Saturday, July 17, 2021

Arthur II Book IV Chapter 24


“Lady Guinevere, I feared your stay with us may be over.” The Mother Superior looked at the lady. The other shuddered at the revelation of her name and the soon departure.

“Your heart and soul remain at unease even here. We have offered you meditation and prayers but we cannot quell what there is inside you.” Mother Superior then told her. “Your knight not far from us here made inquiries of you.”

“I do apologize, Mother Superior. I will take my leave here and will not disturb the peace here.” Guinevere stood and then bowed to the Mother Superior.

“Before you, let me tell you that Arthur is back. He is alive and reclaim on Camelot which was rightfully his.”

“Reclaim? I don’t understand.” Guinevere was then given the brief on the situation at Camelot. She was stunned by the outcome and offered to leave immediately. She left a request to the Mother Superior.

“Lancelot must not know of my departure. I will take the other exit and be on my way.” Guinevere's wish was agreed and she rode towards Meleagant’s villa near the wall on the return of her horse.

Just as then Arthur reached the wall and was greeted by the Centurion. He was given shelter and then they discussed what had happened.

“Mordred sat on your throne with Morgan Le Fay as his adviser. There is one other, Morgause Le Fay too.” Marius told Arthur. They were accompanied by Merlin and Belvedere.

“Witches they are.” Merlin cut in. “I must warn the Ladies in the Lake.”

“Hold your action, druid. Let me hear more.” Arthur looked at Marius. “Who rides with Mordred?”

The names were read and the alliance with the other Lords and Chiefs.

“So, the Elders are also with Mordred. What of Lord Bors?” Arthur asked.

“Lord Bors is with Percival and Galahad on the quest to retrieve the Grail, Arthur.” Merlin reminded the other.

“Yes…. Yes. He was sent. What of…” Arthur felt the reluctance to say the name.

“We have no news of Lancelot,” Marius said. “However, we have the Optio here.”

“Lamorak is here? He is unwell. How did you travel here?” Arthur asked.

“The Legion taught us many skills, and even in sickness, we can fight when needed. The Optio is a good legionnaire to hold in the rank.” Marius smiled. “He can’t walk but he can still wield the sword.”

It was a celebration for the Legionnaires’ leaders but not so for Jaseth when he met Lancelot.

“How did you find me, Green Knight?” Lancelot stood at the doorway to the hut. “I have not been out.”

“My name is Jaseth.” The knight had removed his helmet. “I came to meet you to return to Camelot.”

“Why should I? Arthur is not my King anymore.” Lancelot said.

“Arthur is not at Camelot. He is said to have died and Mordred took over but now the news that Arthur is alive. He went to Normandy to battle King Lot and had returned victorious.”

“Good on him then, and I am not returning to him. He can still be King…” Lancelot was cut off by Jaseth.

“You did not hear me well? Arthur is no more King. Mordred has taken over Camelot. Arthur had returned to battle Mordred.”

“Then I shall join Mordred as his knight,” Lancelot told Jaseth. “I will not serve Arthur anymore.”

“If you do that, you have to battle me now.” Jaseth dismounted. “We will fight on foot. Sword to sword or it can be a sword to a halberd.”

Lancelot stepped back into the hut and retrieved his sword. He had not carried Arondight for some time and then the familiar feeling came back to his arms. He stepped outside and faced the other knight. Jaseth offered him the shield while he held the halberd.

“I will fight you without the shield,” Lancelot said. He charged at Jaseth and the other sidestepped on the attack. Lancelot turned and swung the sword which Jaseth retreated to avoid.

“You are out of practice, Lancelot.” Jaseth mocked the knight when Lancelot resumed his attack. His moves were not clumsy but he was out of practice. Jaseth blocked the sword with the halberd and then took on the attack. Lancelot was retreating on the long reach of the halberd and then he stumbled to fall on his hunches.

“You are indeed out of practice.” Jaseth laughed. Lancelot stood up holding Arondight to support him. He felt himself out of breath and the sword heavy on his arms. 

“I will suggest a parlay on the duel. We can rest and resumed later.” Jaseth smiled. “I am also in need of some food and drinks.”

The news of the sighting on Guinevere soon reached the ears of Octavia Meleagant. He took to his horse to find her. He intercepted Guinevere at the forest.

“Guinevere, we were concerned about you. Where did you go?” Octavia asked.

“Tell me, who sits at Camelot now?” Guinevere made her question directly to the other.

“Mordred.” Octavia later told her the whole tale. “I joined in because I was concerned about you. If I was there, I would know of your whereabouts and even protect you there.”

“I have to see Mordred. He will listen to me.” Guinevere turned her horse towards Camelot but Octavia stopped her.

“Mordred may not. He hardly knows you.”

“He will I if I am to tell him that Arthur is not dead but back here on the land.”

The news of Arthur stirred up many allies to visit him at the wall at Falkirk. It was east of Carriden near Bo'ness on the Forth and to the west is Old Kilpatrick on the Clyde. It was where Marius had established his base to patrol the wall.

The fort held a small area with several buildings, made of stone and clay. There was the commander's house, the barracks, the headquarters, the bathhouse, and a granary. It was protected by the eighteen feet turf ramparts and surrounded by defensive ditches.

The news of Arthur’s return had sparked on the wall, and many had arrived with compliments and gifts to see for themselves the so-named King.

“Was he not a Roman leader before?” Arthur heard the comment and replied to them.

“I stand before you still as Arthur. I hold Excalibur in my oath to reunite the land.” Arthur looked to Marius. “The Ninth Cohort will be our ally too.”

It was agreed beforehand between Arthur and Marius that he will spare the Auxiliaries of over a hundred strong to Arthur.

“You will have them and you will pay them as well as feed them. I have no use for them.” Marius told Arthur. With that Arthur's strength grew and he had Belvedere to train them.

It was not good news to Mordred when he was told of that by his spies.

“Damn the Legion. How can they accept back Arthur when he turned his back on them?” Mordred was seated at the round table with his mother at his side.

“Do not fear, Mordred. However huge the army the Arthur could muster up, we will have the same strength to battle him.” Morgan said. She then looked at Morgause. “Am I not right, Sister?”

“Yes, my dear sister,” Morgause replied. She looked at the portal in the forest where she could visit the six soldiers that she had held command over. They were dead men but raise by her.

“Immortuos soldiers, do as per command.” The six undead soldiers took to their task. Morgause looked at Morgan. “I have raised a hundred of them. Dead soldiers of the past and their souls are still here. They will heed my command from the appointed six soldiers, and when needed use to battle our enemies.”

“They shall then.” Morgan smiled. “Assign them the task of deposing the Sisters of the Lake.”

“Yes, it will be our task.” It was then the servants called on the arrival of Lord Bors.

“I returned from Sarras.” Lord Bors looked at the King when he stepped into the castle. “Is it true that Arthur is dead?”

“I fear it is.’ Mordred replied. “And welcome back, Sir Bors. Did you bring back the Grail?”

“No, I did not.” Lord Bors. “I have failed. So did Percival and Galahad. They remained at Sarras.”

“What lies you speak, knight?” It was Morgan who cut in. “I can read your mind. You may not have the Grail but you held the sword that named Balin in your hands.”

“I do not have it anymore.” Lord Bors reached for his sword. He was then thrown back by the spell cast by Morgan. He struck the wall and fell.

“He does not have it and I can’t find it. It’s well hidden from my sight.” Morgan told Mordred. “Imprison him for now while I searched the sword.”



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