall mounted flat screen facing the bed, and next to it was the bathroom. I could see the Jacuzzi and the sound of the shower. I stepped towards the bathroom, and was hit by the bokken on my chest from the left. I fell backwards and dropped the Glock.

“Stand up, bitch.” I looked up and saw the person. She was nude with her head wrapped in a towel. She was a beauty but the way she held the bokken, it was not used for diddling. I was dressed in a blue blouse and jeans, with the sling bag holding my guns.

“Use that.” The lady kicked over to me another bokken lay at her feet. “I do not want you feel handicapped.”

The lady then performed a ‘ritsurei’ to me. I returned her bow, as taught to me by my masters in the dojo. I bowed to her with my waist, and then stepped back. I removed the sling bag, and flexed my muscles to ease the tension on it. I unbuttoned my blouse and pulled it loose off my jeans. It felt good to be exposed to the cool air from the air-cond in the bedroom.

“Nice tits” The nude lady commented back. I smiled and replied.

“Yours too, with the perky side.” I smiled at her. She had deployed the ‘jodan-no-kamae’ stance; the left foot forward and the sword pointing back and the blade facing up. I was not a student of kendo, but I read to know a little bit of it. The lady took offense to my stare on her, and changed her stance to ‘Hasso-no-kamae’ stance; an offensive stance where the left foot is forward, and the sword pointing upright with the hilt in front of the right shoulder. I smiled as I took up my own stance; the ‘waki-gamae’; hiding the bokken behind my body only exposing the hilt to her. It was my favorite as it conceals my move from the opponent.

The lady did the first move; front foot shomen aimed for my left shoulder. That move called for her to raise the bokken above her head, while rotating her right hip to step back. She then moved with a downward cut with her right hip and leg moving forward. She had forced me to step back until my back was at the doorway. I did the unthinkable while I rushed out into the corridor back to the living area.

She followed with her feet shuffling close to the ground, and then she saw me standing there. I had withdrawn for a bigger space and getting her off guard, with my second Glock drawn to her. That gun was concealed in the back of my jeans. I shot at her, supposed to be a double tap, one each in the chest and head, but she was quick on her feet. She jumped to the side and hid behind the settee.

"Damn!" I muttered and stepped forward. I was however not prepared when she emerged holding another gun in her hand. It must have been placed under the settee, and she shot me in the chest but I also got her in the face. I slumped back against the wall mounted screen while holding the bleeding at my left ribs wound. She missed the heart but it was a bloody shot. I staggered over to see if she was dead.

“Sorry about the aim.” I spoke to the dead body. “I am sure in Hell, they have re-construction specialist too.”

The bleeding on my chest was bad. I had to find some bandages. My search in the bathroom produced no result except for pain killers and sleeping tablets. I went back to the bedroom and found the needed. I secured the knickers over the wound, before binding it with the thongs. I placed an extra piece into my jacket pocket.

Then it was time to leave. The shot would have alerted other tenants of the floor. I need to get this mission completed. I did a quick check on the unit and found no one else was there. I took down the personal details of Sylvia from the drawers. Before I left the place, I turned on the gas stoves. I placed in the metal container into the microwave and then left the unit. I unscrewed the suppressor and placed in my jacket pocket. I reached the lobby when the fire alarm went off. I kept on rushing out onto the street and hailed a cab. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Crusaders II The players reviewed 12.03

1.          At the Egyptian camp.

The Asgard warriors who sided with Loki have returned to fight for their realm. There are about five hundred of them riding in on their horses, armed with their swords and shields. But there were some which was on wagons drawn by the horses. These wagons are mounted with heavy machine guns that spew death at great distance. There are about twelve of such wagons and have just annihilated the reserve infantries. The horsemen rode into the camp armed themselves with grenades which they dispensed off into the tents and parked chariots.

"Mow them down, warriors of Asgard." It was Loki leading them dressed in the army camouflage fatigues of green and brown. He himself was carrying a M14A1 and doing his best to remove the Egyptian warriors. The warriors had not much time to trained on the guns but they know what it can do. So they just hold it tight and point the barrel.

