Saturday, July 3, 2021

Weekend Special Short Tales California 2.3 Chapter 14 (Finale)



I stepped into the shuttle and saw the one other there. It was Dickson alone with Huginn. The droid was damaged with half its tentacles missing or bent at the wrong angle. I did not see Muginn and assumed the worse had happened. The droid was at the side like a ragged doll. I looked at the one without the team mates. He saw me and shrugged his shoulders.

“They did not want to come.” Dickson told me. “I …”

I was not to listen to the coward. I had stepped out of the shuttle when I heard the communication unit buzz out.

“Tiffany, get out with the shuttle. I am staying with my sister here. We have to complete the task assigned.” I hurled the expletives and then roared for the reason,

“There is the honor in our life. We are doing it now. Our life journey will complete with it.” Hirohito replied. “Bushido is realized in the presence of death. This means choosing death whenever there is a choice between life and death. There is no other reasoning.” (Yamamoto Tsunetomo, Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai)

I wanted to rebuke but my tears came to my eyes. I was to take the next step when the Captain told me he was opening the hangar doors. It was either I could run like a droid to the exit at the end or get inside the shuttle. The last option was a cold death in space. I rushed back to the shuttle and slammed the rear door shut. I saw Dickson strapped in and looking green. I climbed into the cockpit and powered the shuttle. I got it powered up and saw the doors opened. The issue with a hangar doors opened in space if you are not strapped in, you get sucked out.

I turned the shuttle and then we were off.

“Hey, did I tell you that the one you named Hagar. He went back to the engines to help Benz.” Dickson spoke from the rear. I ignored the rantings of the coward and pilot the shuttle away. I then did a turn and watched TF9-99 took the re-entry to the moon surface. I saw the heat that was scaling the hull and prayed it hard that it will stand. I saw until it was past the atmosphere and then turned to the system onboard system for the report.

“Ship at thirty thousand feet with its shield at zero point seven. Trajectory is on course for the coordinates updated. It will impact at five seconds.” I heard the system countdown, and then when it hit the zero impact number, I saw the mass of flame below on the moon surface. “The ship is destroyed.” \

“Computer, run a scan for life scans including droids.” I called to the system. I was hoping the other droid had climbed in before we took off.

“One organic and two droids.” I got the reply. I was relief but not for long.

“Don’t react, Navigator. I can move very fast.” It was Dickson and he had stepped up to my seat with the blaster leveled at me. “Keep your hands on the console.”

“You are a droid, Dick.” I spoke to the one named Dickson. “What is your design?”

“Military grade IV, and I was designed to assimilate with the organics.” Dickson replied. “My reference M-GIV-007. I am programed to kill and I will do it.”

“I believe you so.” I kept my hands on the console. “Before I terminate you, tell me of you task.”

“I was brought in the disguise as a Researcher. I came on board with the last batch of Marines. I had downloaded the files on the aliens, and was to leave before the base went into a lockdown. I took on the second command to stay put and even fought the aliens. I had fresh data and initiated the call for extraction. I had to set up the decoy and selected the Lieutenant. It was all arranged but you had to drop the container. The rest you may know.”

I had to move fast.

“Huginn, hold the droid.” I called out. The droid though damaged had charged at the military droid from the rear before it grabbed the droid with its remaining limbs. Both droids fell to the rear,.

“Shuttle, open the rear door.” I called out.

“Opening…” The ship tried to counter my command but I overrode it.

“Code Hotel California Eagle.” It was Hirohito’s idea to call it that. The rear door slid open and I heard the shot. It was not at me or the ship but on Huginn. My droid malfunctioned but it limbs remained shut. It was then anything not secured was sucked out through the rear door.

“Ship atmosphere compromise.” I heard the ship calling out and I turned the shuttle to starboard. I heard the loud noise of a huge object being sucked out. I had the shuttle turned and saw the military droid in the void of space with Huginn still on its back. I knew Huginn was in shutdown.

“Sorry old pal.” I leveled the shuttle cannons at the droids. The projectiles scattered the droids into fragments.

“Valhalla…” I sighed and closed the rear door.

It was then the song played on the shuttle

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
They livin' it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis

For the rarest of moments, I sang along with the song.

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