Sunday, July 25, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 27


Arthur approached Marius that morning to tell the other that he was moving from the wall.

“I have to battle Mordred but not at the wall here. I will do the battle as I did with the Anglo Saxons, on their turf so that the people can see the victory is mine and not of the Romans.” Arthur looked to the other Centurion.

“We will battle at Camlann.” Arthur told Marius as he pointed to the spot on the map...

Camlann was to the northeast of the Antonine Wall and it held no military or economic attributes, saved for a series of streams that flowed meandering on the flat valley hence its name in Gaelic; Crooked River. It was shouldered by low hills on the sides on the west and east. It did however housed several small farmhouses that were occupied by five families there. The small settlement was clustered in the middle between the second the third stream and had two corrals for the horses and oxen's.

“It’s soft the land there.” Marius reminded Arthur. “The horses will not be able to move freely there and the knights who are heavy in armor.”

“That is ideal for me, for I am short of knights. My army….rather ragtag of them are on foot and we need it.” Arthur looked at his army.  “We ride now. I wished to be there before Mordred.”

“I will leave early and have my supplies carts laden with the needed supplies.” With that Arthur rode to the western hills with his army consisting of his own, the hundred-odd survivals of the army from his previous campaign, the hundred auxiliaries handed to him by the Ninth Cohort, and another two hundreds of the local Lords’ that rode to his call.

Arthur was backed by Belvedere, Tristam, and the Green Knight. Lamorak had insisted on going to battle and was carted there.

Arthur was told of his enemy strength that was en route towards Camlann.

“Mordred had not arrived. He rides with his knights, Erec, Owain, and a hundred and fifty horse knights. Slaine with two hundred Sarmatians are here but Octavia Meleagant sent only fifty soldiers. He is still back in his Manor. “

“Lord Bern, the son of Lord Bans is en route with the Elders army of two hundred and fifty soldiers.”

“They held with the total of seven hundred and fifty soldiers.” The scouts told Arthur. “There is also news that the Lord Alfred Cnut with two hundred soldiers is due to arrive soon. He is from the Anglo Saxons clans which vow to avenge Hengist and Horsa.”

“I thought the Anglo Saxons had quelled their desire to battle us here.” Belvedere sighed.

“No enemy is ever vanquished unless they are truly defeated without a warrior alive.” Arthur looked at the assembled. “I have to serve Rome and among it was to do the genocide of the clan to allow us to sleep at night. I am not pleased with my role but as a Legionnaire, I am to commit upon order.”

“Since then, I had shown mercy but ..” Arthur paused to sigh. It was then the scout reported more of Mordred’s army.

“King Lots’ surviving knights are on route to join Mordred to battle Arthur. They numbered about a hundred.”

“A hundred and fifty knights will be their forward army to soften our soldiers. We hold no more than twenty mounted knights.” Arthur smiled. “Then we are marked to fight better or die bitterly.”

“Aye, King.” Belvedere roared but Arthur had slummed his shoulders. He then looked to the scouts.

“Send out words that we are to prepare for battle. We are facing an enemy that is double of ours.” That was more than a thousand against four hundred of Arthurs.

“Any news on Lancelot?” Arthur asked. He had wanted Lancelot to there next to him. The three knights shook their heads. He had the Queen’s name on his mind but his lips won’t mutter her name.

“Perhaps he is with his love, Lady Elaine at Castle Joyous,” Belvedere remarked without thinking. He then bit his lips for it.

“We will battle without him. Let us get prepared while Mordred has yet to arrive.” Arthur spoke out. He then focuses his mind on the coming battle trying to discard any thoughts of the knight and Guinevere. The latter was not seen for some time.

Lancelot was also on Mordred’s mind. He has instructed Octavia to hunt and kill Lancelot but they have not reported back.

“I was advised that Lancelot had left Arthur’s side but his whereabouts unknown,” Octavia told the new King.

“Do you know where the Queen whereabouts?” Mordred asked. “He shall be near her.”

“I… I doubt it.” Octavia spoke out. “Guinevere had sought refuge in my Manor.”

“Then you must guard your Manor. Lancelot will not hesitate to kill you there.” It was Slaine who snapped in. “How many times have you kidnap the lady?”

“Hold your tongue, Sarmatian. I won’t hesitate to kill you.” Octavia glared at the Sarmatian.

“Why do you deny it, Meleagant? The tales of your desire to own her are known by us at the settlement. And you lost your battle to Lancelot not once but twice.” Slaine sneered at the other. “You are pathetic.”

“Enough of the squabbles among the few of you. We have a battle ahead and I need the strength of all.” Mordred cut in. “If Lancelot is not with Arthur, then we may win with ease.”

“Lancelot…” Octavia cursed at the name. It did not matter then, for soon after Lancelot left the Green Knight, he rode back to his village and met the elders there.

“We are well, Lawnslot. We heard that you had done well at Camelot.” The leader of the elderly spoke. “Many of the young ones wanted to emulate you but there are some who had reservations on you riding with the Roman leader.”

“I did ride with Arthur or rather he was known as Artorius the Prime Pilus. We fought for the land and defeated the Anglo Saxons.” Lancelot smiled.

“You did, Lancelot but why are you back?” One of the elderly asked.

“I had come to say goodbye for I am to ride the land on my own. I am not in the service of Arthur.” Lancelot declared himself.

“Then you have not heard that Arthur is battling Mordred for Camelot.” The leader of the elderly spoke. “There are some young ones that had taken to ride there. They fight for Arthur.”

“Fools!” Lancelot snapped out. “Do they know the bloodshed and death in battles?”

“No, Lancelot. They know not but they knew that once before a man named Lawnslot fought for their land. They believed in that hero. Now they will fight Mordred for he had brought in others to battle on our land.” 

“I must stop them.” Lancelot looked at the elders. “Where are they headed”

“Camlann.” Lancelot was told and as he was to mount his horse, he was met by a servant from Lady Elaine.

“Master Sir Lancelot, I bring you dire news. Lady Elaine was told that Lady Guinevere is held against her will at the Manor of Meleagant.”

Lancelot stood there in anger. He had left the love of his in the care of the nuns, and she had escaped being capture by the one person he detests the most.




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