The first few round fired by the gunners ended up in the air or on the ground, but they soon had it aimed well. There was one named Eric who asked his wagon driver to head for the tents. He reckon they need to take down those division banners flapping in the wind.

"This' Asgard. How can they fly thir colors here?" He told that to Sigurd who nodded. The later whipped the horses to pull harder and veered at the right moment for the gun to bear on the colors. Eric grabbed hold of the barrel stock and pulled the trigger. His first shots went wide but he soon got the hang of it.

"Och, we ought to keep these at home. The wolves skins would lined pour walls soon enough." Eric was moving the gun in a sweeping arc. Sigurd saw his friend having more than him; pulled the rein and came to the rear.

"Sigurd, you are not holding her." Eric was releasing control as he feeds in another ammo belt. "Take your turns with those."

Sigurd looked at the round objects. He remembered the training they showed. He took up one of it and placed his finger at the pin.

"Eric, how long before we throw?" Sigurd asked Eric while he pulled the pin out.

"Now, Sigurd!" Eric face was pale to white on seeing Sigurd drop the pin but the later on hearing the shout, threw it as high as he could. The grenade exploded only a short distance but it was high while the two warriors had covered themselves behind the wagon planks. The explosion however scared the horses which bolted towards the Egyptian tents.

"Sigurd, hold the horses" Eric shouted out while still managing the gun, but Sigurd was keen to get into the fight. He grabbed more grenades and pulled the pin before throwing them.

"Sigurd, you are one sick Norse, but I liked you." Eric laughed out louder. They just gallop past Lord Seth' tent and downed the two guards standing there.

"Loki?" Lord Seth saw the wagon passing by. He was in two mind to continue the battle or retreat. It was his lover, Nephthys who plea with him to leave.

"There would be another war, my love." Nephthys pulled at her love so that he would leave back for the other dimension. "You cannot die again."

Lord Seth looked to his love and nodded. He called out for the general withdrawal and left with his love for the gateway which he used to cross over. Marshall Beni Kitish refused to leave as he was adamant to complete the war or die trying. He stepped onto a chariot and asked the driver to ride it towards Loki. The chariot holding Marshall Kitish rammed into Loki's horse. Both of them went down with the chariot overturning at the crash.

Marshall Kitish was first to get up and walked to the fallen horse which had trapped Loki beneath it. He saw the trickster looking at him and smiled.

"I am here to send you to the next world." Marshall Kitish raised up the sickle sword to slash the trickster. Loki on seeing the raised sword, reached for the handgun tucked at his shoulder holster. He pulled out the gun and shot the Marshall with the full clip.

"I knew there was a reason I carried that." Loki smiled as he sees the Marshall lie there dead with nine shots into the chest.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 1 Scene 1 Part 3.1

Act One Scene 1 Part 3

Othello was not in his assigned quarters that was for his use when in Rome, while his own personal abode was on the river banks of Seine, where he maintained a humble villa with five servants for his needs. His newly assigned quarters was a modest one within the villa owned by Iago friend, another merchant by the name of Devito. It was prep for the ceremony with the colorful drapes and side tables with the wines and food for the couple. Above all, there was a bedding that was covered with the fine feathers inside its padding cover with the warm comforting silk covered bed cover. It was the occasion of his union with his love.

"My love, do you have any doubts that may cloud your mind about me?" Othello asked of his love inside the personal room of theirs. He held her close to him; she smell of the scent that was poured on by the guests, during the ceremony. She had whispered to him, that it was to musk his sweaty body smell as Othello had came rushing in for the ceremony. He was held up at the Castra, the military fortress at the edge of Rome for an important discussion. Emperor Commodus was not a kind leader, as he waged many battles on his borders. It was only recently that Othello could had his legion back for refit that allowed him the rare opportunity to hold his love.

"What doubts I had are swept away by your love." Desdemona whispered back to him while she rested her face against his beating heart. She was all sweaty too when she arrived at the ceremony; much to the dismay of her friends who then showered her with the scent waters.

"You are a crazy lady to come in this manner. Your hair undone, and your body had yet to bathe." Cesrina told her friend while they hasten to dressed her in the clothing that would be her attire for the ceremony.

"I am so sorry, but the servants were around. I had to feigned sickness to locked myself in the room. I then climbed out the window and ran across the garden." Desdemona explained to her friend while she stood there for the ladies to dressed her up.

"Ouch!" Desdemona cried out when the brooch pin pricked her skin at the top of her bosom.

"None would be more painful than when he insert into you." Kestina, the sister of Cesrina told the yet to be wedded lady. Kestina was in her own ceremony only two moons ago and was the most 'experienced' of the ladies there.

"Yes, she may had known." Cesrina defended her friend. "She may not had the other one intruded upon just yet."

The ladies all laughed except for Desdemona who was in her own world, of love and care with her lover. She cared not what was spoken then but to have this ceremony over so that she would be free from it. She only wanted to be with him.

"Desdemona?" She heard her name being called. She must had fallen asleep in his arms. She shook herself off the slumber and looked up to her lover.

"Its Iago. I am needed outside." Othello told her. She nodded and let loose of her hold so that he could go to see his Centurion. She cursed silently at the other for disturbing them. Her love stepped away and took up the mask that he placed on his face.

"Let me tie it for you." Desdemona offered to adjust his mask. It was one thing which she felt no contempt on him, but shared his pain of having that on his face. Soon Othello met the panting Centurion of his Legion who had seated himself on the porch ledge while catching his breath.

"Why the rush, Iago? I missed you at the ceremony." Othello told him. "Is there a new invasion?"

A private joke among them that during Emperor Commodus reign, Rome may one day be invaded and the Legions shall come to its rescue. Iago brought him not of that news, but of Brabatio.

"Brabatio is seeking you out. He heard you had eloped with his daughter." Iago laid it out plainly for his Legatus.

"Of which..." Othello replied but was cut off by the appearance of Desdemona.

"Of which we did not. I had performed the ceremony with the man I love. I would tell my father." Desdemona interjected in the discussion. "I would seek him at the house."

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Preys & Predators II; Chessmen ( Rated Mature readers only ) 1.19

Dark Knight

I took to my unit and slept the afternoon. I was exhausted but was raring to go out. I need to get it out of me, but the day was still bright. I needed the night time to get the prey. Then Tom came rushing in.

"Shag it, Tom. I am not into the mood." I told him when he walked into the bedroom. I was wearing my pants but on the top, I was topless; I guessed some habits die harder. Anyway, Tom had seen it before but then I was not in the mood.

"Billy," Tom was calling me my real name. He does that if there was something serious. "I saw Darlene. She was killed in the park today."

It was then I rushed up from the bed and grabbed Tom by his throat with my left hand while my right hand was poised for the palm move on his nose. It would had cracked his nose bridge and with the force, pushed the bones into his brain.

"Who did it?" I asked him but he shook his head. Darlene was my coach and one time lover; she taught me how to handle myself in fights, and above all, cared about my well being. I used to follow her on the initial collection of organs; she will hook in the victims, and then I mowed them. We did everyone we could lay our hands on; junkies, hitchhikers, and even runaways. They are ignored in the system, and the enforcement could not care less. Then the new orders came; the Queen wanted them pristine. No HIV or AIDS. We got hooked onto the medical register on a regular basis, to identify the victims. That was what brought on the investigation.  

But Darlene had gone then. I was all alone.

Tom broke my thoughts.

"Billy, I saw the lady." Tom was talking. "She was from the Feds. She shut us down then in the last operations."

"Marlene?" I heard of one Marlene Phillips. The Queen used to tell us of her and how she escaped from them. "You mean Marlene Phillips?"

Tom nodded.

"I would like to fuck her anytime." I told Tom. We both laughed. Then the portable rang. It was Mrs. Treacher. She gave me new instruction.

It was then Tom decided to go. He was meeting someone outside and would meet up with me later. I went back to the bedroom closet and took the Glocks'. I also checked the clips. Nothing like a good old faithful in case you need to fuck with it.

My target was one named Alice. I got the update from Mrs.Treacher earlier. The word out was she was related to the traitor’s sister.


I placed the unit master key set to open the door before stepping in.

"Sylvia, is that you?" I heard the voice from the rear of the unit. It seems to had come from the bedroom, and looked like whoever it was; she was taking a shower. I did not reply, but walked towards the bedroom. I had my Glock out on my right hand.

The mission was to terminate all in the unit, including pets. It was the third unit on the tenth floor, with the luxuries of a high end condo. From the building floor plans, I knew there were three bedrooms and a living/ kitchen area. It would be a place where you would place your mistress.

I took out and screwed in the suppressor. I walked to the main bedroom; furnished with a king sized bed and wall cupboards, with a dresser. There was the large wall mounted flat screen facing the bed, and next to it was the bathroom. I could see the Jacuzzi and the sound of the shower. I stepped towards the bathroom, and was hit by the bokken on my chest from the left. I fell backwards and dropped the Glock.

“Stand up, bitch.” I looked up and saw the person. She was nude with her head wrapped in a towel. She was a beauty but the way she held the bokken, it was not used for diddling. I was dressed in a blue blouse and jeans, with the sling bag holding my guns.

“Use that.” The lady kicked over to me another bokken lay at her feet. “I do not want you feel handicapped.”

The lady then performed a ‘ritsurei’ to me. I returned her bow, as taught to me by my masters in the dojo. I bowed to her with my waist, and then stepped back. I removed the sling bag, and flexed my muscles to ease the tension on it. I unbuttoned my blouse and pulled it loose off my jeans. It felt good to be exposed to the cool air from the air-cond in the bedroom.

“Nice tits” The nude lady commented back. I smiled and replied.

“Yours too, with the perky side.” I smiled at her. She had deployed the ‘jodan-no-kamae’ stance; the left foot forward and the sword pointing back and the blade facing up. I was not a student of kendo, but I read to know a little bit of it. The lady took offense to my stare on her, and changed her stance to ‘Hasso-no-kamae’ stance; an offensive stance where the left foot is forward, and the sword pointing upright with the hilt in front of the right shoulder. I smiled as I took up my own stance; the ‘waki-gamae’; hiding the bokken behind my body only exposing the hilt to her. It was my favorite as it conceals my move from the opponent.

The lady did the first move; front foot shomen aimed for my left shoulder. That move called for her to raise the bokken above her head, while rotating her right hip to step back. She then moved with a downward cut with her right hip and leg moving forward. She had forced me to step back until my back was at the doorway. I did the unthinkable while I rushed out into the corridor back to the living area.

She followed with her feet shuffling close to the ground, and then she saw me standing there. I had withdrawn for a bigger space and getting her off guard, with my second Glock drawn to her. That gun was concealed in the back of my jeans. I shot at her, supposed to be a double tap, one each in the chest and head, but she was quick on her feet. She jumped to the side and hid behind the settee.

"Damn!" I muttered and stepped forward. I was however not prepared when she emerged holding another gun in her hand. It must have been placed under the settee, and she shot me in the chest but I also got her in the face. I slumped back against the wall mounted screen while holding the bleeding at my left ribs wound. She missed the heart but it was a bloody shot. I staggered over to see if she was dead.

“Sorry about the aim.” I spoke to the dead body. “I am sure in Hell, they have re-construction specialist too.”

The bleeding on my chest was bad. I had to find some bandages. My search in the bathroom produced no result except for pain killers and sleeping tablets. I went back to the bedroom and found the needed. I secured the knickers over the wound, before binding it with the thongs. I placed an extra piece into my jacket pocket.

Then it was time to leave. The shot would have alerted other tenants of the floor. I need to get this mission completed. I did a quick check on the unit and found no one else was there. I took down the personal details of Sylvia from the drawers. Before I left the place, I turned on the gas stoves. I placed in the metal container into the microwave and then left the unit. I unscrewed the suppressor and placed in my jacket pocket. I reached the lobby when the fire alarm went off. I kept on rushing out onto the street and hailed a cab.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tweet tweet ....23/04 Tweet

Sorry, guvnors'.  I seemed to have left out 10.5 and 10.6 in the Crusaders Tale. I am posting it here to make up for the continuing sequence.

I am now penning at 32,000 words on Devil's Own; Steam punk Adventure with a dabble of Mystic to it. Its not that easy as its first time doing Steam Punk, and the description to matched the genre could really taxed you to the limit. Some examples are given below:

“Wind up, you imbecile.” Lord Tannen cursed at the coal fed contraption, with its mechanical gears. The contraption commonly known to many as a tin man, but in this chamber, he may have a name like a real butler. The tin man had no emotions recorded into its organization box inside its head. It was powered with the coal pieces which were fed through its left shoulder vent. The stove inside it would generate the heat to move the gears and joints of its limbs. As for its thinking process, it was the work of a set of mini gears and intricate pre-set commands inside its organization box which are activated by the pneumatic pressures on the different plates for it to function. One of the commands in this advanced model was the basic instruction to keep it own self working. The tin man could be self sufficient with its own assessment of the required heating element and held the command to stay immobile for certain periods of time. 


The bike sped off the perch where it was resting while its wings activated by the lever opened up for the glide motion. The wings slide back in a drawback motion to build up the speed. The spot which the bike took off was the alley behind the shop. He gunned the bike speed and then moved the wings forward to spread open. The bike wings leveled the contraption up as it sailed on the high winds with the rider adjusting its ascent. The bike sailed past the building roofs and then pushed by the rider, it would soar into the skies before it choose a more lateral descent route.

When the bike reached a certain height, the pull of gravity pulled at it. The rider will then release a lever on the rear of the bike to push out the balloons. A set of balloons filled up from the helium canister will leveled the bike’s descent before it stabilized at that height to remain on a horizontal flight path. 


The distance between the front and the rear balloons was fifty feet apart, but only the front ones had a crow nest on each. The balloons are controlled by maneuvering valves located in the hull, which were operated from the main gas pipes in the helm. The gas are measured their contents and managed to compensate for ship performance.

The ship was built with triangular duralumin girders forming a series of main rings, connecting by a series of longitudinal girders, with a square keel at the bottom of the hull, an axial corridor through the center of the ship, and a cruciform tail for strength and resilience. The material of the balloon skin was made from combined layers of glue onto two sheets of cotton to create the combined fabric. The engines are sixteen cylinder engines with an output of two thousand RPM each. The engines used compressed air to start, stopped, and reversed in flight. The engine drove the three bladed, twenty feet diameter metal propeller.  The engines were angle slightly away from the hull so that their propeller wash would not hit the hull.

There was an observation deck on the external side of the balloons. Each of the observation deck had a mounted machine gun on it. The four balloons pulled up the galleon shaped wooden hull with its triple level, and its sixteen twelve pounder cannons. On the upper deck was six mounted twin machine guns placed strategically. It held a crew of over hundred sailors.

The Crusaders II The stakes are raised 10.6

1.          Back at the Manor at Siberia Forest

Loki took the drink from Lucifer but Asmodeus came rushing in. He was frantic and rushed to the bar. He grabbed the drink offered to Loki and gulped it down.

"Lucifer, the Valkyrie are here." Asmodeus glanced over to Loki. "Odin knows more than you. He lacks the Men warriors so he call on his Valkyrie."

"I saw them myself when I was in Ford Dry Lake. I was trailing the believers. Then the fight started which later the Valkyrie arrived. I hid there and heard them talking. They are leaving for Asgard."

"Leaving for Asgard?" Loki lost his composure. "How can you let them go there? They would disrupt my plans."

"Loki, I do not manage the Crusaders. If they are there, then you must rush or there would be no victory."

"I must leave now." Loki left his wine glass. "I would speak to you of the Second Gate anther time."

Loki was gone before Lucifer could reply. Then Lucifer looked at the two other Prince of Darkness. Satan was the one with the confused look. 

"Asmodeus, how did you ...." Satan asked the other.

"Satan, I am not a fool. I knew from the first planning stage that you are Lucifer's stooge. In fact we are all his stooge." Asmodeus shook his head. "I was a fool thinking I can lead this war."

"A mere assumption on your end. I did foresee the revolt and coax your in the directions, but now the factors are changing. Prince of Darkness, we have a war to fight. He is watching to see how we perform." Lucifer point to the skies. "We shall not fail him."

Lucifer then poured one more glass.

"While they are occupied there in Asgard, I want us to escalate the war here. We have an army to feed." Lucifer looked to Satan. "Find me Loki's Gate. I may have a need for it."

The Crusaders II The stakes are raised 10.5

1.          Ford Dry Lake.

Geraldine galloped her flying horse to fly over the sedans. When she was over the sedans, she jumped off the horse and land on the sedan top. With the greaves of Odin, her strength was that of ten person; she stomped her feet on the top and caved in the top on the passengers. She leap from the car to the one but this time she landed on the engine cover. Lady Sif still reeling from her shock of being replaced as the leader, took her wrath on the pickup she landed on. She had her sword out and slashed it down on the truck body; cleaving it through to the axle. Lady Helga came in a wagon drawn by two horses in consideration of her weight forced the horses to land her on top of the pickup she selected. The wagon weight bear on the vehicle causing the driver to lose control. 

The other Hell-boys' all stopped their vehicles and got out to use their guns but the flying horses were too swift to aim at. The Valkyrie warriors used their archery to removed the weapons. Soon the battle was over and the enemies surrendered.

"Boys, I have the need for all of you to come with me to Asgard." Geraldine looked at the boys. "Our next battle is at Asgard. We got to stop a war there before we can settle this one here."

"All of you including Clawler would travel with Helga on her wagon. Its her deal with Yggdrasil to shepherd the new arrivals." Geraldine then looked at the Hell-boys.

"Tell them to go home. They would served their judgment when they completed their life journey. And leave those here." Geraldine points to the guns.

Othello the Legatus Act 1 Scene 1 Part 2.3

Prologue 2

It was not the environment of the bathhouse that made the place chilly, but the presence of the Senate members; Brabatio, Lodovico and Gratiano made the place then. They were all seated in the warm water of the private pool in the room, facing their host, the merchant Roderigo. He had them invited to this place, where he had booked the lavish looking room with its waiting retinue of slaves, and a table laid with food that was within the definition of taste.

"Roderigo, you foul the room with the food." Brabatio told the host. "This is a bathhouse and its for baths."

The host looked to his honored guests, and noted that the food may be seen to foul the scene, but one of the three was gouging on the pheasant thigh with gusto. It was marinated in wine and then roasted over the fire with the sprinkling of more wine. A delicacy of the Persian he was advised.

"If its foul your smell, my Senator, then allowed me to have it removed from here." Roderigo motioned to the slaves to carry out the table.

"Leave the wine and pheasant." Lodovico, the cousin of Brabatio told the slaves. He was build with an enormous appetite; well displayed by his waistline where he could not see to his lower torso.

"Lodovico, you disappoint me." Brabatio told his glutton cousin. He then looked at the merchant, who was half his age, and had been a lapping dog of his daughter, Desdemona. He wondered why the merchant would sink to such low depths for the love juice of a woman, when he could had any with his wealth. Well, not any, but many. The wealth of the merchant was rather impressive, for even a Senator, but he lacked the influence that wealth may not overcome. A sad predicament of the man that faced him. Sadder still, that he pursue for the love of his daughter who had spurned his love on many occasions.

"I may not not be wealth laden in my treasury, but I have an assembly of friends who are of equal ranks as Senators. Together, we held some influence on the decisions made there." Those were the thoughts of Brabatio when he found himself to compared to the younger merchant.

"Tell me, Roderigo. As to what reason we are brought here? Are you caravans under any offence by the Legions, or your wares confiscated by the gatekeepers? Those we may help to assist." Brabatio moved away from the bulky cousin who was munching at his meal. One thing he disliked was fat oils in the bath.

"My honored Senators, my caravans are safe and so are my wares when they come in through the gates." Roderigo smiled at them. "Its to Senator Brabatio, I am here to seek his approval."

"And what approval can I offered? I sit in no committee of importance that would be of help to you." Brabatio told him off. "But if you seek the ..."

"Yes, Senator Brabatio. I would make my plea then to you. I would like to seek you approval to have Desdemona as my love." Roderigo went for the issue that was on his mind.

"Desdemona? She is old enough to decide herself." Brabatio replied. "I hold no bonds on whom she may marry. Although I could as her father."

"Strong willed like the father before..." Gratiano added to the father's words which Brabatio glared at his other cousin.

"Then its decided. I would ask Desdemona myself." Roderigo stood up from the water and bowed to the three senators.

"Hold your ..." Brabatio looked at the young merchant. He frown on what he was saw. "I am still her father. I hold the final say to her"

"Aye...He said it." Gratiano lauded out loudly. Brabatio pushed his cousin to the side, and spoke to Roderigo.

"Of what that made you worthy of her, merchant?" Brabatio asked. "If its young children for me to hold, I had a few myself, although they are bastards who held not my name to theirs."

Gratiano laughed while Lodovico joined in when he heard the statement but the one who spoke was serious in tone. Brabatio continued on.

"Do you wield influence over some other Senators, other than the three of us? Do you whisper to the Emperor's ears or smelled his fart when he does that." Brabatio asked the younger merchant.

"Neither of those, Senator Brabatio. I have though is a cellar laden with coins, and a heart that flutter for your daughter's love." Roderigo replied.

"Then you are not suitable." Brabatio proceeded to stepped out of the pool, and was handed his towel. "I am not consenting to your union."

The other two senators also stepped out and followed suit their cousin of the room, leaving Roderigo to his own disbelief.

"I am rejected on that whim excuse of influence...." Roderigo muttered to himself. It was with wealth he had built an influence to know those three, and now they tell him that the next phase was more influence. How could he achieved those with the wealth he had. They are limited to the wide influence he could garner with it. He sighed.

"I am doomed. I am to lose her." Roderigo sighed louder. "But to whom would she go to?'

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Crusaders II The players reviewed 12.02

1.          Within the walls of the Citadel

The battle had moved to inside the walls; with the gates breached when the Egyptian battering ram smashing the iron rungs off the timber. Part of the walls had collapsed and the Egyptian army still outnumbered the combined forces of Asgard by three to one. The standing wounded in the Hall of Warriors are getting to their feet to joined their friends at the walls. Odin stands next to Hval as both of them battled the advancing Egyptian army.

"Have at thee, you heathen." Odin swing his scepter named by him as Thrudstok like a mace on the Egyptian warrior. The blow cracked the head gear and the fragile skull beneath it.

"A good blow, my old friend." Hval praised the aging leader of Asgard. His icy surfaced body shows a number of cracks but he still prevail in the fight. "We must test our strength once gain after this war. I always relish a good fight with you."

"If you men would shut up and fight more, we might just win the war." Geraldine swing her staff and dropped five more Egyptian warriors. She feel the tiredness in her limbs but she has to continue on the fight. From the corner of her eyes, she can see the other one named Clawler have transformed into the other personality of his, and using the claws to repel the advancing warriors. The Windingo body was laced with cuts but it held its ground to protect its mistress. Not far from Clawler was Kruger standing there with his sword held high in his hands. The sword blade dripped off the blood stains on it as Kruger looked at the Egyptian leader, Tis Amur holding the double scimitar.

"You fight well, Crusader." They had been fighting over three bout and came out almost equal. "Not many have lasted this long of a fight with me."

Kruger looked at the Egyptian who had suffered a bad gash on his right thigh and right forearm while he himself have a bleeding cut at his back and left forearm. Kruger hold up his sword and approached the Egyptian.

"Let us end it now." Kruger swing the blade from the right side which was deflected by the scimitar, but Tis had his right hand holding the other scimitar swinging from the top. Kruger side stepped and used his body to body slammed the other. As they were falling down, Kruger took another swing to move his body away while attacking the Egyptian. The movement worked falling Kruger onto the right arm of Tis while his heavier sword cut into the Egyptian right armpit. The force of the sword sliced through the muscles and bones to severed the right arm.

Kruger rolled off the Egyptian body to get up a distance away. The Egyptian warrior got up and staggered on his feet while looking at his severed limb. It was then Kruger thrust his sword into the Egyptian torso with the sword.

"Urghh!" Tis Amur could not sound out his displeasures as the blood spurts up to his mouth from the deadly thrust. He then fell backwards when Kruger used his leg to pushed the dead body off the sword.

Ras Amur in his rage to find Miles had pursue the Crusader to the doorway of the Hall of Gods. He saw Miles standing there firing the crossbow and Ras picked up a javelin to throw at Miles. It caught Miles attention and the Crusader glared at the Egyptian.

"Fight me ...." Ras Amur held up his sickle sword to challenge Miles. The later did not even raised up the bow but fired from the waist level. The bolt pierced Tas' heart and killed him.

"Fool! I am not a swordsman and yet he challenge me." Miles muttered to himself and then continued to looked for targets to shoot.

The final shrill of horn was heard. It was time hold the last bastion; the halls themselves. All the surviving warriors ran for the three halls and barricade themselves inside. Odin was the last to entered the Hall of Gods and then faced his warriors.

"We would fight here and die gloriously." The weary warriors cheered the aging leader. "Hval, do me a favor. If I fall, behead me."

The Frost Giant smiled at him; "It would be my pleasure."

The attack never came as the Egyptians are retreating. There was loud sounds that can be heard from the plains. It was the sound of gunfire.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Othello the Legatus Act 1 Scene 1 Part 2.2

"Pray tell me. Or it would be your throat I would slit." Roderigo threatened the Centurion. Iago wanted to laugh but he held back his laughter. He had to stoke the fire now in the man that would work the next stage of his play.

"We can call on the father and tell him of his daughter elopement." Iago said. "That would invoke the fury of the father. Let us hurry, or we would be late."

Iago pulled the dazed ex-lover to the home of Brabatio. It was away for a distance of three streets away and soon they were at the high walls of the villa. There were no guards at the walls, as this was Rome; where the people do not resort to such action of thefts. Not when the house belongs to the member of the Senate.

It was past the hour of waking and the lights in the home was extinguished. They stood there but kept an eye for the patrolling Vigeles, the equivalent of the Legionnaires but are more for city security and other causes.

Iago had scaled the wall with his stronger body. He pulled the other over and ran passed the well maintained garden. They stood by the main door to the house.

"If we go in there, we may not make it past the guards before we get to see the old man." Iago told him. He doubt that Roderigo would get to see the old man with his past rejection bid. He thought of then another way. They called on the surrounded to give up before they attack them. Iago stepped out to the lawn and shouted at the upper levels.

"Brabatio! Old man! How fare you tonight?" Iago shouted out while he threw small stones on the wall openings of the upper levels.

"We missed you tonight at the ceremony? It was your daughter's and you were not there to give her away." Iago saw the lights in the house had been lit up. He heard the sound of the servants moving about in their nightclothes but his focus was on only one person.

"Brabatio, are you awake? Did you count your sheep? Or are your ewes being pounded by the wolf ? Have you not fear that they may come out half dark and fair?" Iago ran around hiding himself in the darker corners when the servants came from the doors. He pushed Roderigo who had tailed him, towards the lighted lawn.

"Are all your children home? Did you checked their rooms? Fear for them as there lies the wolf." Iago shouted and slipped into the darkness, while Roderigo was facing the servants. Then came out the man they seek.

"Roderigo, you knave. I ought have you flogged for disturbing my rest." Brabatio told the rejected admirer of his daughter. The old man was dressed in his flannel gown that he slept in; a cherished reminder of his past when he was the trader who slept with the camels under the stars. He had moved far from that plain existence, where he used his hard earned wealth to gain his status in the social life. He worked his name into the Senate, hitching his ride with a series of bribed acquaintances.

"Hear me out, Sir. I am genuine in my concern." Roderigo approached the older man. He looked at Brabatio; frail looking and shriveled with age that showed on his face with the balding head. The man had stepped out barefooted but he had in his hand the sword that was the gladius; one that was wield by the Legionaire.

"Is your Desdemona at her room?" Roderigo asked. "I feared she may had eloped."

"With you, most unlikely." Brabatio laughed and walked back to his home.

"Why dismissed me so hasty? All I asked is you checked your rooms." Roderigo spoke again. "How much harm can that do?"

Brabatio stopped and called on the servant by his side. He told the servant to checked the room. He then faced Roderigo.

"If she is in the room, then your hide would hang on the city wall." It was then the servant returned.

Brabatio face turned away. He looked pale. Then he looked at Roderigo.

"Tell me where is my Desdemona?"

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...